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Coming to study at UITM Rzeszow, Poland

21 Sep 2018   #1
Hi everyone! Next year I will start studying Aviation management at UITM in Rzeszow. I have a few questions:

A) Is UITM a genuine and accredited university?
B) The diploma will have value outside Poland or even between its borders?
C) Are english programmes in Poland recommendable?
D) What type of students does UITM target to?

Thanks in advance!!
DominicB  - | 2706
21 Sep 2018   #2

It's not a real university, and is not allowed to call itself a university in the Polish language.


No. It is essentially worthless, both inside Poland and any other country.


With very few exceptions, English language programs in Poland are of low quality and reputation.


Students who can't get into real universities, and foreigners from third world countries that are not actually interested in studying, but in sneaking into the EU.
jon357  72 | 23482
21 Sep 2018   #3
It's certainly very genuine, is listed as a "non-public higher school" by the Polish government, however the accreditation for their courses comes from various overseas bodies including the US military (not that their accreditation is worth much outside their own activities). If the accrediting bodies are relevant to your country of origin (or where you want to work) that's fine. If not, you may wish to look elsewhere. In competitive fields this does matter.

There are more and more programmes in Poland delivered in English, some of them are excellent, some less so. I would recommend choosing a state sector institution, or a private-sector one whose degrees are accredited by the Polish government and/or who have links with other academic institutions, ideally in Britain (which is the gold standard).

UITM is private, it markets its courses to anyone interested. Their main strength are their vocational courses delivered very often on satellite campuses.

Their aviation management programme is delivered together with Lufthansa, a positive thing, however it is a very new course and I would recommend you contact the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw for specific advice:

You don't say which level you'll be studying at. ILOT does offer doctorates, however if it's a bachelors, you would do well to look at the international rankings.
G (undercover)
22 Sep 2018   #4
No. It is essentially worthless, both inside Poland and any other country.

Nonsense, as usual.
jon357  72 | 23482
22 Sep 2018   #5
For once we agree. It's far from worthless. Although there are accreditation issues, it's accepted in certain countries who send students there, and it's worth mentioning that the degree the OP asks about is quite rare in terms of subject matter and modules studied; this is to its advantage.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Sep 2018   #6
Their aviation management programme is delivered together with Lufthansa

Rzeszów is the center of Polish aviation, so it's certainly worthwhile.
pt_NY_RZE  - | 1
15 May 2019   #7
As a student in his last semester of Aviation Management, I hope my answers to your questions will suffice. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me at:

A)Yes, UITM is accredited by the Polish Ministry of Education. It is one of the oldest private universities in Poland since its opening in 1996.

B)Yes of course it will. Because of UITM's accreditation, the value of its diploma is undeniable, and this will be further proven when you see where you and your fellow classmates will be doing internships. By the second year of studies you will have a chance to work at and learn from companies such as Pratt & Whitney, Lufthansa, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, BorgWarner, Deloitte, and the list goes on. A lot of my friends ended up extending their internship another 3 months, and others have been at some of these companies I just listed for almost a year now.

Besides this, the IATA certificate you can get in your third year, is highly sought after by many employers in the aviation industry. I'm taking my IATA certification test on Friday, wish me luck!

C)Definitely. UITM works directly with the TECL/LCCI IQ exam makers to make sure every student has a chance to get their certificates. UITM goes even one step farther by giving all students the chance to apply for the dual-degree program, where in your last year of studies you can study at a university in England and finish your bachelor's degree with two diplomas from two different universities. (one from UITM Rzeszow and one from University of Huddersfield if you are an Aviation major). In any given year about 10-20% of Aviation Management majors take advantage of this program and go to England for the whole third year. When they come back, they are more confident than ever before in their ability to work in any international company where the English Language is used. Besides the fact that from your first day of classes you will be learning and speaking English with your professors, you will also be using English throughout the whole campus while interacting with your classmates from other countries.

D)For our Majors that are conducted in the English Language, UITM targets students all around the globe so that there is a true international and diverse feel on campus. For majors like Aviation Management and International Management this is a very big advantage for all students. It gives them to the opportunity to learn about these industries from many different perspectives from their fellow classmates. We have over 1900 international students from over 30 countries.
CW3  - | 2
26 Apr 2020   #8

Coming to study bachelor of nursing at UITM Rzeszow, Poland

Hi, everyone! This year I will start studying Bachelor of nursing at UITM Rzeszow . I have a few questions:

1) It's the course is worth it
2) Is the certificate recognized at other EU country
3) If you are a current student, would you advice entering this university ?
4)How much stay there would cost ?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Apr 2020   #9
2) Is the certificate recognized at other EU country

You need to check with the university. Depending on the content of your degree, it may be automatically recognized in other EU countries but it may not have automatic recognition and you will have to apply to have it recognized. Some details here:

It's really better to ask the university admissions office.

How much stay there would cost ?
If you get a room in a shared apartment you will save money on rent.
mafketis  38 | 11127
26 Apr 2020   #10
it may be automatically recognized in other EU countrie

Back when Poland was negotiating its entry into the EU the government specifically attempted to make sure that Polish nursing qualifications would _not_ be recognized - it was a way to try to keep nurses in Poland without actually improving their pay...

In recent years there have been attempts to create nursing programs in English but I don't know about the quality....

In this particular case, it should be noted that this looks like a private university, the quality of which varies wildly in Poland (and programs in English are never as good as programs in Polish)

And... unless you're familiar with the region Rzeszów is liable to not be an especially easy town to come to terms with - the southeast is traditionally the poorest part of the country and unless you know (or can quickly learn) Polish getting everyday tasks done is liable to be difficult.

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