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Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Nov 2016   #121
paedophilia Priests in South America

Is there anything about it in the bible? You're such a ignorant troll.
19 Nov 2016   #122
No there isn't, but there's nothing about molesting women in Cologne either. So if gangs of men molesting women in Germany is a 'muslim problem' then surely by the same logic men molesting little boys in Dominican Republic is 'a catholic problem'. Even the pope admits there's a problem.
Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Nov 2016   #123
No there isn't, but there's nothing about molesting women in Cologne either.

Why would you have anything about muslims in the bible?

Even the pope admits there's a problem.

The pope is corrupted.
19 Nov 2016   #124
Ha ha, the pope was chosen in just the same way as all the others. The catholic church tells us he's god's earthly representative. Good obediant catholics are supposed to bow to this teaching, like all the others on abortion, condoms, divorce.
Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Nov 2016   #125
the pope was chosen in just the same way as all the others.

But they didn't choose him to take the money from the outside.
mafketis  38 | 10867
19 Nov 2016   #126
So if gangs of men molesting women in Germany is a 'muslim problem' then surely by the same logic men molesting little boys in Dominican Republic is 'a catholic problem'

Yep, pretty much. The problem is while lots of people (especially catholics) are trying to do something about the latter, not too many people (muslims especially) are trying to do something about the former.

What can muslim immigrants bring to Poland that other groups (like Vietnamese or Ukrainians) can't?

Highly educated and secular oriented muslims already find Poland an okay place to live (I've known a number of them) but large numbers of low social capital conservative muslims? I do not see the appeal (for either side).
Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Nov 2016   #127
What can muslim immigrants bring to Poland that other groups (like Vietnamese or Ukrainians) can't?

Child marriage? polygamy? misogyny?
19 Nov 2016   #128
>What can muslim immigrants bring to Poland that other groups (like Vietnamese or Ukrainians) can't?

Well, Poland has a ticking demographic timebomb and it's going to need a lot of cheap, low skilled workers in perpetuity. It's going to have to become an immigrant-friendly country if it wants to keep economic growth and maintain living standards.

Ukrainians might fit the bill first, but I don't think that will last long. Then maybe east Asians but their economy is growing too, so ultimately middle eastern and african will cheaper and more willing over time.

Poland will need to develop a long-term strategy and society will have to adapt to be more tolerant, pluralist and welcoming over the next several decades. Or else they can forget their pensions and retiring at 60.
mafketis  38 | 10867
19 Nov 2016   #129
so ultimately middle eastern and african will cheaper and more willing over time.

Only if a majority of them (inlcuding a large majority of women) are employed. All the statistics I've ever found on Muslism/African immigrants in western europe don't really point to that happening.
Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Nov 2016   #130
it's going to need a lot of cheap, low skilled workers in perpetuity.

And muslims are going to fill this gap Hahahahahahahahahaha now that's a great one!
Crow  154 | 9207
19 Nov 2016   #131
Sweden can be saved only if return to its Slavic roots. Only in that case. I look forward to see Sweden in Intermarium with rest of us who are normal.
19 Nov 2016   #132
>Only if a majority of them (inlcuding a large majority of women) are employed. All the statistics I've ever
>found on Muslism/African immigrants in western europe don't really point to that happening.

Depends if you're talking about refugees or migrants. There might come a point where Poland has little choice in order to maintain living standards. It's a bind that many western countries have, and it's unavoidable in globalised free markets unless you go back to a soviet system (where you get your job given, not chosen).

Modern economies compete for cheap labour, especially as their own population increasingly sees such jobs/wages as below their standard. You have to keep feeding the fire as your own population ages and expects pensions and cheap healthcare. Japan has big problems because it had a very strict immigration policy, and its economy has stagnated for over a decade. But the UK's economy has boomed, fuelled by cheap labout from eatsern Europe and an open immigration system.

Poland will have to work out how to deal with these immigrants it will need, from any part of the world, because it might not have the luxury of having many sources. If ou look at Poland's population structure it is very narrow-based. If it wants a big military this will reduce the workforce yet further. So to develop a manufacturing sectoir, which seems to be its goal and its main otion, it is going to rely on lots of cheap migrant labour. All Polish govts should have a strategy of where they might come from, and how it can attract them.
Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Nov 2016   #133
Sweden can be saved

You are very optimistic. I think Sweden is R.I.P
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
19 Nov 2016   #134
you fit in to that narrow identity, then you're happy. But what if you don't? What if you're a gay Pole, or a Tartar

Lets take your two points one by one.

1. you're a gay Pole,

Poland is one of only a very few countries that NEVER had laws against gays. Yes the Catholic church says that the act of sodomy is sinful, but it is not a sin for one man to love another, and when it comes to sin, bumbing is not in the ten commandments, so it aint that bad, The problem is when people publicly start parading their marches down the the streets to make some kind of point that bumbing is the norm and all should join in , the reality is that there have been gays living in Poland for centuries, we all know one, we leave then to it.

2. or a Tartar

We have know these people for centuries, we know that they are ok , we are happy to live side by side with them.

"Observvver "

You are exactly that you are a foreign observer looking at Poland with foreign eyes without any clue as to who or what we are as a people.
Crow  154 | 9207
19 Nov 2016   #135
There is hope.
19 Nov 2016   #136
>You are exactly that you are a foreign observer looking at Poland with foreign eyes without any clue as to who or what we are as a people.

Or maybe I'm a foreign oberver looking with fresh eyes that is involved with the country and people quite deeply? Should a Pole spending time in the UK with a mixed family have no opinions of that country?

Gays - are they equal citizens to you? With equal rights of union and the pension, tax and childcare perks that you have? No. If you are in a gay couple you are not recognised in tax breaks and finance and inheritance like a straight couple. Will gay couples with children be getting the 500 zl per month?

Back to the topic please
19 Nov 2016   #137
>You are exactly that you are a foreign observer

And we are both EU citizens sharing a socio-politico-economic union ;)
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
19 Nov 2016   #138
EU citizens sharing a socio-politico-economic union

But that does not mean that we should be blind to what is happening in Sweden, and should we not learn from their mistakes?

"sharing a socio-politico-economic union "

Does not mean we should follow any other nation or union over the edge of a cliff.

Poles are not lemmings.
Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Nov 2016   #139
Poles are not lemmings.

At least vast majority.
19 Nov 2016   #141
>But that does not mean that we should be blind to what is happening in Sweden, and should we not learn from their mistakes?

No, but Poland should also not be blind to the successes. There is a wide middle way between Sweden and Hungary in which it is possible to choose a good path that will aid economic progress whilst maintaining social cohesion, but that will necessarily mean some diversification. You can't invite lots of people, enjoy the benefits, and then be hostile to them for being a bit different - Poles in the UK know how that feels, and Poland needs to avoid that mistake too.

Poland WILL need lots of migrants, and may not have the luxury of picking and choosing where they come from. A reasonable strategy is needed. Currently there seems to be no strategy.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
19 Nov 2016   #142
Poland should also not be blind to the successes.

Poland is currently being a VERY successful new partner in Europe and making great progress with its OWN strategy, if you are looking for a carbuncle to critique the I suggest you clear off to a Greek or Spanish forum.

We are fine honest, we appreciate that you wish to help, but maybe you need to put on your own oxygen mask before you try and help others.
19 Nov 2016   #143
Hey, I and my family have a stake in it too, so I'll have my say, thanks.

Poland WAS being a successful new partner in Europe. Now it's govt's OWN strategy is making it a problem, because you can't be a partner if you want to have just your own strategy (instead of a partnership). That will ultimately be a bigger problem for Poland than for the rest of Europe.

The successful European partnership you mention has been more successful for Poland than its partners, as it is a net recipient of EU funding and beneficiary of freedom of movement. When Poland starts over-taxing its partners foreign investments and breaking the democratic rules of the partnership, then it might find the partners less willing to fund its new motorways and airports, defending its borders and investing in its economy. Then Greece and Spain might about the economic level we're talking about.

Partnerships mean shared strategies, not "OWN" strategies. Poland has a lot more to gain than to lose.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
19 Nov 2016   #144
Now it's govt's OWN strategy is making it a problem, because you can't be a partner if you want to have just your own strategy (instead of a partnership)

Thing is Poland is used to having partners one the most recent being uncle Stalin, we learned many lessons during occupation, Poland is open to make the most of best advice and guidance that our new European partners have to offer, but that does not mean that we will follow blindly, we will play our part to be a good partner but at the end of the day we will protect and care for our people.

"Hey, I and my family have a stake in it too, so I'll have my say, thanks. "

From your comment I see that you are a foreigner here with a Polish partner/spouse, you are most welcome, I can understand that Poland may be a shock to your system , but if you spend time to learn more about us our history and culture you will see that things aint so bad.

The best way I can put this is, Poland does not bend over to accomodate outsiders to the detriment of it's own , but on the flip side Poland opens it's arms to all that come to embrace all that is Polish.

I might be going off topic here im not sure if this conversation should be moved somewhere else.
Wulkan  - | 3136
19 Nov 2016   #145
Poland WAS being a successful new partner in Europe

To create one European country easier to control by globalists. No, we don't want that in Poland.
mafketis  38 | 10867
19 Nov 2016   #146
There is a wide middle way between Sweden and Hungary in which it is possible to choose a good path

Any examples?
nothanks  - | 626
13 Feb 2017   #147
moved from


"Sweden's self-declared "first feminist government in the world" sacrificed its principles and betrayed the rights of Iranian women as Trade Minister Ann Linde and other female members walked before Iranian President Rouhani on Saturday wearing Hijabs"

Marsupial  - | 871
13 Feb 2017   #148
This is either a photoshop or the biggest fail ever!
mafketis  38 | 10867
13 Feb 2017   #149
either a photoshop or the biggest fail ever!

Everything I've heard about the Swedish government over the last generation would _strongly_ suggest the latter.

Race trumps sex in the PC sweepstakes (and Islam is a race in the PC worldview).
Marsupial  - | 871
13 Feb 2017   #150
This is real vomit material. RIP Sweden.

Home / Polonia / Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

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