The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Second gen Polish-American with little exposure  2
Visa for Work in Poland
Recommendation for Polish Citizenship and EU Passport from Argentina
Polish parliament refuses to consider shack-up draft between both traditional and same-sex couples  2  3  4
96 - Neither can she have a vasectomy....

NewsPolonius3 - 30 May 2015Rich Mazur - 11 Feb 2020
Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus - a religious greeting?  2
Pierogi Festivals across the States
Churchill and Poland  2  3  4
Proofreading - What is the going rate in Warsaw?  2
Why are Poles/Poland disliked by Germans?  2  3  4  5
Is starting a language school doable in Poland
Typical Polish house and family  2
Opera theatres in Krakow
RUDE word form conjugation + communicating on facebook in Polish
Prices of Clothes in Poland and England  2
Why oh Why do Poles drive so incredibly poorly  2  3  4
Are Poles flashy?
"Browar Jabłonowo" beer, A Christmas word of warning
Stuffed eggs (Polish-style recipe)
Ciechanow area - hotel or old castle for lodging?
Popular Polish First Names?  2  3  4  5  6
152 - You are overgeneralising again... :):) Where do you get it from?...

GenealogyDina - 10 Jul 2006pawian - 7 Feb 2020
Searching for family history before 1890 for Joseph Ulmanek and Anna Pilch
Your favourite Polish proverb?
Questions about buying property in Poland; house segment or an apartment - almost new or brand-new?
A good Geriatric Doctor in Krakow
Starting a car business in Poland - exporting from the UK
Cost of Utilities in Warsaw.
Got a Job Offer in Poland but a 3 month Visa and Probation Period concerns me
Translation of the word "małpka" into English
10 - Well, some guys can swallow such a 100 ml bottle in one nip. :):) Not bad,...

LanguageZiemowit - 6 Feb 2020pawian - 7 Feb 2020
× Do you think that Polish people are rude?  2  3  4  5  ...  31  32
Top Language Schools to Work for in Warsaw?  2