The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Learn about the nuances of relationships with Polish men or women. Dating tips and marriage advice. No ads! (page 3)

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× Polish women: what do you think of Polish men? Physically unattractive?  2  3  4  5  6
Divorced a Cheating Polish Wife  2  3
Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive?  2  3  4
Different culture towards having sex
Are all Polish guys like this  2
Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women  2
She's muslim and I am christian, will it ever work? Has anyone had similar experiences  2  3
63 - How Serbian talk to his very young son in situations like this > Instagram situation > Son >...

Love___limak____readreverse - 8 Mar 2021 Crow - 20 Mar 2021
Girl from Poland - how to bring her back  2
About Marriage agencies In Poland
20 - @Emran Polygamy isn't allowed in Poland. Try Sweden instead....

Loveswissi - 18 Jul 2013 Poloniusz - 25 Feb 2021
× Incels in Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
299 - The hair can get caught in the defibrillator with astonishing results....

Lovejon357 - 17 Feb 2021 jon357 - 22 Feb 2021
× How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women?  2  3  4  5  6
× Is rape so common in Poland?  2  3  4
Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland?
Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58
In your opinion, what do Polish men think of slightly larger women?
18 - Curvy from food or injections?...

LoveRedrobin1989 - 16 Apr 2015 Novichok - 20 Nov 2020
Google: Polish women "easier" than English women - official!  2
52 - Jesus. DEEESE freds...

LoveSidliste_Chodov - 31 Oct 2011 JacekthePole - 20 Nov 2020
Polish women are angel
My wife has been secretly sending money back to Poland
English Guy/Polish Women - what makes her tick?
Making My Polish Girlfriend Feel Like She Is At Home At Christmas  2  3
I do not understand this Polish girl, is she playing with me? :( , I am Belgian boy
What can I do so that this Pole will love me? Why does he act like a hero and then breaks my heart?
Are the Polish the most suspicious people in Europe?  2  3
Age difference in Dating a Polish - Is it ok for Man 27years to date Polish Lady 39years?
19 - Of course. A lot of younger males dream about such relationships....

LoveLovePolishLady - 29 Jul 2013 pawian - 3 Jul 2020
Recommendations for live wedding bands in different cities in Poland.  2
36 - jurekband .pl based in gdansk...

Lovetchurton - 16 Aug 2014 Richthecat - 25 Jun 2020
Does Polish guy hide his divorce usually?
What to do for my PL girlfriend on her name day?
My Polish bf cheated on me with a black girl  2
45 - Okay so how is this thread a thing almost a decade after the original post? In any case,...

Lovecharmbracelet02 - 30 Jun 2012 arealpolishreply - 25 Apr 2020
Why do Polish guys stare a lot? And what does that mean?
Age difference, my Polish girl is 23 and I am 39  2
Why do so many Polish girls dye their hair BLACK?  2  3  4  5
Black girls in Poland - websites, or places where I can find them?
Do Polish men date black women??  2  3
Polish girls and traditions (esp. between mother in laws and daughter in laws)  2
45 - Yes, in Poland daughters-in-law should even call their in-laws mum and dad....

LoveNeharika - 9 Mar 2011 pawian - 19 Mar 2020
Polish guy offered me money for sex
18 - No. Males like you. hahaha I don`t think it is so bad. :):)...

LoveAllura - 9 Dec 2017 pawian - 18 Mar 2020
Turkish girl & Polish guy marriage. Will his parents ever accept me as a non Christian female?  2
Polish women are complicated. Why?  2
Are Polish still very traditional when it comes to relationships?  2
How do Polish girls like to be asked and what sort of first dates are preferred?
17 year old English girl with a 25 year old Polish man?
Polish Pet Names For Girls.  2  3  4  5  6
156 - Don`t Americans say Froggy - Żabciu/Żabko ? Strange....

LoveCoinDran - 29 Oct 2008 pawian - 7 Mar 2020
Polish girls and contraceptives  2  3
Hispanic girl Polish guy
9 - Was it written in the Book for nought? : Therefore a man shall leave his father and...

LoveBeautyful_souls - 29 Dec 2015 pawian - 18 Feb 2020
How do guys from Poland flirt?  2
Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married)  2  3  4  5
Looking for a Polish love song  2  3

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