The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Born to Arab parents in Poland
Should Polish bands and singers sing in Polish or English?
17 - Must be it. Thanks, jon!...

LanguageMiloslaw - 22 May 2024Lyzko - 23 May 2024
Terms of endearment in Polish  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
222 - Dated or simply examples of a period piece, kind of like a somewhat earlier E.M. Foster....

LanguageJedeane Macdonald - 9 Feb 2006Lyzko - 23 May 2024
Kashubians are nation in Poland?  2  3  4  5
Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ?  2  3  4  5
Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary
Best Polish Primary school in Wroclaw for Foreigners
Issues understanding "to go" verb in Polish language
18 - Amen!...

LanguageLecrede - 6 May 2018Lyzko - 21 May 2024
Identify the artists for these paintings? Appears to be 19th or 20th century painting
"Do you drink vodka?" (generally, not NOW) equals "pijesz wódke?" in Polish?
10 - Thank you, Mr. Bond! LOL...

Languagebond - 29 Jan 2015Lyzko - 20 May 2024
A similar expression in Polish?
2 - Entirely possible, although I'm not a native speaker....

Languageneelie - 20 May 2024Lyzko - 20 May 2024
The Best Things About Poland
24 - insect-friendly...

Lifecitizen67 - 21 Feb 2013Alien - 19 May 2024
The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  ...  94  95  96
2874 - Who are "His thugs". Until your government tell you otherwise....

LawMatt32 - 18 Oct 2010jon357 - 19 May 2024
Which nations do Poles like the most / the least?  2  3  4  5
150 - If you Google a list of things made or invented there, you'll be surprised....

LifeGeneral Italia - 2 Dec 2007jon357 - 19 May 2024
Charakterystyczne błedy popełnione przez obcokrajowców - razem, je wyeliminujemy!
'Lubię ten kobieta...' - Is this in proper grammar?
9 - "I like this woman" is actually " lubię tą kobietę"....

LanguageWitamy - 22 Jan 2012Alien - 18 May 2024
Confirmation of citizenship - recent waiting time?
Appeal for refusal of residence permit in Poland
Info about: Miroslaw Karpinski, married Hilda Hollyhead. He died 1955 in Blackpool
3 - Did you find any information out about Miroslaw Karpinski?...

GenealogyKarl Karpinski - 26 Oct 2014Cat123 - 18 May 2024
jedzie ? ci ludzie ? czym ?
11 - Dlaczego przepraszasz. MasterSolivagus?...

Languageindy912 - 7 Dec 2014Lyzko - 18 May 2024
Czy moi przodkowie byli Polakami?
9 - No, wszystko w porzadku,?...

Po polskuChrobry - 4 Jun 2017Lyzko - 18 May 2024
Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center  2  3  4  5  6
Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2  2  3  4  5
143 - Mam nadzieję, że pożałujesz swojej uwagi. Witam Order Orła Białego....

Po polskuNovichok - 19 Mar 2022MasterSolivagus - 17 May 2024
Lepiej powiedzieć "ślepy nie jestem" czy "nie jestem ślepy" i dlaczego?
kiedy i tam
Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  ...  20  21  22
645 - Feminism destroys everything... Feminism RUINED dating....

Lifeking polkagamon - 30 Mar 2010Novichok - 17 May 2024
Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ?  2  3
Slovak PM Robert Fico assassinated - How this affects Poland ?
Slovakia - Poland's neglected neighbour?  2  3
Was Legionella in Poland a biological weapon attack?