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How eager are young Polish men (23-35) to date young Ukrainian women in Poland and subsequently start families

25 Apr 2020 #1
The title says it all really - It is a question I have been wondering about and could not find any up to date statistics on the topic. From your experience and observation, how common or uncommon is it for young Polish men to choose young Ukrainian women as their spouses. How common is it for them to start families? What factors are important here?
Spike31 3 | 1602
26 Apr 2020 #2
What factors are important here?

Age, looks nad femininity. Women marry men for their social standing and resources. Men marry women for their youth and fertility.
30 Apr 2020 #3
Very eager I think
16 May 2020 #4
In fairness I think a lot of men, foreigners and Poles alike, are eager to go out with Ukrainian women, but even before quarantine you were all hard to find, as in there is not usually a time and place to 'find a Ukrainian girlfriend' aside from random encounters or a long stay in Ukraine itself. This is because in Poland, most local women are already settled down very early anyways, so Ukrainian women are seen as equally attractive, intelligent, probably more open minded marriage-material alternatives. Oh well, too bad.

Home / Love / How eager are young Polish men (23-35) to date young Ukrainian women in Poland and subsequently start families

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