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Why Do You Love Poland?

ConstantineK 26 | 1298
18 Jun 2007 #91
Quoting: ConstantineK

Of course Poles are much more moral than other nations, i have no doubt that it's a moral heart of the world....;-)))))


Ha...typical Pole in my comprehension is Tadeusz Rejtan...bravely but senselessly.

Bravery * inanity = stupidity

I think we both (you russian me finn) should look up to them...

As i'a a "Tadeusz Rejtan Syndrome"....i think that Finns are more claver to cooperate with us than always annoing Poles...
magda09 1 | 54
18 Jun 2007 #92
because I was born in Poland, and I think its the best.
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
18 Jun 2007 #93
To love Poland being Pole is not difficult..., try to love for example russia being pole? ;-)))
19 Jun 2007 #94
try to love for example russia being pole?

Well... I am Lemko, and have realised that I'd loved Poland strongly... I had to leave the country, and to live some time in UK to awake but... It just happens. So I might be an example I believe. :)

Lemkovyna is the place I miss most badly - but It lies in Poland, all my friends are from Poland, last but not least - my girlfriend is... so...

But - somehow like in "Pan Tadeusz" - I had to leave to realize.
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
20 Jun 2007 #95
Quoting: ConstantineK
try to love for example russia being pole?
Well... I am Lemko, and have realised that I'd loved Poland strongly... I had to leave the country, and to live some time in UK to awake but... It just happens. So I might be an example I believe. :)

So and you being Pole, love your brothers Russians which opressed your grandfathers in past, isn't it?
22 Jun 2007 #96
You 've taken my words wrongly.
What I wanted to write was that I am able to love Poland in spite of what Polish communists did.
So it is a kind of answer to your previous question - 'Yes, it is possible to love this country, not being a Pole'.
Goonie 8 | 242
23 Jun 2007 #97
because i was born there :)
magda09 1 | 54
23 Jun 2007 #98
i think that is most common :)
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
25 Jun 2007 #99
'Yes, it is possible to love this country, not being a Pole'.

Thaks God!!!! I like those Poles!!!!
smooth_jazz 7 | 71
25 Jun 2007 #100
I fell in love with the beauty of the architecture when I went to Wrocław and I fell in love with the pivo, and most importantly I fell in love with a wonderful woman.
Rakky 9 | 217
28 Jun 2007 #101
Well... I am Lemko, and have realised that I'd loved Poland strongly...

When you say that, do you mean you are descended from Lemkos and a Lemko yourself? I'm very curious about this. My grandfather and grandmother were both Lemkos. I'm hoping to connect to Lemkos who either currently live in Poland or previously did.

I have a strong desire to visit my grandparents' home villages and will do so some time in the future - I understand how someone can love a land they do not yet know.
3 Jul 2007 #102
I love Poland and it's nature.
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
3 Jul 2007 #103
"Finita Polonia !!!" (c) Tadeush Kostushko
Laurel 1 | 18
6 Jul 2007 #104
Hmm I didnt know much about Poland until I became a Catholic (we have three Polish priests at my parish. I love the Salvatorians!!)

But looking more into it and becoming friends with a few Poles I came to love the unique culture, the beauty of the landscape (Zakopane is especially gorgeous, for anyone who comes from there), high moral standing, the kindness of the people there, resiliance and...I have to say, you guys have the most beautiful language and accents ever.
polska_lala - | 17
27 Jul 2007 #105
why do i love poland? i think its just so awesome...
its where my whole family is from ... i speak the language and hold up all the traditions...
the drivers are awesome.
many cities in europe make me smile.... but poland is the most special to me.
maybe because of all the history ... but its just a beautiful country

when i visit my grandparents there i always look forward to waking up at 6 in the morning to go to the local bakery and get fresh bread and buns and they're just so good! no other place on earth could make me get up for 6 am to go to a bakery. :)
1 Oct 2007 #106
I agree with you Poland has beautiful scenery and beautful language and culture,
write me.amirah
randompal 7 | 306
2 Oct 2007 #107
Why Do Youuuuuuuuuuuu Love Poland?

I love it because its the only place in the ******* world where people pronounce my name correctly and I don't have to answer the question "How d'ya spell that?" every God dmaned day. I love it because its home, even though I spent 2/3 of my life abroad I came back to be home, where the heart is.
rainbow - | 10
2 Oct 2007 #108
The Baltic sea coast at all seasons and weathers (yes, there are probably warmer seas but nothing is nearly as picture perfect as the Hel peninsula in Autumn. Or in winter).

The countryside. The nature.
Lots of magical places "off the beaten track".
Can't beat the taste of the food, including basic things like fresh fruit and veggies. I had to go abroad to learn that apples, strawberries and suchlike can have no taste at all :)

Mind you, being born here and having lived here for a while, I can't say that absolutely everything about Poland is fantastic, but after staying at various places, I decided to choose living here rather than abroad...
Polson 5 | 1767
2 Oct 2007 #109
The Baltic sea coast

Agree ;)
trtnarmy1 1 | 21
3 Oct 2007 #110
I love polska for its people, for its beer, for its totally stunning girls, for its beer, for the mentality, for its beer, for the attitude, for its beer, for its struggles (which have made it stronger) and for its beer.

Its a great country, and from the start of the 90s i have been so many times, and each time i go back i see more improvement, i feel more hope and i sense pride.

By the way i will be in warsaw for a few days from the 13th and then for a couple of days from the 19th...............3.5zl for a beer in the old bus station if anyone is interested, pop by and say hello.

cheers folks :-)
Lukasz 49 | 1746
10 Oct 2007 #111
I Love my country because we have the most stylish and inteligent girls, who are really grate for us :)

I love this place because I like our archicecture, people and art.
natalka - | 46
12 Oct 2007 #112
+ Architecture
+ Art
+ Culture
+ Food (mmm.!)
+ Hospitality
+ Lovely + Intellegent People ^_^
+ Beautiful Places (Countryside, Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Baltic, etc.)
+ Incredible Cities
+ Markets ( polish apples! :D )
+ The best Honey in the world ;)
+ Great Places to be with friends (Krakow = Piękny Pies + Pauza= favorite ^_^)
+ Jazz scene
+ Outdoor concerts/celebrations
+ Dancing till the sun rises :)
+ Piwo ^_^
Wroclaw Boy
13 Oct 2007 #113
I love Poland because everytime i have to go to an office thay make you stand around for hours taking ****** looks of all the other pissed off peolpe in the cue.

didn't mean to be negative I like it here for:
cheap living
beer for sure (Tyskie)
A sense of tradition which unfortunately we lost in the UK about 30 years ago.

And pretty women
13 Oct 2007 #114
And pretty women

plus one beautiful oO
Wroclaw Boy
13 Oct 2007 #115
So are you a 10 out of 10er?
StaryDom 3 | 16
14 Oct 2007 #116
Everyone is a 10 out of 10 to someone. If not, you've just not met the right someone.

My interest in Poland started when I went to a museum (actually a village) with a friend from Poland. Looking at how people lived here in the states, say about 100 years ago is a favorite pastime. Well she kept saying things like, "oh, my grandmother has one of those." Or "that's used for...." I decided a trip to Poland would be like going back in time... and even though it is very modern there, some things are indeed "traditional." People actually know how to keep a coal fire going... something I've been trying to do for years with only limited success! In Poland, you can ride a train as modern as our Acela (Amtrack), and look out the window to see a steam engine pulling a train of wooden boxcars... very cool, if you like trains. Lot's of fresh food too! I visited a family, people I didn't even know, and they served me an wonderful lunch. Everything on the table was produced either by them or someone else in the village. This also speaks to the hospitality I experienced while there, incredible! Then there is the amazing history, beautiful architecture, and of course the landscape itself. To top it all off, I found myself loving the sound of the language. I hope this is the beginning of a long and fulfilling relationship between me and that country that is a mere eight hour plane ride away.
Wroclaw Boy
14 Oct 2007 #117
Everyone is a 10 out of 10 to someone. If not, you've just not met the right someone.

Lonman 4 | 109
15 Oct 2007 #118
I just spent a week in the deep south near Ustron after a weekend in Krakow... love not so sure... but the family who basically adopted me fed me non-stop meet and potatoes to the point of bursting... plus was always a beer handy... was also quiet and the sky when clear full of stars on a country dark night.

and soo true so many lovely women... not just looks but helpful too when you put on the I only speak English (American) eyes, please help...

very nice and a place I hope to return too often to visit new friends and enjoy the beer, girls and food.... all very delicious.
trtnarmy1 1 | 21
28 Oct 2007 #119
when i visit my grandparents there i always look forward to waking up at 6 in the morning to go to the local bakery and get fresh bread and buns and they're just so good! no other place on earth could make me get up for 6 am to go to a bakery. :)

brought a smile 2 my face reading ur post :-)

pamlarouge 3 | 56
29 Oct 2007 #120
I love Poland because my boyfriend lives there, and if any country can produce such an amazingly loving and caring guy, then I'm all for it. :)

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