The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Polish Citizenship and Passport; "The child shall acquire Polish citizenship at birth when...)"
Looking for ancestor's grave in a cementery in Warsaw
Assistance with Locating a Town in Galicia
ID card for Child in Poland - requirements?
7 - @Aneta Cichon No, he doesn't. The travel should be fine....

Lifemaillme - 24 Apr 2013jon357 - 19 Jun 2023
Why do Poles talk so badly about Poland?
Is it true that Polish women are very busty?  2  3
Poland's National D visa Form Correction
10 - Singh __/\__ SSA,,lol write to the Uzad and they will correct it....

LawSubodhsharma12 - 4 Jun 2018Cargo pants - 18 Jun 2023
Lost/Stolen Number Plate
Can a tenant change locks to house without giving access to the landlord  2
Polish real Estate law
6 - Thanks for the advices...

Real EstateHufrey - 15 Jun 2023Hufrey - 18 Jun 2023
Relationship Issues with my polish girlfriend advice needed  2  3
76 - It is very impressive that you are not giving up on her and you fight for your family. ...

LoveJonathan786 - 14 Jun 2023Justynka1301 - 17 Jun 2023
Poland is the new military power of Europe.  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Scuba in Poland
Owna and Owa name suffix
15 - I've only ever heard it used ironically and with a smile....

LanguageAnderid - 28 Nov 2014jon357 - 16 Jun 2023
Where to buy cosmetic items such as razor and pumice in Poland?  2
Polish-American criminals  2  3
70 - It was ever thus....

USA, Canadadelphiandomine - 24 Oct 2011jon357 - 13 Jun 2023
Bus ticket fine in Poland (Warsaw) - what if I don't pay the fine?  2
Poland-Germany university transfer?
Some questions about a Polish guy and what Polish guys are like
Someone help me with the Polish visa appointment!  2  3  4  5  6  7
Are there any prescriptions / medications for adult ADHD in Poland?
Taxes for freelance work
How does Poland decide that you're a resident for tax purposes?
Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders?  2  3  4  5
Poland overtakes Taiwan and the Netherlands...
17 - Yeah lol and we can have the grand daughters at foster home?lol...

NewsGefreiterKania - 5 Jun 2023Cargo pants - 8 Jun 2023
Would Russians try to kill my family in 1944-1945 when they came to Poland?
Making connections with surnames Zmurkow & Fenske to my ancestry (HENRIETTA FENSKE Approx 1870-1906ish)
How would a lease affect my tax residency?
The form and the content can reciprocate, therefore choose a better frame for your posters and photos.
Local Lodz flower shop where I can buy and send flowers to my girlfriend from abroad
2 - Use Interflora.

Lovetraveller666 - 6 Jun 2023Atch - 6 Jun 2023