The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Best way to get boxes from UK to Poland?
A student in University in Tunisia (mechanical engineering) wants to study in Poland
Maximum daily limit for international bank transfer to/out of Poland
Polish names without a nickname (or less frequently shortened)  2  3
Poszłam or poszedłem
How much does the average Pole have in cash savings?  2
Getin Noble Bank / Dombank - it is possible to cancel mortgage agreement in CHF?  2
41 - loan agreement analysis is free, remuneration is a percentage as a success fee. there is not tons of paper...

Real Estatepolishmortgages - 24 Feb 2015PropertyMngWawa - 6 Apr 2020
Looking for a town in Germany-Poland (circa 1868-1882) Kronow
Landlord forces me to pay internet+TV
Poland - getting a tenant out (post-lease)
How hard will Poland be hit by the economic crisis?  2  3  4
Biskupin, powiat Zninski, Poland
"There will always be a Poland" in Polish
Visiting "naklo nad notecia" in Poland
Can accidentally using the wrong gender form cause offence?
Age difference, my Polish girl is 23 and I am 39  2
Pawn shop in Poland
6 - Thanks. If I ever do make it to Poland ......

Lifenostep - 3 Jan 2015Paulwiz - 4 Apr 2020
Kudłate Pierogi
What proportion of the Polish population collaborated with the Nazis?  2  3  4  5
Instrumental case in the Polish language. Am I understanding it right?  2  3
Are there public cultural centers in Poland?
What are Poland's pagan roots?  2  3
Throwing away the constitution in Poland?  2  3  4  5  ...  20  21
Building a modern house in Poland?
6 - Oh if I buy an already built one, I'd go for a dom szeregowy as they look nice. It's...

Real Estatejackrussel - 30 Mar 2020jackrussel - 31 Mar 2020
Poland's invitation letter validity.
How long will a package take to mail from Poland to USA by sea?
Warsaw job with US experience (tech company)
What was the general Polish opinion of Germany/Germans between 1920-39?
Polish people in Saudi Arabia
11 - @pawian it doesn't matter sdfd sdsfd...

Poloniaabu3issa - 20 Dec 2012ghazanfar ali - 23 Mar 2020