The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Good enough for British - Joseph Conrad? Poland-born novelist.
30 - Most assuredly not....

HistoryPolonius3 - 10 May 2015Lyzko - 7 Dec 2023
Polish Linguist Opportunity in Tampa FL
Need help with the origins of the surname von Czapiewski
21 - What a scary name! Sounds like a mix of Чапаев and Ulrich von Jungingen. *shivers*...

Genealogycvczapie - 12 Jun 2009GefreiterKania - 5 Dec 2023
Searching for Dawids and Deptułas in Kadzidło parish
Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time  2  3
Possibility of Relations? - Surnames
I got national visa refusal on point 10.
7 - I thought they had a cat....

LawMalik65 - 28 Nov 2023Alien - 29 Nov 2023
Can foreigner buy apartment in Warsaw, Poland?  2
Polish Community in Atlanta?
8 - Looking for any family members of Felix William Jerszyk....

USA, Canadawillbrowning - 16 Nov 2008Tills2023 - 28 Nov 2023
× First Coronavirus case in Poland?
Landlord in Poland - tenant laws, statue of limitation
26 - Shouldnt really matter if the lease was signed and it must and should have been mentioned about...

Real EstateAppreciateLife - 10 May 2013Cargo pants - 27 Nov 2023
Working in Poland without speaking Polish  2  3
Where in Poland is the town of Laka?
Applying for Karta Polaka in the UK - worrying about the Polish language
5 - Karta Olaka for Dmitrii.🤭...

UK, Irelandallianz59 - 15 Nov 2015Alien - 23 Nov 2023
Changing my name in Poland while living in the UK?
Getting Married in Poland without a visa?
What do Poles think of how they are treated in Germany, in comparison to the Muslim migrants
Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland!  2  3  4
114 - Eating apes is cannibalism....

FoodJaneDoe - 22 Feb 2011Alien - 21 Nov 2023
Canadian married to Polish wife and buying a house
5 - How little is sometimes needed to be happy....

Real EstateYota - 18 Jun 2023Alien - 21 Nov 2023
The word Murzyn in Polish culture
Searching for running businesses on sale
2 - Have you received my private mail in this regard?...

ClassifiedsSweStockholm - 20 Nov 2023Lyzko - 21 Nov 2023
Janusz Korwin Mikke - controversial Polish politician  2
Interior Architect Prices in Poland
Polish folk-themed pop music?
Polish Swear Words  2  3  4  5  ...  41  42
1242 - Cats usually run away from dogs....

LanguageAdmin - 6 Dec 2005Alien - 18 Nov 2023
November 11th, what does it mean to you?
24 - I see you are talking to yourself. Amassing! :):):)...

HistoryMiloslaw - 12 Nov 2023pawian - 18 Nov 2023
How much is rent in Katowice?
Would you rent from me?
How is it being a landlord in Poland? Do poles pay their rent etc.?