The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Cannabis / Weed in Poland... How much does marijuana cost per gram and how easy is to get it?  2  3  4  5  ...  11  12
355 - As far as I know nowadays you pay at least 50zl for 1 gram. Obtained from a local dealer...

LifeRockyMason - 18 Feb 2008FluckTheSystemm - 19 May 2023
Ferrari dealership in Warsaw
Is there a public swimming pool in Katowice?
Poor hygiene of people in public places in Poland  2
How is this herring product typically served?  2  3
Why there is always around a horrible smell of sweat in Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7
188 - Yes, called, 'Buday water sports'....

LifeJOCAPEXA - 20 Aug 2008johnny reb - 17 May 2023
KaczyƄski stirs up hatred between Germans and Poles.
Polish landlord - Walks into my apartment without asking or when i am not at home and wants half rent in cash.  2
Waiting for karta niebieska... (blue card) - can I change my job in Poland?
Perception of hair color in Poland
Poland: worst teeth in the world?  2  3  4
My husband is Polish and I was wondering why he drinks all the time.  2  3
66 - At least they don't drink for no reason....

Lovesalsa - 9 Nov 2009Alien - 15 May 2023
Don't get a child but adopt one? What Polish men think about women who don't want to get children?  2
Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why?  2  3  4  5
123 - Because of those Polish super balls, 200,000 Poles died in 1944 for sh*it....

LifeRaj_ryder - 2 Oct 2010Novichok - 14 May 2023
Poland will be wealthier than Britain by 2030  2
What do you like most about Polish girls? :)  2  3  4
120 - Oh boy, here we go again I do ? Who says ? They didn't...

LoveMaluch - 31 Jan 2014johnny reb - 10 May 2023
What am I? (Percentage)
17 - Yes, of course!...

GenealogyHeartsz - 11 Apr 2023Miloslaw - 10 May 2023
Trouble pinpointing for certain the following surnames
What can I say/do about my Polish neighbours in the UK?  2  3
Why Poles will never belong in England  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you?  2  3  4
9 - Jestem pod 'Alina Paulina' na fb English language only on these forums...

AustraliaSebahat - 1 Jan 2012AlinaPaulina - 7 May 2023
Kebab business  2
Life and work of Stepan Bandera - controversial figure of Europe  2
Gift giving for boyfriends mum for mothers day
4 - If anything make a joined gift....

LoveAmelija - 5 May 2023Lenka - 5 May 2023
Are Polish girls open to foreigners?  2  3
Questions about living in Poland
Pot in Poland for tourists  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
285 - Agreed. Another bunch of losers!...

Travelwroclawpotsmoke - 5 Jul 2012Miloslaw - 29 Apr 2023
Krakow in July
6 - Forget the Polish! In any clubs anywhere!!!!...

Travelhani02 - 28 Apr 2023Miloslaw - 29 Apr 2023
Famous Polish Dwarves
5 - Really? If he was such a Polish "celebrity" why is he buried in England?...

HistoryBobko - 23 Apr 2023Miloslaw - 28 Apr 2023