The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Poles and expats share their views on living in Poland. Discuss Polish traditions, customs and culture. (page 8)

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Customs - First Holy Communion in Poland  2
Superstitions in Poland  2
Problems adjusting in Poland
Do you support Poland's frisk and search policy?
Traditions in a Polish Home
Communion money in Poland
Mulberry trees not only in Poland.
Polish TV is so goddamn awful!
Male and female gossip in Poland
Where to buy kettlebells in Poland and swinging pendulum bag?
Help me find this Polish band and song....  2  3  4
Do you know this Polish male model ?
Do Polish people have a good ear for music?  2  3
Are gas stoves a must in Poland?
When will SMOKING BE BANNED? (from public areas in Poland)  2
Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off  2
52 - My point exactly!...

LifeStrzelec35 - 29 Mar 2021 Lyzko - 31 Mar 2021
Anything like netflix in Poland?
27 - Ill check it out....

Lifefunk - 12 May 2010 Strzelec35 - 29 Mar 2021
Polish-Canadian wanting to move to Poland - trying to start a new life, make friends, combat depression etc.
Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland  2  3
Video games centers and culture in Poland
Why should the Polish all over the world wear red on St. Joseph's day?  2
What's the story with Nergal? (Singer from Behemoth)  2
Is cancer treatment in Poland covered free of cost or almost free of cost for people registered in NFZ/ZUS?
17 - Merged: If you get a job and are on unemployment medical care or nfz Do you really have...

Lifedevil_storage - 28 Jan 2021 Strzelec35 - 11 Mar 2021
Summer youth soccer near Lodz
Are there street gangs in Poland like in USA?
I think once Amazon arrives it will make Allegro totally irrelevant and bankrupt within a year
So I found out the guy I was prepping myself to fight in Warsaw
Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
370 - Polish pride? Szopen, for starters:-)...

Lifekastanedowski - 21 Sep 2010 Lyzko - 25 Feb 2021
Drugs in Warsaw  2  3  4
I love Poland, but...  2
Pączki Day--do Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme count?  2
Gyms in Warsaw  2
Synthesizers Manufactured in Poland?
Arts & Crafts Stores in Warsaw, Poland?
Covid vaccination for foreigners in Poland?
Single mothers in Poland  2  3  4  5  6
175 - I read it sometime ago so don't have all the links saved up but you can research it...

LifeInPolska - 21 Jul 2015 cruisepatron - 28 Jan 2021
Are hipster undercuts popular in Poland?
The best online shopping portal in Poland?  2
Are Poles suspicious of Facebook?  2
Internet access and cost in Krakow! Please help.
200zl mandat and 3 points for not wearing seatbelts?  2  3
Do Polish people have a problem saying "I don't know" or "no"?
Advice about hiring a mini excavator in the Kraków area?
How's life in Mielec?
How much money can I exchange in a single transaction at a Kantor?
Where can I find a Driving School/ Instructor in Krakow - English Speaking?
Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?.  2  3
Vandalism in Poland: Has it always been this way?  2  3
Unlocking Orange sim card Poland
Orphanages in Poland  2  3
82 - This information is impossible to obtain. Sorry....

LifeDutch - 2 Dec 2008 pawian - 31 Dec 2020
What do Poles do when they need Cash urgently (small sums)?
What do Polish people do for Holy Thursday?
6 - We celebrated the last one at home due to the pandemic threat....

LifePolonius3 - 1 Apr 2010 pawian - 22 Dec 2020
Anyone living in Szczecin? What's the city like?  2  3
69 - Adel does, do you know her ?...

Lifemoonlight - 23 Jun 2009 johnny reb - 17 Dec 2020
How can I convert Zloty to Indian rupee / transfer money from Poland to India?
Charity Shops in Poland - where are they? I've got some old clothes
13 - Merged: Where can i donate stuff in Krakow Have some things i'd like to get rid of...

Lifejames_warszawa - 4 Jan 2011 JacekthePole - 13 Dec 2020
Polish Ice Hockey
How much money to comfortably retire in Poland (a married couple)?  2
Poczta Polska Is Killing ME! Transit time.
To Poles: some food for thought  2
So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%?  2  3

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