The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Ad from my UK newspaper today : not worth a zloty
I have D Type Cel Wydania 10 visa? What EU countries can I visit with it?
Can I make payments by credit card in Poland's Biedronka stores etc,?
The best online shopping portal in Poland?  2
Karta Pobytu application and Sworn Translator in Warsaw
5 - Thanks Cargo, that's good to know...

Lawragmasingh - 25 Jan 2021ragmasingh - 25 Jan 2021
My ancestors from Poland were ethnic Jews
Uniquely Polish Historic Script?
10 - Interesting, jon. Thanks....

LanguagePartPolishMutt - 13 Jul 2013Lyzko - 24 Jan 2021
What are career opportunities for a foreigner in Poland?
Registering Foreign Car In Poland
Which places in Praga, Warsaw are MOST DANGEROUS at night?
Brexit complications for UK nationals
10 - No offence but I'd prefer not to put too much personal info online...

UK, Irelandragmasingh - 15 Jan 2021ragmasingh - 19 Jan 2021
I am looking for help to identify a song track which I believe is Polish.
25 - @ScotKevin, you're welcome, I'm glad I could help in such a sentimental matter :)...

Languagemariaterisa - 8 May 2013Paulina - 19 Jan 2021
Does anyone know where the name Ciupa is derived from?
Advice about UK life insurance options
My wonderful boyfriend returned to Poland. Any famous Pole that visits Africa?
25 -

HistorySquirely - 19 Jan 2010Poznaj - 16 Jan 2021
Polish Gypsy Seliga (Szeliga) and Bunk (Bak) ...Need opinions  2
32 -

Genealogyscottyg354 - 10 Jul 2013Strzelec35 - 15 Jan 2021
Advantages of living in Poland as opposed to the UK.  2  3  4  5
Pre-war or today's Poland?  2
Secrets of Polish Freemasons at the National Museum, Warsaw
Are Poles suspicious of Facebook?  2
Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland?
Tuition fees at American School of Wroclaw?
American school of Wroclaw for expats
Sin of omission against Poland (Uprising ignored by Britannica)
Expected gross salary per month of a market risk/ credit risk professional ?
Looking for an apartment to buy in Wielkopolska
Polish visas granted after 1989
Can the Poland's apartment building coop be forced to fix the building's front door?
6 - My question is whether they can be forced to do a quality replacement. Our COOP does do the fixes...

Real Estatefreespeechrocks - 16 Mar 2013JacekthePole - 13 Jan 2021
Contracts for IT staff in Poland
12 - I meant paying 1500 for ZUS! :(...

Lawslainte - 26 Jan 2010delphiandomine - 12 Jan 2021