The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport to close in September
Where to find carob in Poland?
5 - Thanks! I don't think I've ever seen it here, but must investigate......

FoodNewbyNew - 6 Mar 2013delphiandomine - 12 Jan 2021
Religion and identity among Polish immigrants in the UK
Life near the Carpathian mountains?
6 - Apparently, it'll be -18 in the Carpathian mountains this week. Brr....

Real EstateZlatko - 2 Jan 2021delphiandomine - 12 Jan 2021
Traffic roundabouts not common in Poland?
Where to eat best donuts in Wroclaw? (Bakery, local places, etc)
East Prussia - German Poles who lived in pre-second world war in this area
There is no exam for Polish C1 level - why?
Polish v Western farm produce?
Qualifications - Mgr Title on my business card?
Can I rent a house as an office in Poland?
How to make a reservation for clubs in Warsaw on Saturday nights
TBS real estate in Poland
Cheapest fare to poznan from Berlin?
Poznan to Wagrowiec travel advice
6 - 6.9km, almost in a straight line along Bukowska Street....

Travelnav - 20 Mar 2011delphiandomine - 12 Jan 2021
Apartments too expensive for Poles living in Poland  2
54 - Yup, combined with interest rates being cut to nothing....

Real Estatebolek - 13 Feb 2010delphiandomine - 12 Jan 2021
Now American men want to marry Polish women for polish papers.  2
38 - I hate to let you take us Off - Topic but............ It seems real funny. How many is...

USA, CanadaBeatusFelis - 5 Oct 2008johnny reb - 12 Jan 2021
Medical tests before working in Poland
23 - I had tb 6 years ago and i cured my disease but there are spots in my lungs i...

WorkMirandaVisser - 30 May 2013Ankit semwal - 12 Jan 2021
Internet access and cost in Krakow! Please help.
Renting a car in Jelenia Gora
Track BMW 525d
11 - Probably scrapped by now or shipped to Burundi as a taxi....

ClassifiedsBmwtrack - 10 Jan 2021jon357 - 12 Jan 2021
Ludno Poland? - looking for a city, town or village by that name
200zl mandat and 3 points for not wearing seatbelts?  2  3
I am selling my Polish money
Pre-marital property laws in Poland
4 - Yes. Probably you didn`t tell us everything about the case....

LawPiotr123 - 31 Aug 2020pawian - 10 Jan 2021
My Great GrandMother was born in Poland sometime before 1915 - any chance for Polish citizenship?  2
37 - He has never even been here. Exactly....

LawSRL - 24 Mar 2010jon357 - 9 Jan 2021
A devestating verdict on the Polish church  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Meaning of "B.P." and "b." in a Polish death notice
5 - You are welcome....

Languagemhurwicz - 9 Aug 2020pawian - 9 Jan 2021
Growing Up In The UK As The Son of a Pole
I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY?  2  3
78 - Something got lost in the translation along the way, as usual:-)...

Genealogylitteldev0tion - 28 Feb 2007Lyzko - 9 Jan 2021