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Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish?

rychlik  41 | 372
23 Sep 2010   #91
During the Swedish invasion they destroy us quite fast. And they tried to put some orders in place. Only to find out that the Poles are totally "unmanageable" .

Polish people like you should be eliminated. Always playing up the negative instead of the positive. Do you see other ethnic groups advertising their faults? Learn to put a positive spin on things and act like you're the best. Poland should just acquire nuclear weapons if they are so bleak about their past. Why not??
23 Sep 2010   #92
Polish people like you should be eliminated. Always playing up the negative instead of the positive. Do you see other ethnic groups advertising their faults? Learn to put a positive spin on things and act like you're the best.

why? I agree with enkidu. I've always thought that we Poles are the best in "robinie dobrej miny do złej gry" (translation needed) and I hate it. I really hate it. I hate people who are not frank and call things white when those things are black.

Poland should just acquire nuclear weapons if they are so bleak about their past. Why not??

Well nuclear weapen is not a subject of trade. Countries can't buy it just that... you know that, don't you? ;P ;D


Torq I heard you are not here anymore... ;DDDD
Qrot  - | 31
23 Sep 2010   #93
And we are so much more handsome!!!!

Well, you do have Steffi Graf - I'll give you that.

Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish?

I am not sure if "proud" is the right word and I can't speak for all Polish people, but, for
example, I had an opportunity of getting acquainted with great works of English and French
literature (in original languages) and I was able to compare them to the masterworks of Polish
writers. The conclusion that I drew was that Polish literary culture is of the same caliber and
quality as the aforementioned ones (despite centuries of opression, persecution and physical
elimination of our elites, artists, scientist etc.) and is less known worldwide, simply because it
is quite impossible to appreciate it without the knowledge of Polish language and culture.
It's similar as with Irish writers - we wouldn't hear about Joyce, Wilde, Becket or Yeats if they
had written only in Irish Gaelic. Polish writers, in most cases, wrote only in Polish.

Besides, we have survived over 1000 years as a nation, with common language, culture,
custom, traditions and feeling of national unity, surrounded by powerful enemies who were
trying either to assimilate or destroy us. Moreover, our culture itself was able to assimilate
people from all over Europe - we had German, Scottish or Tatar settlements throughout
history and now descendants of those people are perfect Poles :)

I believe that Poland brings something valuable to the European variety of nations with our
unique Latin/Slavic civilization, with our love of freedom and traditional values and that makes
me, if not proud then certainly not ashamed of my ancestors and heritage.

Torq I heard you are not here anymore... ;DDDD

Who's Torq?

NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
23 Sep 2010   #94
Polish people like you should be eliminated. Always playing up the negative instead of the positive. Do you see other ethnic groups advertising their faults? Learn to put a positive spin on things and act like you're the best.

Typical Polish behaviour, unfortunately.

Black and Muslim groups of any origin are "brothers", but Poles call their own "Plastic Poles" if they are born abroad, and that's a rather tame term for us.

I can't think of any other ethnicity which despises its own so much (British politicians excluded, that is), or which blames the past so much for its failings. Look at what South Korea managed to achieve in the same timescale, then look at Poland. It's laughable.

Who's Torq?

an oldskool poster :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11714
23 Sep 2010   #95
I agree that Poles can and should be proud of being polish, of polish history, of polish achievements...buuuut...what is this "especially polish thing"?

What makes you different to others??? You know...Germans the mechanics...French the cooks...Italians the lovers...Polish the...?
Qrot  - | 31
23 Sep 2010   #96
what is this "especially polish thing"?

You see - there's no widespread positive stereotype of Poles. Thank you very much German
and Russian propaganda masters!

You know...Germans the mechanics...French the cooks...Italians the lovers...Polish the...?

...cavalrymen! :)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
23 Sep 2010   #97
What makes you different to others??? You know...Germans the mechanics...French the cooks...Italians the lovers...Polish the...?

... mass economic migrants? :D

Is that really something to be proud of?
23 Sep 2010   #98
what is this "especially polish thing"?

Why do you hate Poles so much? Why are you still here? Don't you have any better things to do?!

What is the very Lithuanian thing? What is the very Canadian thing? What is the very Estonian thing? What is the very Slovakian thing? What is the very Luxemburgan thing? What is the very Portugal thing? I don't get that question!

We are still looking for our national brand. The companies are rather not to mention they are polish becuase they would lose the German clients (example: Smyk is under the name Spiele Max in Germany).

Poland is associated internationaly with 3 things:
1. pope
2. wałęsa
3. vodka
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11714
23 Sep 2010   #99
Thank you very much Germanand Russian propaganda masters!

Suuuuure...blame it on the Germans!
That is!!!!!
23 Sep 2010   #100
What have you done to make the relationships with Poles better, huh? You are constantly moaning about bad Poles accusing Germnas of bad thing. What about you? Have you ever done anything to change it?!
23 Sep 2010   #101
why? I agree with enkidu. I've always thought that we Poles are the best in "robinie dobrej miny do złej gry" (translation needed) and I hate it.

I think it's because you never went outside of Poland for an extended period of time. If you did, you'd realize that the grass isn't greener on the other side and Poland is not really all that bad in comparison. Actually, it looks better. You'd learn to appreciate her more. And it's not just empty patriotism, or as you once called it "patriotyzm kibica". Really depends on your own perspective.

Poland is associated internationaly with 3 things:
1. pope
2. wałęsa
3. vodka

Nope. Mostly Jews and WW2.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11714
23 Sep 2010   #102
Why do you hate Poles so much? Why are you still here? Don't you have any better things to do?!


Have you ever done anything to change it?!

Hey...I'm since 10,980 posts the main ambassador of Germany in often enough hostile polish territory!
I'm the number one contact person to discuss polish-german topics and to present the german side of the arguments and to negotiate understanding and compromises (mostly that is).

What have YOU done????

PS: Either the Poles have mellowed or I have...I remember the PF of my youth very much more aggressive and combat ready against everything german than today...hmmm...
Qrot  - | 31
23 Sep 2010   #103
I'm since 10,980 posts the main ambassador of Germany in often enough hostile polish territory!
I'm the number one contact person to discuss polish-german topics and to present the german
side of the arguments and to negotiate understanding and compromises (mostly that is).

In addition to all this, you make telephone calls to German agricultural machinery factories
if some distressed Polish forum member is in desperate need of information on, for example,
out-of-production round ballers.

You're a good ambassador, BB, and a good man too. Keep up the good work! :)

I remember the PF of my youth very much more aggressive and combat ready against everything german than today...hmmm...

I got old. Couldn't be arsed anymore.
23 Sep 2010   #104
Hey...I'm since 10,980 posts the main ambassador of Germany in often enough hostile polish territory!

convex is much better ambassador than you. Leave him the work, ok?

I'm the number one contact person to discuss polish-german topics and to present the german side of the arguments and to negotiate understanding and compromises (mostly that is).

If you was a new Germany chancellor you would trigger off a III World War...

What have YOU done????

Nothing because I don't give a sh1t about Germans. I'm not on this forum for Germans.

You're a good amassador, BB, and a good man too. Keep up the good work! :)

was it a sarcasm?

I think it's because you never went outside of Poland for an extended period of time. If you did, you'd realize that the grass isn't greener on the other side and Poland is not really all that bad in comparison. Actually, it looks better. You'd learn to appreciate her more. And it's not just empty patriotism, or as you once called it "patriotyzm kibica". Really depends on your own perspective.

You are probably right. A tak z ciekawości (bez żadnych podtekstów) w jakich krajach mieszkałaś?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11714
23 Sep 2010   #105
You're a good amassador, BB, and a good man too. Keep up the good work! :)

*sends invitation to gala dinner in the embassy*


*informs the BND*
Qrot  - | 31
23 Sep 2010   #106
was it a sarcasm?

No. He's a good man - I know the fellow, believe me.

You want bad Germans? Go to and read some threads about Poland :)
BB is the chairman of German Polonophiles Association, compared to some people there :))))
Ironside  50 | 12352
23 Sep 2010   #107
Honestly...most people have no idea about the grande time of the Polish/Lithuanian empire and the Szlachta and all that.

Well, BB we're talking about polish perception.You may agree or disagree but that was the truth in the past, no wonder that after traumatic events for the nation psyche for the last 300 years, that have to left some impact, specially WWII and commie regime!

[quote=dtaylor5632]but when i moved to the countryside people weren't that tolerant of the new Scottish guy [/quote]
Well, can I ask you where were you staying (foreign country) for extended period of time, except Poland?

The Magnificence of Poland

Good point :)

why? I agree with enkidu. I've always thought that we Poles are the best in "robinie dobrej miny do złej gry" (translation needed) and I hate it. I really hate it. I hate people who are not frank and call things white when those things are black.

you should get around some more :)

Black and Muslim groups of any origin are "brothers", but Poles call their own "Plastic Poles" if they are born abroad, and that's a rather tame term for us.

Hey! I first heard that term on PF!

No. He's a good man

Don't know about that, but in my books BB is OK!
pgtx  29 | 3094
23 Sep 2010   #108
"robinie dobrej miny do złej gry" (translation needed) a

to grin and bear it...
23 Sep 2010   #109
Hey! I first heard that term on PF!

me too. I know from PF is a term meaning only Polish American. I've never heard that term in Poland.
nott  3 | 592
23 Sep 2010   #110
Modern people remember Poland as either partitioned (if they are interested in central european history that is) or occupied or commie...nothing of which speaks especially of freedom.

Not of having freedom, but... well, Drang nach Freiheit. Polish history since the partitions is one chain of fights to restore Poland.

What makes you different to others??? You know...Germans the mechanics...French the cooks...Italians the lovers...Polish the...?

...troublemakers. That's the thing.

Polish history in the beginning was a typical European one, then we got first modern democracy in Europe. And it worked, surprisingly, for quite a time. Then it deteriorated, as is typical too (although not to the extent that might be envisioned as based on the popular propaganda), and then Poland was not. But Poles stayed there, and didn't like it, and 'for ours and yours freedom' started. Poles on all available fronts, from Hungary to USA.

This might have been one of the reasons, the result I want is such: Poles are never happy with what is there. Give him a shovel and tell to dig a trench, he'll start digging lengthwise, then will get bored and will change the direction of sweeps. After a while he'll drop the shovel and go looking for a better wheelbarrow, or for the WD40, because the not so bad wheelbarrow has a squeaky wheel. And then he'll say that this trench is useless anyway, but he has to dig it, so he gets angry and finishes sooner than expected.

You get two Poles and three opinions. My neighbour has built himself a nice brick house, I am building a quaint wooden cottage, wood is good for you, brick is passe.

Nice people, though, on balance.

Restless... results both good and bad.

Well, that was my take on it, and now let's see what other Poles think of it.

Now I'm going to be mad at you, you blasphemous you: Wawel chocolate factory, producing kasztanki and mieszanka krakowska (cukierki/galaretki w czekoladzie or Krakow Chocolate Covered Jellies Mix) is doing great job. Ha.

Oh, kasztanki... right, good stuff. And mieszanka krakowska. Except those jellies, bueh... The best is, wossname, you know, ground almond... So I said 'they can make this and that good'.

Please do like me still... or start to... they say you're quite a looker...

not really, they lost the traditional recipes when they sold it, some old employee walked with it.

didn't know that.. but this would explain my unpatriotic feeling of late, and I thought my taste was somehow deteriorating... Anyway, they must've saved quite a lot, it's still a good stuff.
23 Sep 2010   #111

Perfect! :)

let's see what other Poles think of it.

I like it!

Please do like me still... or start to... they say you're quite a looker...

Flattery will get you nowhere, mister ;)
nott  3 | 592
23 Sep 2010   #112
I like it!

I am not interested in concurring opinions...

Flattery will get you nowhere, mister ;)

I tried it... it works :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
23 Sep 2010   #113
crisps, chewing gum, yoghurt...

What do you mean - that you can get lots of different flavours of the above in Poland?
Nothing unusual in that.

with crisps, there are no cheetos and the flavours are quite limited, i've not seen hazelnut flavoured crisps here for example. same for orbit chewing gum, i really like that pink one (for kids lol) and you can't get it here, same as watermelon or citrus. and same with yoghurt, plus the Polish ones just taste nicer. in UK you can only have a few choices of each thing, in Poland you have LOTS. it might be petty but it's true. and you can't deny the chocolate flavours. what is it with chilli chocolate in UK does anybody actually eat it? :/
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Sep 2010   #114
Because it's a country on the up :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
23 Sep 2010   #115
Poland is at the very top, number one, in those education exams, so they can be proud of that!
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Sep 2010   #116
Been reading Polish governmental reports again, PP? ;) ;)
Teffle  22 | 1318
23 Sep 2010   #117
Poland is associated internationaly with 3 things:
1. pope
2. wałęsa
3. vodka

You forgot coal.

The list is now complete ; )

i've not seen hazelnut flavoured crisps

Nor have I, fair enough.

But watermelon, cherry, chocolate, passion fruit etc gum - yep.

Teryaki, poppadom, garlic bread crisps etc etc Dozens of yoghurt flavours...

I'm not being deliberately argumentative by the way - just don't see much unusual in what you mention other than the hazlenut crisps.
southern  73 | 7059
23 Sep 2010   #118
For example drink Walesa,eat coal and worship vodka.
rychlik  41 | 372
24 Sep 2010   #119
You know...Germans the mechanics...French the cooks...Italians the lovers...Polish the...?

How about "Poles the great handy men"?
By the way us Poles are good lovers too I think. We have huge penises :)

On a more serious note, Poles should be proud of these things:

-being survivors. We're stuck between Krautland and Ruskiland. Historically one of the most unfortunate positions in Europe.
- Poles rebuilt Poland with their own hands. Germans had to import turks and other nationalities. Poland today after such a tragic history looks better than most countries to the east. The standard of living is better than in Russia, Ukraine, Israel (not too safe to go out to an outdoor cafe), China, all of South America, Africa and yes I think even South Korea.

- we were the first to bring down communism.
-Wałesa, Pope John Paul II, Chopin and vodka :)
- we are also the last remaining Christian nation in Europe that will save the continent one day (Sobieski syndrome).
George8600  10 | 630
27 Sep 2010   #120
Why? What a bland question, can't that be asked of any ethnicity and culture? Because of the general nationalism, history, culture, language, and group heritage that is represented by these people like with all other ethnicity.

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