Were there any historians among these reformers - a President of the Polish Historical Society, and maybe the chairman of the Committee of Historical Sciences, or Dean of the Faculty of History at the Jagiellonian University? Professors - Chwalba, Paczkowski, Samsonowicz, Tazbir, No .............it does not matter.
You mentioned the guys who support the old ineffective system.
Why don`t you mention guys who support the reform? They are equally notable historians and experts...... :):):):):):)
I would gladly spit in your face and your leaders because they are doing a real harm to Poland.
As an expat whow doesn`t live in Poland, you have no idea what is good or bad for us, Poles.
Spit on my face, then, as a Christian I will turn the other cheek too. I am ready, I will survive that.

You are talking BS! History lesson for over 15 years old will not be the same.
How do you know? Have you already attended such a lesson? Why are you commenting on sth you have no idea about?
There will be History and Societylesson ,not history lesson, a different name, a different contents.
Hm, do you suggest they will learn biology at History and Society classes?
As for number of lessons, government says that number of lesson will remain the same but that government is known for lying through its teeth. I would rather believe experts who say otherwise.
Actually, the government declares more lessons of history in senior high.
But naturally you already know they are lying. :):):):)):
Iron, stop this madness of yours, please, it is getting ridiculous.
stop your frantic posts aimed at me which are nonsense,
Yes, my posts are frantic. I feel I was chosen by God to defend Poland against such maniacal patriots like you and other PiS nutters who desire to turn this country into nationalistic hell. :):):):):)
Anyway if everything remain the same - why change anything ? It cost monies ain't it!
There plenty more urgent issues to be solved and government focuses on history lessons in schools just to change nothing ? phew!
That is a really infantile argument.
Can`t you find more sophisticated ones?
, aiming the straight way to create gray masses without their own views , easy to control .
Without a new generation of educated Poles, this empty space which will remain after washing out the history from high schools will be filled in by simplistic thinking. There will be a very fertile field, for speculations such as theories of conspiracy. The mind left without historical background will go through a disturbing trail of suspicions.
Come to any high school in Poland and try to talk to students like that. I assure you, they will consider you an alien who dropped from another galaxy. :):):):)