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Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish?

nott  3 | 592
21 Sep 2010   #31
Inventor of a military rocket, 17th century. Wrote a book, went abroad, vanished without trace.

Edit: Polish achievements between the wars were impressive. Poland was destroyed just like after WW2.

Malinowski, famous anthropologist.

Rejewski, Żygalski, Różycki.

Polish school of mathematics, with Banach as a leader.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
22 Sep 2010   #32
paraffin lamp

Didn't some Arab guy actually invent it many years earlier?
nott  3 | 592
22 Sep 2010   #33
Oil, traditionally, is oil. Like 'unsaturated fat made from plants'. Oil lamp.
pgtx  29 | 3094
22 Sep 2010   #34
did you know that Poles invented a wheel and fire?
nott  3 | 592
22 Sep 2010   #35
isn't it a bit cheap, whadya think? I am struggling to find Polish pride in science, now you are accusing me of chauvinism? Too much for you that I can make a list of 10? Stupid Poles, right, mop and hammer, right?

FYI, there's more of Polish inventions in the military. Only I know the place, pride in weapons is nono here.

edit: All right. Gimme some links on the Arabic lamp, I'll go under the bench and bark it off.
Plastic Pole52  - | 67
22 Sep 2010   #36
Poland have more citizens than Australia or Canada, not mention Czech Rep. or Netherlands but the all of those have much more significant achivements in culture and science than Poland.

What kind of achivements Australians have?Crocodille Dundee?They even needed a Pole to discover highest mountain in Australia coz they couldn't find it themselves.
Ironside  50 | 12352
22 Sep 2010   #37
Well I don't like mr BMW but he got it in the nutshell - being proud of being (nationality) gives people sense of belonging, and sense of being a community.

I don't think that it is a bad thing.
f stop  24 | 2493
22 Sep 2010   #38
I don't think there is anything to be proud about being born in Poland, or having Polish parents.
Where, and to whom we are born is pure chance - not anything we actually did that we should be praised or condemned about.
Only the way we live our lives, the choices we make, the sacrifices we make for our families and how we treat others that can, legitimately, be something we can be proud about.
Ironside  50 | 12352
22 Sep 2010   #39
I don't think there is anything to be proud about being born in Poland, or having Polish parents.

maybe for you, you belong somewhere else .......
22 Sep 2010   #40
So you chose where when and with whom your parents copulated with, did you? Well, with powers like that you were always going to be born Polish anyway.
Ironside  50 | 12352
22 Sep 2010   #41
So you chose

So you didn't understand did you?
f stop  24 | 2493
22 Sep 2010   #42
Harry, I simply think that one should not take credit, or blame, for something that one had nothing to do with. Oops
plk123  8 | 4119
22 Sep 2010   #43
Don't say kartoflane!

that's right.. they are ziemniaczane.

As a Scot, I have to disagree. Poles have designed/invented some amazing things and have shown their ingenuity time and again.

AussieSheila  5 | 75
22 Sep 2010   #44
I'm surprised to see many poles calling themselves Aryan race, especially in Youtube videos comments sections. Is it because they are ashamed?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11714
22 Sep 2010   #45
I'm surprised to see many poles calling themselves Aryan race, especially in Youtube videos comments sections

I'm surprised too...
Do you have links for us?
22 Sep 2010   #46
I'm surprised to see many poles calling themselves Aryan race, especially in Youtube videos comments sections. Is it because they are ashamed?

I'm suprised to see many Australians calling themselves Arian race, especially in Youtube videos comments sections. Is it because you are ashamed?

How old are you Sheila?


Indian men will work their arse off to keep you locked up at home and be his housewife , while polish men will ***** you out to pay for his booze. Pick your choice.

Nice comment you racist *****, you should be blocked.
Don't you have any friends that you waste your time on posting studpid comments on forums? How pathetic you must be...
22 Sep 2010   #47
Polish achievements between the wars were impressive.

Józef Stanisław Kosacki (1909-1990) was a Polish engineer, inventor, and an officer in the Polish Army during World War II. He is best known as the inventor of the Polish mine detector, the first man-portable mine detector, whose basic design has been in use with various armies for over 50 years.

Ted Turner of CNN fame and overtly anti-Catholic promoter of eugenic population control, has made a joke about Polish mine detectors, when asked about Pope John Paul II. It is double funny that the real inventor was Polish.

"When a member of the audience asked him what he would say if he ever met the Pope, himself a Pole, Mr Turner said: "Ever seen a Polish mine-detector?" and pointed at his foot.

Jokes casting doubt on the intelligence of Poles are common in certain parts of the United States."

Poland is demanding a full apology from the American media magnate Ted Turner for telling a "Polish joke" at a function in Washington.

Deputy Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski described the joke as racist and said Mr Turner, vice-chairman of Time Warner, must apologise within a week or the government would withdraw funding from a special Time magazine edition on Poland in April.

Mr Turner made his joke during a speech to the National Family Planning and Reproductive Association in Washington.
Ironside  50 | 12352
22 Sep 2010   #48
"Ever seen a Polish mine-detector?" and pointed at his foot.

Let sent him a mine and ask to make a demonstration of his idea!
Teffle  22 | 1318
22 Sep 2010   #49
It could have been a lot funnier and not at all offensive.
22 Sep 2010   #50
but they like when it's offensive and not funny. You know the underneath supremancy has to have some way to come into surface. They can't offend African Americans, Asians or Jew anymore so they have other group of people to be their victim.
nott  3 | 592
22 Sep 2010   #51
Józef Stanisław Kosacki (1909–1990) was a Polish engineer, inventor, and an officer in the Polish Army during World War II. He is best known as the inventor of the Polish mine detector, the first man-portable mine detector, whose basic design has been in use with various armies for over 50 years.

Right, I forgot. He invented it while stationed in the UK, and it was first used in Africa with instant success. And then all over the world.

Polish electronics was top notch before the WW2, especially as comes to miniaturisation. I remember vaguely something about mini radio transmitters. Mini for the times, of course.

Then goes the whole railway technology of the period, including immaculate train scheduling. People setting up their watches by the passing train is not a legend. Sugar processing is another technological achievement of the times.

Military technology includes the anti-tank carbine, best of the kind, one cute patrol-boat for Polesie, the £oś bomber, and possibly Ironside will add a thing or two. Oh, of course, Wis, probably the best pistol of the war.

Actually I was thinking about it before, but we are speaking about science... pgtx prompted me now, so: poetry. And nobody ever will actually know it, for the obvious reason. And I don't care that some of the greatest poets were Jewish. Actually, it's yet another thing to be proud of. Not because of this anti/semitic thing, but in general.

and now zetigrek.

IT. Poles are good at it, and there's one name worht mentioning, Karpinski. The first desktop computer. That is, the first computer that would fit on the desktop. Without big consequences, but anyway.

The list may grow, and I know Poland will not surpass UK in technology, as goes for history, but what the heck. Nowadays it takes two Brits to change a bulb. Both with certificates.
22 Sep 2010   #52
I have a friend who is training horses. He likes to talk about Arabian horses who has been bred in Poland for nearly 7 centuries, and, according to him, are legendary.
nott  3 | 592
22 Sep 2010   #53
He likes to talk about Arabian horses who has been bred in Poland for nearly 7 centuries, and, according to him, are legendary.

That too. What I know about it, is connected with husaria. The unique type of horse, never met anywhere else, and the only one that could cope with the job. Thing is, however, that it never became a distinct breed, it was always, like, in the state of selection.

Poland is exporting Arabs, for good money.

And vodka.

And chocolate. Only Cadbury bought out Wedel.
22 Sep 2010   #54
And I don't care that some of the greatest poets were Jewish. Actually, it's yet another thing to be proud of. Not because of this anti/semitic thing, but in general.

Wisława Szymborska is world famouse and is 100% Polish.
Czesław Miłosz - poetry
Josef Conrad - novels
Tamara £empicka (half polish) - paintings
Agnieszka Holland (half polish, half polish-jewish) - movie director ("Europe, Europe", "The Secret Garden")
Krzysztof Kieślowski - move director
Andrzej Wajda - movie director
Magdalena Abakanowicz - sculptorer
Henryk Mitoraj - sculptorer
Wilhelm Sasnal - contemporary painter
Pola Negri - 20s, 30s Hollywood star
Stanisław Lem (partly jewish?) - s-f novels (Solaris)
many polish camera operators who work in Hollywood (yeap, polish film school is famous of it!)
many polish jazz musicians

These are the most famous poles but there is many more I could name but I'm bit tierd and going bed now.

There was a thread about Slavic / Poland art and I made pretty great contribution in that thread, feel welcome to pop in ;)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
22 Sep 2010   #55
that's right.. they are ziemniaczane.

They are both. But don't get me started, it's all been done before on here :)

Is it because you are ashamed?

Ashamed, because these ""real Aussies" haven't got a single drop of Aboriginal blood in them :D
nott  3 | 592
22 Sep 2010   #56
Wisława Szymborska is world famouse and is 100% Polish.

But I don't really like her. I am a fan of the early 20th century, then they really knew how to squeeze juice out of words, 100% organic. And half of them were lousy Jews, Tuwim in the lead. Brilliant.
22 Sep 2010   #57
Poland is exporting Arabs, for good money.

He goes to Janów Podlaski auction every year.

And chocolate.

No, Polish chocolate is not the best, just OK. Better than American cardboard anyway. I like Polish kasztanki

Tamara £empicka (half polish)

She was full Polish

Magdalena Abakanowicz - sculptorer

She was (is?) tapestry maker
22 Sep 2010   #58
Are there delicje cookies in other countries or is it an exclusive invention of Wedel?

She was full Polish

No. Father was a Russian Jew

She was (is?) tapestry maker

also. Still alive ;)

I've recently seen this in backfront of Warsaw Castle (her sculptors)

magda in warsaw
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
22 Sep 2010   #59
Are there delicje cookies in other countries or is it an exclusive invention of Wedel?

jaffa cakes are pretty much the same thing but i'm not sure what was first :/
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
22 Sep 2010   #60
This is one thing which Poland definitely does better - Jaffa Cakes are nice, but they are just orange, aren't they? Whereas Wedel's version comes in many (even better) flavours :)

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