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Is it true that Polish women are very busty?

22 Apr 2011 #1
Is it true that polish woman have larger breast then other european women? I have heard it about that, but I am not sure. Is it true?

Thanky you, Carla
JonnyM 11 | 2608
22 Apr 2011 #2
No. Fried eggs or spaniels' ears very often.
valpomike 11 | 194
22 Apr 2011 #3
YES, YES, and it is great, and they are the best looking world wide.

Trevek 25 | 1699
22 Apr 2011 #4

The very busty ones are, yes. Not so sure about the others.
hot_latin_guy - | 16
23 Apr 2011 #5
=o didnt know...i just decided my next destination to travel=P
beckski 12 | 1609
23 Apr 2011 #6
Is it true that polish women are very busty?

Some of the lucky ones are...
Al Paca
23 Apr 2011 #7
The Polish chicks I have known weren't particularly breasty.
southern 73 | 7059
23 Apr 2011 #8
Some of them are but not all of them.Remember it is not CR.It is unusual to see enhanced tall woman in Poland for example sth quite usual in CR and Slovakia.
pawian 221 | 24284
23 Apr 2011 #9
Do you think that Polish women are sort of European mammies?

No, they aren`t.
Seanus 15 | 19668
23 Apr 2011 #10
Some are and some aren't. Some teens are nice and busty, or so I've heard ;) ;)
sascha 1 | 824
23 Apr 2011 #11
I posted in the Balkan corner a map, showing the sizes of bras all over the world. That's the latest on that topic. If you're interested, just have a look. ;)

If I recall in Poland it was a #4 bra size. ;)
Seanus 15 | 19668
23 Apr 2011 #12
This is edging ever closer to a 'post your boobs' thread ;) Have a look around in summer and judge for yourselves. Just don't get caught doing it ;)
ShawnH 8 | 1488
23 Apr 2011 #13
Just don't get caught doing it ;)

That is why man invented very dark shades. Wrap around ones are better, so you can exercise your peripheral vision muscles...
Seanus 15 | 19668
23 Apr 2011 #14
Yeah, I kill two birds with one stone there. I have that effect and also the added benefit of having the John Lennon look :) They are prescription sunglasses so I can see perfectly :)
sascha 1 | 824
23 Apr 2011 #15
This is edging ever closer to a 'post your boobs' thread ;)

Here's the map as promised. It's up yourself. ;)
Seanus 15 | 19668
23 Apr 2011 #16
I think they need to excluse those whose boobs have 'gone south' ;) They distort the figures. shows many photos of exhibitionists.
skibum 8 | 62
23 Apr 2011 #17
It seems it is true:
southern 73 | 7059
23 Apr 2011 #18
It seems that when communism falls the boobs rise.
beckski 12 | 1609
24 Apr 2011 #19 shows many photos of exhibitionists.

I don't too many guys here would disapprove...
isthatu2 4 | 2692
24 Apr 2011 #20
Here's the map as promised. It's up yourself. ;)

poor old belruss never catches a break eh? Russia,average D,Poland,average C ,belrus,average,A....
PennBoy 76 | 2429
24 Apr 2011 #21
Is it true that polish women are very busty?

I think it is true many Polish women have so nice big breasts.
Jayden - | 2
24 Apr 2011 #22
I don't think so, parts of them are small breast. depend on different people.
southern 73 | 7059
24 Apr 2011 #23
parts of them are small breast

And the other part is big breast.
Ogien 5 | 237
24 Apr 2011 #24
I never noticed anything impressive in Polish girls but I do know there are a lot of busty Czech girls.
southern 73 | 7059
24 Apr 2011 #25
there are a lot of busty Czech girls.

It is true.The local climate allows the cultivation of such varieties in CR land.
sascha 1 | 824
25 Apr 2011 #26
I don't think so, parts of them are small breast. depend on different people.

It is true.The local climate allows the cultivation of such varieties in CR land.

I can see you guys enjoying the map. I'm glad to see that. ;)

In other terms, what is scientific proven is o.k. and the rest are personal preferences. ;)
valpomike 11 | 194
27 Apr 2011 #27
What is wrong with big breast, when they have the body to go with it. POLISH WOMEN ARE HOT.

Best looking women in the world.

alteris 1 | 7
27 Apr 2011 #28
I have found, from seeing a good and varied selection of polish women, that they are indead very attractive :)
southern 73 | 7059
27 Apr 2011 #29
that they are indead very attractive :)

You mean busty or not?
alteris 1 | 7
27 Apr 2011 #30
both :) but i do prefer busty women, but i like all shapes and sizes....

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