The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Poles and expats share their views on living in Poland. Discuss Polish traditions, customs and culture. (page 7)

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Quotes from Polish right wing newspaper.  2
31 - Good you do it coz you have a chance to learn a few pieces of folk wisdom, darling,...

LifeCojestdocholery - 18 Nov 2021 pawian - 22 Nov 2021
Polandball - Internet subculture
19 - It confuses Indonesians......

LifeOathbreaker - 16 Nov 2021 jon357 - 17 Nov 2021
Good account of Poland's Andrzejki?
Gypsies or Roma: European and Polish attitudes towards  2  3
How send flowers or pralines to somebody in Poland?
4 - Interflora are well enough known and I've used them often....

Lifejoeriehaay - 21 Oct 2021 jon357 - 27 Oct 2021
Why the hell does Poland close medical facilities until Tuesday? Holiday
Tell me about Northeastern Poland
× "The Poland question?" Is antisemitism growing?
21 - Poles also do not like aliens who are also absent in Poland🥶...

Lifehenrichfierce - 2 Nov 2019 Alien - 11 Oct 2021
Childbirth in Poland - can you please tell your experience?
Public Masturbation now allowed in Sweden, Would this work in Poland?  2
Where do the wealthy class live in Warsaw?  2
What do Poles think about Austrians?
What do Polish people think of the Asia and Middle East?  2  3
86 - hahaha a funny reply about a sad occurence....

LifeJeong - 16 Nov 2015 pawian - 16 Sep 2021
Lodz vs Wroclaw - difference in mentality of people?  2
Polish water safe to drink?  2
50 - Are you drunk again? That's the gut bacteria, not a worm....

Lifeblondie12345678 - 5 Dec 2011 JakeRyan - 8 Sep 2021
Life in Poland for American who likes women, beer, hates Tories and is concerned about the weather
Hanging out with Polish Banda street people in Berlin
What's the immigration status in Poland?
The Current Attitudes of Poles Living in Poland towards Poles Living/Working Abroad
Sexual culture in Poland  2  3
Consumer Rights & Returns in Poland
For all the black people living in Warsaw, where do you get your hair cut?  2
Laxatives in supermarkets
8 - A good remedy. for 2.50 Pln...

LifeNewbie99 - 13 Jul 2021 Cargo pants - 15 Jul 2021
Books, shows and movies set in Poland
Languages understandable by Poles?  2
Polish folk remedy for styes?
Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world!  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Are Poles typically nasty people?  2
Jerzy Kosinski - Polish author and liar  2  3  4  5
How would you describe the Polish sense of humour?  2  3
66 - Right on the money there, pawian! Thanks....

Lifecjjc - 22 Mar 2009 Lyzko - 19 Jun 2021
Can no longer receive TVP Info Wrocław on digital DVBT
Biological Dentists in Poland
Polish Organizational Skills  2  3
Get a refund in Poland for medical expenses abroad
Boże Ciało (Corpus Christi) - a beautiful celebration in Catholic Poland
22 - Of course not. They will keep it for tourists....

LifePolonius3 - 4 Jun 2015 pawian - 3 Jun 2021
Polish Wedding March & Funny Hat  2
37 - Wow! Very interesting. How does conservative Am Polonia react to it?...

Lifeangelbina000 - 11 Aug 2010 pawian - 30 May 2021
New Royal Baby Boy - Recommended Polish Baby Names
Shipping times from China to Poland
Olsztyn life; I'm Indian and I like the place  2
Fat People in Poland?  2  3  4  5  6
161 - Music is cool but this guys are not so cool....

LifeOgien - 11 Jan 2010 Alien - 21 May 2021
"Hej Sokoly" - song research
The Polish Dream - move out from Poland as fast as possible  2  3
Why Milosz not Herbert ?  2
Popular Polish blog and chat sites  2  3
65 - Any chat sites or the like out there for German speakers?...

LifeLt Navy - 9 May 2007 Lyzko - 10 May 2021
Cost of converting cars in Poland to left-hand drive  2
Comparing Poland and Romania  2  3  4
108 - Not as black and white as all that, folks....

Liferoade85 - 17 Dec 2015 Lyzko - 4 May 2021
Litter in Poland
Nicorette Inhalator - are they available in Poland?
POLISH DANCING (how to to this holding hands and such?)
Communication and Polish culture
What it means to be Polish or How to be Polish?
Warsaw is a difficult city to adjust to (coming from Canada and having lived in South Africa) Prague?  2
Exam for Drivers License in Poland; English?  2  3  4
Why do Polish people throw trash on the ground?
4 - Yes. If the owner joins his peeing dog, the area diameter is doubled....

LifeStrzelec35 - 23 Apr 2021 Novichok - 23 Apr 2021
Automobiles vs. Pedestrians in Poland  2  3
Polish people stuck in their self imposed "cultural ghettos"
iPhones/iTunes and Apple products market in Poland  2
Life Insurance in Poland
6 - I am sure they will but with a price tag.Even an 85yr old can buy insurance for a...

LifeCuriousOne - 28 Aug 2016 Cargo pants - 20 Apr 2021
Polish home remedies for cold, stomach ache, migraine?  2
Why Polish Diminutives/Nicknames are so popular?

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