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Male and female gossip in Poland

KRA_Liman  1 | 1
29 Mar 2015   #1
I have the impression that Polish males do more gossip than females. And during social events it often serves to keep the conversation going which I find a bit f***ed up and inhumane. Was wondering if it is just my luck with my social circle or anyone else can correlate to this?

I'm a male btw.
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Mar 2015   #2
Was wondering if it is just my luck with my social circle

It's just your luck or rather bad luck with your social circle
johnny reb  46 | 7516
29 Mar 2015   #3
This is normal when there has been a lot of heavy drinking going on.
The next time this happens just punch the loud mouth in the nose.
That should fix the problem.
pawian  219 | 24592
4 Apr 2021   #4
Latest gossip. A famous actor Zamachowski left his third wife. She is miserable but it was her who once contributed to him leaving his second wife. It is suspected he found another woman, an actress, while his third wife is a journalist.

One day he packed up his things and left, taking some furniture, including the piano.
They didn`t have their own kids. Yes, they have but with previous partners.
What a sad story.

  • MonikaZamachowskas.jpg

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pawian  219 | 24592
4 Apr 2021   #5
What struck me was that he took even such basic furniture. I suppose it was a sort of demonstration on his part - it is all finished - I am taking an IKEA bookshelf too-

  • gfiStx4K4zBNBe_zb.jpg

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