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About Marriage agencies In Poland

swissi  7 | 24
18 Jul 2013   #1
Hi Everyone.
Is the like marriage agencies in Poland , that single people who would like to get married meet there?
If not What's the best way to find Polish singles?

Many Thanks.
3 Jun 2014   #2
The best way of finding Polish singles? Probably by becoming a full-time (or part-time) student and/or living in one of the Poland's university cities like Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdanks, and other big ones ;). Marriage agencies - watch for Eastern European girls who barely speak Polish posing as Polish women ;).
29 Nov 2017   #3
Hi Everyone, I'm James living in Berlin . I am a student in Germany but suspended my studies due to some problems and currently seeking asylum Here in Berlin. I have a Polish girl living and working in Poland. She is married and has a kid. But unfortunately, her husband left them more than 10 years ago and he doesn't takes care of them. He is no where to be found and no communication between them. Now the lady is seeking for devorce so that we can marry. so my questions are...

1. How long does it takes to issue devorce papers when a kid is involved .
2. How possible it is for us to get married ?
3. Can someone please recoment a marriage agency or a lawyer who knows much about this and can possible help us. Thanks and looking forward in reading from you guys.
29 Nov 2017   #4
1. How long does it takes to issue devorce papers when a kid is involved .

If he refuses to accept (or does not get) court papers, probably two to three years.

2. How possible it is for us to get married ?

No, not until her divorce is final.

Can someone please recoment a marriage agency or a lawyer who knows much about this and can possible help us.

It's going to be cheaper and easier for you to 'meet' a single Romanian/Bulgarian lady and 'romance' her.
James890  1 | 10
29 Nov 2017   #5
Hi Harry thanks for the feedback but in case the man receive court invitation, and he accepts or refuses, can the devorce be done and issued faster?
29 Nov 2017   #6
the man receive court invitation, and he accepts or refuses, can the devorce be done and issued faster?

Hi. I'm happy to help (and fear you may need all the help you can get). If he accepts the divorce petition, you're looking at maybe 12 to 18 months until she can get married. If he wants to drag it out, factor in four to six years. If you need a marriage faster, ask her to ask her friends who are not married; I'm not going to judge you.
James890  1 | 10
29 Nov 2017   #7
Thanks once more. I understand everything but she cant ask her friend to marry me because I guess she will not want to miss the romance( she will be looking for her own interest) actually this lady told me it will take just two to three months but guess she is playing games and waisting my time. If there ia any way you can help me then I will gladly appreciate it. Thanks
DominicB  - | 2706
30 Nov 2017   #8
She is playing game with you if she told you two or three months. If all goes well, it could take two years. If he is determined not to grant her a divorce and has a good lawyer, then it could drag out for many years, and cost her a lot of money and time. I suspect that you have volunteered to pay her attorney's fees. Don't fall for that. From what you have written, it will cost you a fortune. And when she does finally get the divorce, she will probably dump you.
James890  1 | 10
30 Nov 2017   #9
Hi thanks for your contribution. Indeed I have to pay for her lawyer's fees. Which ofcourse will cost me some cash but that's not the fact. I brought up the idea because I want more details about the whole process. from the look of things I can smell a rat. If you can help in any way , suggestions and more advice, I will be greatful.
DominicB  - | 2706
30 Nov 2017   #10

Yes, there is a BIG rat. She is using you to pay for her divorce, and will keep stringing you along to pay more and more as the case draws out. Once she gets the divorce, she will probably dump you. The best thing you can do is completely remove this woman from your life. Don't ever believe a single word she says. It's all lies. And don't let yourself feel sorry for her. She's a vicious predator. No good will ever come of any dealings with this woman, and you will lose a lot of money.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
30 Nov 2017   #11
Making men fall in love with them is women's greatest weapon. Once that takes place, they have them doing whatever they ask of them, including lots of money on them - it's like the men lose brain cells when they're in love.
James890  1 | 10
30 Nov 2017   #13
Thanks for writting. So what's your advice or suggestions
DominicB  - | 2706
30 Nov 2017   #14
Also, when you break of relations with her, just tell her to go away. Be firm. and, whatever you do, don't explain your actions no matter how much she insists. Once she manipulates you into explaining, she knows that you're a stupid sucker and that she can manipulate you into doing anything she wants.

So just say "Get out of my life" and leave it at that.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
30 Nov 2017   #15
Thanks for writting. So what's your advice or suggestions

Same as Dominic's - ditch her.
James890  1 | 10
30 Nov 2017   #16
Thanks once more. Your opinion Counts..
Polebilly2018  - | 2
2 Jan 2018   #17
Are there really any legitimate marriage agencies in Poland? Most dating web sites that I have used are loaded with frauds from Ghana and other parts of Africa.
DominicB  - | 2706
2 Jan 2018   #18
For mail-order brides? You won't find many Polish women going in for that sort of thing anymore. and those that do are far from the cream of the crop. Economic conditions have improved too much for that, and the draw of living in the US has gone down a bit since Poland joined the EU. Your chances are MUCH higher with Russian or Ukrainian women.
25 Feb 2021   #19
I want to marry with Polish girls
Poloniusz  4 | 852
25 Feb 2021   #20

Polygamy isn't allowed in Poland. Try Sweden instead.

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