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Do Polish men date black women??

26 May 2013   #1
I started a new job a few months ago and there's a very attractive Polish guy. We talk occasionally but if we're on our own we're font speak or it feels awkward... a couple of months back we had a meeting and he seemed to consciously sit as far away from me as possible...walking straight passed the empty seats near me and walking all the around to the other side of the table?!?? We exchange glances and on on occasion he was staring at me... This has never happened to me at work before

RagazzaCaraibi  1 | 2
29 May 2013   #2
Of course they do, however this one (your co-worker) doesn't seem to be interested. But I'm sure you'll find someone who is. :)
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
29 May 2013   #3
Interesting for a black woman to give herself the profile name adamski! [I am assuming she is black from the topic title]
Kamrowski  - | 4
3 Jun 2013   #4
maybe he is shy and doesnt know how to initiate contact.. thats why you catch him staring? i dunno i am speculating.
Greatest  - | 1
13 Jun 2013   #5
I am mixed race and my polish bf likes me,but I look fairly white,poland is homogenous country with mostly white people I don't know how they feel about dating black girls but some definately like them.

he avoided you this means he does not like you ,and maybe sensed that you like him,but sometimes you know when I'm shy I avoid people I like so I can't tell for sure.
Dziadostwo  - | 5
14 Jun 2013   #6
Both of my brothers have dated black women. One of them dates Blacks, Asians, and Indians almost exclusively. I personally have only been with Polish women; not that I am against mixing, I find many black women quite attractive. However I am my family's last chance to preserve a long line of pure Polish blood, which tends to be of great importance to a large number of Polish men. In addition, I will be honest in the fact that many Poles are racist and their families aren't accepting of their sons or daughters pursuing relationships with another race. My brother caught hell with the parents (and especially Babcia and Dziadziu) when bringing his black girlfriend to Wigilia (Christmas Eve family feast).
19 Jun 2013   #7
i know a polish girl married to a black guy. They have a 8 years old boy who speak fluent polish and he is black but live with grandmother in poland. I think also goes to school there. so if a black boy can go to polish school in Poland i don't think there is a problem.

People living in poland are really good better then polish living in the UK. I don't know why but i find it strange. I am brown skin asian too but i find it's more easy to make friends with polish guys/girls in Poland then in the UK.
black women
5 Nov 2013   #8
OH DO THEY EVER!!! Some are scared and some just don't care what people say. Good luck.
Oliver009  - | 1
6 Nov 2013   #9
Women's intuition is right, without thinking too much,Of course they do!
8 Dec 2013   #10
Merged: Do Polish men date black women?

I'm a black professional woman in London and I've always wondered whether polish men date black women?

I always see polish women with black men but not the other way round.

I think maybe the men are more reserved and prefer to stay with their own race. Am I correct?
Wulkan  - | 3136
8 Dec 2013   #11
I think maybe the men are more reserved and prefer to stay with their own race. Am I correct?

sort of
16 Dec 2013   #12
Merged: Dating a Polish guy

I am an African American a and find my Polish friend attractive. Do Polish guys date black girls? How do I know that he is interested in me? How do I get him to ask me out on a date?
13 Jan 2014   #13
As a Polish man I can tell You that many Poles would love to date black women :) Even if they don't say it loudly :)
2 Sep 2014   #14
Well to answer your question, I live in london. Am nigerian (full african woman) and my husband is polish from WÄ…growiec
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
2 Sep 2014   #15
i am sure they would if they had half a chance
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 Sep 2014   #16
I can see there is a lot of hate in you, sad...
Wroclaw Boy
2 Sep 2014   #18
Yeah Wulkan, why?
Bieganski  17 | 888
3 Sep 2014   #19
i am sure they would if they had half a chance

You seem to be suggesting that Polish women are inadequate to be partners, wives and mothers for Polish men. But this simply isn't true.

Statistically few black women choose to date and marry white men when it comes to interracial couplings even when both are living in multiracial societies.
Wulkan  - | 3136
3 Sep 2014   #20
Why, Wulkan, why?

Yeah Wulkan, why?

I don't know, we can only speculate to the reason...
szczecinianin  4 | 317
3 Sep 2014   #21
Wulkan appears to be against miscegenation, like a redneck American from the Deep South or a South African under apartheid. His views on race-mixing and the imagined hierarchy of races are highly amusing. I'd love to hear more.
Wulkan  - | 3136
3 Sep 2014   #22
Wulkan appears to be against miscegenation

You appear to have an incredible talent for drawing wrong conclusions. This is probably the reason for no one reading your blog, it's simply not reliable source of information.

His views on race-mixing and the imagined hierarchy of races are highly amusing.

Do you mind qouting this, well of course you do cause I have never said anything like this... so pathetic of you.
szczecinianin  4 | 317
3 Sep 2014   #23
^If I got it wrong, then please explain your objection to what rozumiemnic wrote.^

You seem to be suggesting that Polish women are inadequate to be partners, wives and mothers for Polish men. But this simply isn't true.

No, she doesn't. What you have just written 'simply isn't true'.
Bieganski  17 | 888
4 Sep 2014   #24
No, she doesn't.

How do you know?

What you have just written 'simply isn't true'.

Then prove it.
szczecinianin  4 | 317
4 Sep 2014   #25
Then prove it.

The evidence is what Rozumiemnic wrote. She wasn't suggesting what you said she was suggesting. You cannot ask someone to prove a negative.
4 Sep 2014   #26
You seem to be suggesting that Polish women are inadequate to be partners, wives and mothers for Polish men. But this simply isn't true.

In fact the exact reverse is true, as non-Polish men in Poland can tell you.

How do you know?

We know roz. And we (including roz) know Polish people.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Sep 2014   #27
LOL that is what I love about this forum - you write some flip little comment and get accused of all sorts and have everyone frothing at the mouth.

Totes hilair
I just based my comment on personal experience.
szczecinianin  4 | 317
4 Sep 2014   #28
^In that case, Roz, are you black, and do many Polish men have the hots for you?^
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Sep 2014   #29
Roz is a beautiful name ...
Wroclaw Boy
4 Sep 2014   #30
In terms of black women and their attractiveness i would say that like for like with their white counterparts its harder to find an attractive one. The ass may be sexy in their youth but that thing can turn into quite an eye sore later on.

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