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Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women

madjanus1  1 | 4
30 Jul 2013   #1
Hi Folks,

I am really looking forward to understand how polish people acts during a relantionship. I work with some polish guys and I dated one of them. Everything was fine between me and him but suddendly he broke up with me and told me he has a girlfriend in Poland. I have noticed that the other polish men who work with me are also married in Poland but they have "girlfriends" in my country. How can do they manage it? Women notice when the husband/boyfriend are cheating them, so how they still being married?

In the polish culture do the girls accept adultery? Is it normal in Poland that men have several women? In my country its a big scandal when a man cheats his wife. 99% of women from my country would forgive the husband if he cheats her. Are the polish girls only interested in money thats why they dont care about loyalty?

In my situation my polish "boyfriend" works one month in my country and one month in Poland, what I think is more strange is that he talks to me all the time when he is in my country, he stays with me all nights. I have never noticed him answering phones calls and etc. Is it normal for polish couples do not contact each other when they are far away? Polish girls are not romantic? Dont they believe in love?
pierogi2000  4 | 226
30 Jul 2013   #2
Women notice when the husband/boyfriend are cheating them

- In a long distance marriage?
OP madjanus1  1 | 4
30 Jul 2013   #3
Sure, if the man is not all the time avaliable...far away the woman will try contact during night to be sure everything is ok...
pierogi2000  4 | 226
30 Jul 2013   #4
Yeah but "man is working hard to bring food to the table". In this scenario woman accepts stuff like

"I was working late tonight"
"Sorry, I was extra tired from work. Fell asleep"
"I went out with the guys to relax"
OP madjanus1  1 | 4
30 Jul 2013   #5
Ok, but are the girls ok about adultery or not? Is it a big deal for polish girls?
30 Jul 2013   #6
Let me put it this way: he wouldn't accept his wife even speaking to another man, no matter how rubbish a husband he was.

And to answer your question, some Polish men consider any lie worth telling....
kaz200972  2 | 229
30 Jul 2013   #7
It's not really a question of whether Polish women accept adultery, both the men and women are equally guilty of committing adultery, it's not one gender alone and it's not exclusive to Poles. Where you get any group of people who work away from their families for long periods of time it's a risk,people get lonely.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
30 Jul 2013   #8
Ok, but are the girls ok about adultery or not? Is it a big deal for polish girls?

Polish women are very strong and intelligent compared to others on the planet. My point was that they don't know. Do very poor and uneducated Polish women turn the other cheek and ignore the signs....sure it occurs.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
30 Jul 2013   #9
I have experienced the following a few times now.
Although it was clear to them I am married, a number of Polish women have decided to put me in their sites and given me notice of it as well. I have managed to escape these situations with a clear conscience but I have been tripped up by their forwardness, it would be like a man tempting a woman on a diet with a gourmet dessert.

Basically I have noticed that, with Polish women anyhow, whether or not a man is married makes little difference to them, if they want his sting then they make it abundantly clear.
bostonbill1982  - | 12
30 Jul 2013   #11
So, so true mate, it's almost as if you're more fit because you're taken!
I married a Polish girl of Romany descent, when we were first going out, some of the Polish woman I worked with couldn't keep away and I'm not Brad Pitt!!!

We split up for quite a while (long story), the attention was just ordinary, when we got back together, they were all over me again, we got married in June and it's like I'm sex god or something WTF???
local_fela  17 | 172
30 Jul 2013   #12

I'm not Brad Pitt!!!

same thing I said a year ago! everyone was mocking me! :/
Kowalski  7 | 621
30 Jul 2013   #13
-In the polish culture do the girls accept adultery?
Yes. Although it is a sin for most it would be enough to confess your sins and be forgiven.

-Is it normal in Poland that men have several women?
Most do. It depends if they can afford it.

-In my country its a big scandal when a man cheats his wife. 99% of women from my country would forgive the husband if he cheats her. Are the polish girls only interested in money thats why they dont care about loyalty?

Money is more important, loyalty in that sense is not valued at all.

-Polish girls are not romantic? Dont they believe in love?
They are romantic and they do believe in love, yet only because they read about it. It doesn't come out naturally. In other words: if they didn't read about it they wouldn't feel it. Anyway they don't feel it, they'd rather intellectualize it and make profit out of it.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
30 Jul 2013   #14
Ok, but are the girls ok about adultery or not? Is it a big deal for polish girls?

It all depends on your point of view, do you consider divorce court a big deal? Usually that's how it ends.

And to answer your question, some Polish men consider any lie worth telling....

You're well on your way of becoming full-fledged Pole then.

Where you get any group of people who work away from their families for long periods of time it's a risk,people get lonely.

Temptation, temptation every way I look.

we got married in June and it's like I'm sex god or something WTF???

Ah, the fun of being tested, I miss those days.
local_fela  17 | 172
31 Jul 2013   #15
They are romantic and they do believe in love

Well, lucky those who met girls who are actually romantic. my current gf is 'trying to improve' in being romantic koz im that sort of person. But hats off to her vast improvement in these few months.

However, all the girls I've had in Poland, they ain't that much of a romantic person. Rare to find girls who are more of a 'family' type specially in Krakow.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
31 Jul 2013   #16
^ No kidding, it seems like every woman I've ever met in Krakow wanted to get down pronto. Maybe it's something in the water over there.
OP madjanus1  1 | 4
2 Aug 2013   #17
Probably men are guilty. It seems polish men are never honest to their girlfriends/wife so how can the women be romantic living in a place like this?
Englishman  2 | 276
2 Aug 2013   #18
I'm surprised that a man lucky enough to be dating or married to a Polish woman would want to be unfaithful.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
2 Aug 2013   #19
I don't like the attitude that it's all their fault, "their" meaning Polish men's or Polish women's. That kind of thinking is a bit divisive and imo isn't accurate anyhow.

Some women take it too far and some men don't know when to apply the brakes. Either way the whole thing goes out of control and off the road.
Polson  5 | 1767
2 Aug 2013   #20
It seems polish men are never honest to their girlfriends/wife

Based on 'some Polish guys' you work with?
Be careful, this could be considered trolling ;)

Actually, there are few Polish men on here. Most of the people on PF are Americans and Brits. Now maybe American and British guys don't treat their ladies well, not here to judge ;)
3 Aug 2013   #21
Ridiculous thread title!
Why would adultery be ok for Polish women? Or women from any other country?
Why would any woman think it's ok to be cheated on?
Unless of course they weren't too bothered about their husbands/partners in the first place.
pawian  226 | 27364
3 Aug 2013   #22
polish men who work with me are also married in Poland but they have "girlfriends" in my country.

I didn`t know there are so many Poles in Colombia as you wrote in your profile. Funny. :):)

Is it normal in Poland that men have several women?

Of course, it only depends on how many cows you are able to offer... Some farmers have a lot of cows.....:)

In my country its a big scandal when a man cheats his wife

Hey, decide at last: big scandal or forgiveness. You seem to contradict yourself.

Ridiculous thread title!

It is the same old silly story about Polish women posted from time to time in PF, those phrases about girls and money betray all the trolls and their attempts:

Are the polish girls only interested in money thats why they dont care about loyalty?


Are the polish girls only interested in money thats why they dont care about loyalty?

It only intrigues me why posters fall for that crap and reply at all. I don`t think they are so stupid as to not realise what is really going on.

Probably they do realise but they pretend they don`t and contribute anyway.... Why??? :):):)

And to answer your question, some Polish men consider any lie worth telling....

Harry, you have replied in the same way hundreds times in dozens similar threads. Aren`t you tired??? :):):)

Most do. It depends if they can afford it.

Cows, cows, cows!!! :):)
OP madjanus1  1 | 4
9 Aug 2013   #23
Wait, i didnt mean the polsih girls are promiscuous or stupids. Its unecessary feel offended. My question was based on polish men behavior. its so common seen a polish men on adultery I thought it was accepted by women. Icannot believe they cant notice what is so obvious. I don't know any polish girl to make a judgment so thats why i made the question here. My judgment is based on men.
Meathead  5 | 467
9 Aug 2013   #24
Pam, your English and English women embrace love quite easily.
9 Aug 2013   #25
No more ridiculous than the usual threads "Polish girls are the most beautiful of the world" or "British girls are ugly and fat" that we regularly read in pf so nothing new! Generalizing a whole group based upon a couple of personal examples is obviously plain stupidity.
9 Aug 2013   #26
married in Poland but they have "girlfriends" in my country. How can do they manage it?

How exactly do you think a wife/girlfriend back in Poland is going to know if her husband/partner is cheating on her in a different country?

And so for that reason you think I am more likely to disagree with adultery? I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this.
sa11y  5 | 331
9 Aug 2013   #27
its so common seen a polish men on adultery

I worked for a big multinational company which used to bring a lot of expats to Poland.
Mainly from UK and Japan. Most of them married. I don't think even single one of them over the period of 3 years I worked there was ever faithful to his wife.

All had their little Polish girlfirends. They would go back home, switch the SIM cards in their phone and live happily with his wife and kids, and then go back to Poland and carry on as usual.

Do you think those English and Japanese wifes of thos men knew and accepted their adultry?
Or rather they didn't know?
Is this any different to behaviour of Polish men you met?
I don't know about Columbian men, but I used to have Brazillian friends. They were far from faithful... Both men and women...
pawian  226 | 27364
9 Aug 2013   #28
Most of them married.

It is simple - they couldn`t resist.

But Polish males going abroad is another matter. They can resist easily.
Meathead  5 | 467
11 Aug 2013   #29
And so for that reason you think I am more likely to disagree with adultery?

Yes, but if they do it's for love.
Adamai  - | 1
21 Jun 2018   #30
There are many many Polish old women (40-50 years old) who visit Hurghada, Egypt, periodically so as to have sex with Egyptian younger men. They don't need love or feelings, but just sex! I have seen this with my own eyes! They are just W H O R E S and confess in public of doing adultery! Polish women are not polite at all, they are aggressive and vulgar! Polish man rejects and divorces his polish wife after a short period of marriage! polish woman does not respect her man/boyfriend!

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