The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Throwing away the constitution in Poland?  2  3  4  5  ...  20  21
Building a modern house in Poland?
6 - Oh if I buy an already built one, I'd go for a dom szeregowy as they look nice. It's...

Real Estatejackrussel - 30 Mar 2020jackrussel - 31 Mar 2020
Poland's invitation letter validity.
Do you think women have the place they deserve in modern Polish society ?  2
How long will a package take to mail from Poland to USA by sea?
Warsaw job with US experience (tech company)
What was the general Polish opinion of Germany/Germans between 1920-39?
Polish people in Saudi Arabia
11 - @pawian it doesn't matter sdfd sdsfd...

Poloniaabu3issa - 20 Dec 2012ghazanfar ali - 23 Mar 2020
Czechs most liked by Poles!  2
Building a house in Poland need advice from anyone that has built  2  3  4
The level of English of Polish teachers of English. What do you think of it?  2  3  4
101 - Ok. Present English = deliver prepared material in English language....

Workcracovian - 21 Feb 2011Sylvio - 21 Mar 2020
Autosan S.A. a bus and coach manufacturer in Poland is being closed.
Why do so many Polish girls dye their hair BLACK?  2  3  4  5
Anti-Defamation League want Macierewicz (Poland defense minister) appointment withdrawn - GW  2
Egzamin prawo jazdy. Driving Test in Poland. Bribing the instructor?
17 - If you offered 1 million, I think few people would refuse the offer. :)...

Lifesleepinglion - 16 Dec 2011pawian - 20 Mar 2020
What do English Teachers do during the summer for work in Poland? Jobs for teenagers?
Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again.  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Any Pole with predominant Black or African ancestry?
Black girls in Poland - websites, or places where I can find them?
New Polish generation prefers black culture?  2  3  4  5
145 - Did he say it upon visiting Chicago?...

Lifecheesymac - 16 May 2011pawian - 20 Mar 2020
Do black women date Polish guys in Ireland ?
10 - Coz they don`t know yet how to deal with black women. Give them some time....

UK, Irelandhobo - 26 May 2015pawian - 20 Mar 2020
Do Polish men date black women??  2  3
Learning Polish but not focusing on the grammar, good idea?  2
Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration  2
Exchange non EU driving license with class C in Poland
Future conditional (converting some sentences into conditional form with "gdyby")
Nice and easy sentences for Polish future in laws?
Polish girls and traditions (esp. between mother in laws and daughter in laws)  2
EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights  2  3  4
Anglo-mangling of Polish surnames in the US/Canada
22 - When in the USA, my nick was spelled pavian, not pawian....

USA, CanadaPolonius3 - 24 May 2013pawian - 18 Mar 2020