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English Men vs Polish Men

ShelleyS  14 | 2883
27 Feb 2009   #91
I meant to say about British men is that they don't show their emotions too easily.

Maybe they are not false, meaning, when they are ready to open up, it means something.

This is true statistical fact! However, I suppose it is from which area they come from in England. Upbringing and parenting covers a massive

The English are more reserved, this is true, I got called "formal" by someone who was not English, I don't consider myself formal, I'm just not comfortable flirting or being touchy feely with someone I don't really know, maybe my upbringing has some bearing on that or maybe it's because I believe people should behave in a proper manner.....Yeah, we are more friendly up north ;)
lexi  1 | 176
27 Feb 2009   #92
Yeah, we are more friendly up north ;)

Of course we are in the North of England, we take people for what they are, and not how much they have in their wallet. I do anyway, and I could have anyone I wanted(not being big-headed here seriously) but I just love being around genuine great tallented people, who are a good laugh, and know where they come from whatever nationality.

A saying in the north is "you can take the girl out of Newcastle but you cannot take Newcastle out or the girl"

I remember being on a hen party and a "stag was tied up outside a nightclub, in a rather dischevelled state, and my friend went up to the stag party and said "let him go now you T... or else I will Y... you and they did. So much much women power in the North East of England a bit like Poland!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
27 Feb 2009   #93
you and they did. So much much women power in the North East of England a bit like Poland!

Not sure about that. Have you ever actually been to Poland? I have and I didn't see hoards of pissed up women dressed like cheap hookers.

I also don't find going up to a bloke and calling him a twat enpowerment, it's brassy and common, sorry, but I'm more feminine than feminist..It's girls like your mate that give the rest of us British women a bad name..sorry, but it's true. I can sort of understand why British mens' attitudes have changed towards British women, your friend is a prime example of how not to behave.

Lexi, I really am not being nasty, just telling you how it is.
cjjc  29 | 407
27 Feb 2009   #94

I have to agree. To me... attractive, intelligent, pleasant English women are few and far between....and then when you find one she is married.... ;)

I think most Polish guys would happily cheat on their girlfriends and attribute this to the notion of 'well all men do it' I'm not sure if this is a Polish thing or generally a guy thing although I haven't witnessed it as much in the UK... personally I hate cheating and I sometimes wonder if I am the only guy I know who has a enough scruples to keep his proverbial **** in his pants.

Theres a cool Reverend and the Makers song that always pops into my head on these topics...

"cos they don't teach you in school about the state of things.."
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Feb 2009   #95
How often have we heard about casual flings abroad? Many. The wife cannot always be there to satisfy the urge and drive of men, especially if they are overseas. Still, I find it wrong to cheat. I just wouldn't do it.
cjjc  29 | 407
27 Feb 2009   #96
The wife cannot always be there to satisfy the urge and drive of men, especially if they are overseas.

But isn't it that that differentiates us from animals?

Still, I find it wrong to cheat. I just wouldn't do it.

Good for you mate. We're a dying breed I'm sure!
Kev121  - | 3
16 May 2009   #97
This makes no sense...........

If Polish Men are Sooooooo great, why am I and most of my English friends either married to or partnered with Polish women?

My Polish sister-in law was round visiting a friends when her romantic Polish man hit her round the face; so perhaps you can STOP making random comments and use the word "Some" every now and again.

Also if you are right about Polish men being better than British men (Fat Chance), are you saying that so many of Polish women have hit there heads or lost there senses to have married British men?

It looks to me like lots of upset Polish women in here that never found the right British bloke; I have a friend of mine that is looking to meet a nice Polish Lady, I am happy to set you up on a date... any takers????
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 May 2009   #98
If Polish Men are Sooooooo great, why am I and most of my English friends either married to or partnered with Polish women?

because english men seem exotic for some polish women when they go to england.
when englis women come to poland they date polish men for the same reason...
you are not much of the thinker aren't ya?

My Polish sister-in law was round visiting a friends when her romantic Polish man hit her round the face

so you came to the conclusion that every polish men does that, oh Kevin you are sweet silly boy :D
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
16 May 2009   #99
Also if you are right about Polish men being better than British men (Fat Chance), are you saying that so many of Polish women have hit there heads or lost there senses to have married British men?

Maybe they are just upset Polish women [...] that never found the right [Polish] bloke?
sapphire  22 | 1241
22 May 2009   #100
when englis women come to poland they date polish men for the same reason...

they dont need to come to Poland to do that these days :)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
22 May 2009   #101
I dont think they ever did, did they?
Arien  2 | 710
26 Apr 2010   #102
Women don't scare men. Women can put men off though. (I think it's better to use the word disappoint though!) Women can break or make a gentleman, just like men can make or break a lady. Men are men, and women are women, regardless of nationality. We all make mistakes. We all read things. We all think. We all form opinions based on the input we recieve. To a certain extent, we create our own reality, because once we are convinced something really is as it has been presented to us, there's a fat chance that we will change our opinions, behaviour or expectations, and unfortunately, not always for the best. (Meaning this will affect other people around you because of your behaviour.) Some people also behave like sheep, and follow all the latest trends because they don't want to be different, do they? Well, here's a newsflash for you: We're all different from eachother. We always will be.

You've got sensitive guys, insensitive guys, macho guys, soft guys, old guys, young guys, gentlemen, bad boys, open-minded guys, old-fashioned guys, religious guys, non-religious guys, handsome guys, less handsome guys, strong guys, weak guys, brave guys, insecure guys, sweet guys, hard guys, wise guys, immature guys, boring guys, exciting guys, materialistic guys, spiritual guys, simple guys, complicated guys, oversexed guys, cold guys, warm guys, funny guys, smart guys, dumb guys, serious guys, rich guys, poor guys, clumsy guys, handy guys, manly guys, girly guys, loyal guys, unloyal guys, hard-working guys, lazy guys, decent guys, classy guys, rough guys, cheap guys, experienced guys, inexperienced guys, cheating guys, lying guys, honest guys, family guys, adventurous guys, caring guys, careless guys, humble guys, arrogant guys, succesful guys, less succesful guys, you name it!

And guess what? The exact same goes for women. So don't tell anyone to man up, or whatever! Allow someone to be someone in his or her own unique way. The only real men are the men who know they should be themselves. We can't please everyone, and we shouldn't want to please everyone either. Same goes for all the women out there. There is no such thing as ''the'' real man, and there is no such thing as ''the'' real lady either. If you don't want guys to make generalizations about girls, then why make generalizations about guys in this thread?

Dare to be honest, and you'll see that most people will be honest with you aswell. Some people might disapprove of such honesty, but you'll find out that the few people who don't will be the people who will really understand you. So don't be ashamed of yourself, or constantly compare yourself to others. Ever. You'll find him eventually, and he'll find you. He won't find you if you pretend to be someone you're not, just like you won't find him if he pretends to be someone he's not.

I can assure you a lot of people pretend. Both men and women think they should be something society expects of them. Too much pressure if you ask me. I think it's a shame, because I can see how many people aren't genuinely smiling anymore, and I'm sure you can see it too. You don't have to be perfect, and you don't have to be a saint. Just be yourself girls. Okay? (It's okay, you can barf, puke and throw up now!)

I thought I'd say something on behalf of all the guys who deep down, still mean well with you!
beckski  12 | 1609
26 Apr 2010   #103
just like men can make or break a lady

Ain't that the truth. I've seen it happen to many good women. They didn't deserve that type of treatment, in a relationship.
Arien  2 | 710
28 Apr 2010   #104
In all honesty I dont think Polish men are as popular with English women as Polish women are with British men.

That's pretty weird, because from what I'm reading here British men don't always seem to be popular with British women either?

Just wondering!
6 May 2010   #105
I am a gril, also from Poland a nd I;m doing it also all the time. You are right. Poels get bored easilly and always want to improve something or change at least in their enviroment, even when it comes to furnitures:) I don't know if it's good or bad but it just the way it is:)
ondeck240  - | 2
6 May 2010   #106
I agree that polish men are so much better than english men, loads of reasons in fact too many to list lol

I am totally agree with you.......
6 May 2010   #107
What is all this bull**** about opening doors? Whoever gets there first should open the bloody thing. My misses and I are a team, we do things together rather than let social implications dictate who does what.

We know each others strengths and weakness's and deal with the situation accordingly. I wouldn't even consider opening a door just for the gesture, I would open it if it require my assistance, or I am already there by the door or with the door open.

If people said thanks more I believe people would hold or open doors more often, I would help anyone including man, woman, child or beast. Manners are important to me, but don't take the p*** with it.

It's not about equal rights for me, it is about being practical. As for Polish people being this that and the other, who really gives a toss? Manners are an individual asset that many don't have or use. I could not respect some one if they done everything for me, to me that's a kiss ass! It would only arouse my suspicion as to their alterer motives.

I do not feel the urge or inclination to be romantic, I have nothing to prove! A man or woman is only as good as his or her word, not his or her gestures.

I hope you all find what your looking for.

Kind regards,

The Englishman.
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #108
What is all this bull**** about opening doors? Whoever gets there first should open the bloody thing.

Can you outrun your missus to the only bus seat available? There was a time when Englishmen were happy to open doors for women. What has changed?
6 May 2010   #109
If there was only one seat available, there is only one thing to do (push her aside and run for it! lol). That's communicate with each other, if she was tired or her feet hurt or whatever for that matter then she would take the seat. However my good woman would make me take the seat if my back was playing up.

Communication is the key, there is no I in team. That is how we see it! My woman is a great woman and she makes me a great man and vice versa, we compliment each other and we are proud of the solidness we have together.

As for what has changed I do not know, is it really necessary to run ahead and open a door?
Are you in need of that much emotional security? If it matters, then why does it matter?
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #110
As for what has changed I do not know, is it really necessary to run ahead and open a door?
Are you in need of that much emotional security?

I'm a guy despite the screename so I mainly open the doors. I am used to it, it is not a chore and I don't even notice it. I just grew up that way.

I don't like when someone doesn't say thanks, but I am aware that good manners are disappearing fast. Everywhere.

Oh yeah, there is one exception. Shopping time. Then, I just want to come out alive from the interaction with women resembling fifty-five gallon drums. If you've been to PL, you'd understand.


When I see the number 242, I think of UN Resolution 242 or some of my favorite music from earlier years. Are you a fan?
6 May 2010   #111
Oh yeah, there is one exception. Shopping time. Then, I just want to come out alive

I make you right with that one for sure. I have not had the pleasure of visiting Poland yet, I know it is spectacular in beauty and would love to spend time there, circumstances permitting.

I am aware of your gender and admire your standards when it comes to manners. As I said in my first post, I would open the door for anyone but not to make a point or gesture of it (ie-just for well dressed or good looking women or for the romantic touch)

I grew up with principles instilled by my parents, however as time has moved on and I have aged I no longer feel the need to make such prominent gestures in and around my environment that I live in. Maybe it is just a sign of the times, or I may well be wrong.

When I see the number 242, I think of UN Resolution 242 or some of my favorite music from earlier years. Are you a fan?

Do you mean the band ...The Front 242?
Amathyst  19 | 2700
8 May 2010   #112
I'm a guy despite the screename so I mainly open the doors. I am used to it, it is not a chore and I don't even notice it. I just grew up that way.

Im female and was brought up to give up my seat to a person older than me and person with children or pregnant person (Im English) but I seem to be the only one doing it these days, Afrians and Asians do NOT do this - every man for themselves for the bus!!

I don't like when someone doesn't say thanks, but I am aware that good manners are disappearing fast. Everywhere

I say thank you to the bus driver or to my butcher..when I receive a service I say thank you regardless who they are..I say thank you to the checkout girl and say goodbye!

Manners are instilled in either have them or you dont! I thank my parents for who I am!
flissiebell  1 | 13
10 May 2010   #113
ive been reading what everyone has said and to be honest men are men n women are women,
some cheat some dont, mine did cheat and he was violent aswell, i saw a post that said how a polish man hit his polish g/f so it proves no matter where your from no one nation is better than another. :-)
25 Jun 2010   #114
I've dated both, and I've personally found that its the Polish guys that are rude, obnoxious, ungentlemanly and cheap. Perhaps its just my experience, but the English guys I've dated have all been respectable, dignified, and quite romantic (plus being insanely good looking :P).
Hiszpanka  - | 8
25 Jun 2010   #115
Apart from my bf I only know 2 polish guys and I can't say they are rude or anything but I belive there are bad man in every nation and Poland can not be the exception. Here in Spain you can see many English men turists and you have to by lucky to see a sober one. Judging their looks, Wayne Rooney is very handsome in comparsion with most of them :-) but this is obviously a matter of personal taste.
pgtx  29 | 3094
25 Jun 2010   #116
English Men vs Polish Men

i don't know, I haven't dated an English man...
beside, i don't like to compare...

this is obviously a matter of personal taste.

Crow  154 | 9207
25 Jun 2010   #117
English Men vs Polish Men

simplistically speaking its >>> Eurabians vs Whites situation

/one angle of things/
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Jun 2010   #118
Eurabians? Are you sure? How about Scottish men? Many are fairly pale and have lighter skin than many Poles.
SerbinaVonTeese  - | 8
28 Jun 2010   #119
simplistically speaking its >>> Eurabians vs Whites situation

My performances are according to my manager something not seen in Serbia before.

Marina Abramović likes them too.

I adore Polish men, like all other men.
Seanus  15 | 19666
28 Jun 2010   #120
Not fussy then, SVT? I see you have the wild highlander instincts.

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