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Do you know this Polish male model ?

Shikakurdish 3 | 7
2 Apr 2021 #1
Anyone know the name of this handsome boy ? 😍
It seems that he is Polish .

pawian 221 | 24284
2 Apr 2021 #2
What makes you think he is Polish?
OP Shikakurdish 3 | 7
2 Apr 2021 #3
Because he has polish face , doesn't he ?
Cargo pants 3 | 1483
2 Apr 2021 #4
He looks like he is from South Africa.
Paulina 16 | 4323
2 Apr 2021 #5
He doesn't look Polish to me, tbh.
mafketis 37 | 10789
2 Apr 2021 #6
doesn't look Polish to me

Me either... I wouldn't be surprised to see someone like him who's Polish... but it's not a stereotypically Polish face at all.
pawian 221 | 24284
2 Apr 2021 #7
He doesn't look Polish to me, tbh.

Correct, he isn`t. The OP made a mistake - she read Polish under the photo but the truth is it was about Nail Polish! I saw another picture of that guy with painted nails.
Crow 157 | 9202
2 Apr 2021 #8
Because he has polish face , doesn't he ?

He has typical Serbian masculine face. Maybe Polish, too?

Look, this is male model Sasa Knezevic, former husband of Anja Rubik >



Sasa Knezevic looks like older brother to that boy from above.

Home / Life / Do you know this Polish male model ?

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