The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Poles in America: How do you pronounce your Polish surname?  2  3  4  5
Help with confusing requirements for emigration from UK to Poland
What is the process involved in selling a house in Poland from abroad?
Polish kishka  2  3
76 - Does kishka become better when you have a partner?...

Foodhelen123 - 20 Dec 2009pawian - 10 Dec 2020
Lomza Catholic Church marriage and birth records
× Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Indian moving to Poland has a few questions.
Polish couple married for 20 years
How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians?
Polish Ice Hockey
Belief of Sarmatian descend of Szlachta in the Renaissance is not entirely wrong, but not quite right either
Polish EU Drivers Licence - can I get one the easy way (by paying for it)?  2  3  4  5  6  7
Brits say being drunk senseless while visiting Poland is national trait  2  3  4
98 - That would have made a great YT video! Cheers to the flight attendant!...

UK, Irelandantheads - 24 Apr 2011Joker - 4 Dec 2020
Which Universities in Poland offer courses in Sound Engineering?
Car Export from USA / Canada to Poland
How much money to comfortably retire in Poland (a married couple)?  2
Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!  2  3  4  5  ...  57  58
Wildlife photography tips in surrounds (within 1hr from Krakow?)
Finding my Polish father who I never knew existed
Poczta Polska Is Killing ME! Transit time.
'Battle of Britain' won thanks to Polish aces !!  2  3  4  5  6
Can anyone help me in getting my Polish Passport?
10 - Call Polish Embassy and they will fill you in about procedure. ....

LawLisaLisa - 21 Sep 2014Ironside - 29 Nov 2020
Does everyone know about countess Markiewicz? Polish connection.
Behaviour of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands  2
Have you heard of the Polish nobility related to the British Royal Family - the Hauke-Bosak family?
3 - @pawian Lol I am not a descendant of that household - I wish : D Yes this family actually...

GenealogyGabriel Krakow - 25 Nov 2020Gabriel Krakow - 25 Nov 2020
20% of Poland's 15-year-old are bullied at school; 21% feel like outsiders
8 - P0rn boy, what brings you back here ? I thought you got a permanent suspension....

NewsPolonius3 - 28 Apr 2017johnny reb - 25 Nov 2020
Poland-Turkey relations WW2?
Confusion over flour names in Poland  2
Car registration in Poland (bought a car from Holland on a temporary license)
How a Slovak poet described Poland four centuries ago