The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Do Polish people have a good ear for music?  2  3  4
Are gas stoves a must in Poland?
Will Poland rebuild classical buildings?
Registering for military service in Poland. Is it mandatory?  2
Do Polish parents support their boy to marry a Kurdish girl
7 - @pawian Thank you very much...

LoveShikakurdish - 1 Apr 2021Shikakurdish - 1 Apr 2021
Raising Poland's legal drinking age to 21  2  3  4
When will SMOKING BE BANNED? (from public areas in Poland)  2
Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off  2
52 - My point exactly!...

LifeStrzelec35 - 29 Mar 2021Lyzko - 31 Mar 2021
The Mayor of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz cuts down 150,000 trees in the Poland's capital.  2  3
84 - That was devastating. It was like a free for all....

NewsPolonius3 - 4 Mar 2017jon357 - 31 Mar 2021
Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland  2  3  4  5  ...  10  11
Starting Bar / Restaurant Business in Poland
Seven Sisters Cake (Polish style cookin)  2
49 - The Spruce Eats website has a recipe for Seven're welcome!...

FoodGuest - 9 Jul 2006Burnadette - 30 Mar 2021
Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side?  2  3
Does having a Polish Father qualify for dual citizenship? He came from Poland to the UK in 1948
Startup with Blue Card or TRC in Poland?
Anything like netflix in Poland?
27 - Ill check it out....

Lifefunk - 12 May 2010Strzelec35 - 29 Mar 2021
Place / Surname: Łomza + Krzewo Stare / Celmer + Potynska
Job opportunities for experienced US Civil Engineer in Poland - any hope?
30 - I'd appreciate a brutto or netto number :)...

WorkJardinero - 27 Apr 2013raz61 - 28 Mar 2021
Huthsteiner/Hutstein in Warsaw ~1763
Digital Marketing Professional from India
Mosiondz/Mosiadz/Mosiedz surname
Looking for Polish Speaking Nanny
3 - Since you are from North NJ(your phone area code) try

ClassifiedsSoniaE - 20 Feb 2019Cargo pants - 26 Mar 2021
Motyl - Tracing My Polish Roots for the 1st time
28 - Stanisława ( the letter w is pronounced as a v ) This is a town in...

GenealogyGuest - 21 Jan 2013Chemikiem - 25 Mar 2021
Obtaining WWI Military Records from Poland or Austria?
Are you from Asia/Africa/Middle East and want to work in Poland (EU VISA/TRC)?
2 - Hi @delphiandomine I know this is the old classified but I am looking for the same opportunities to work...

Classifiedsdelphiandomine - 14 Mar 2019narindersingh01 - 25 Mar 2021
Polish-Canadian wanting to move to Poland - trying to start a new life, make friends, combat depression etc.
Polish for foreigners (preparatory programs)
Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland  2  3
She's muslim and I am christian, will it ever work? Has anyone had similar experiences  2  3
Video games centers and culture in Poland