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Popular Polish blog and chat sites

Lt Navy 3 | 29
9 May 2007 #1
Does any one know of any popular polish chat and blog sites???
slwkk 2 | 228
30 May 2007 #3
The most popular is probably
tornado2007 11 | 2270
13 Jul 2007 #4
what about or does that not count??
13 Jul 2007 #5

i have people that use that .. i talk to on GG :)
tornado2007 11 | 2270
13 Jul 2007 #6
yeah gg is good too, a little like msn or skype but a little more stone age, lol
14 Jul 2007 #7
they are trying to update it looks more like the yahoo messenger actually now with incorporating getting to mojageneracja profile and being able to listen to the radio :)
17 Jul 2007 #8
Popular Polish blogs in English

Hi,can anyone point me to some good blogs that are written about Poland or in Poland,but in English language?Thanks!
Czestochowa 9 | 50
17 Jul 2007 #9

some more Polish blogs in her links
porta 18 | 225
18 Jul 2007 #10
I just installed Gadu-Gadu to check it out ,but i have not added any friends yet. Why do i get messages about people logging inn? I have nobody in my list!
alexbd - | 2
14 Sep 2007 #11
what is the actual gadu gadu address
14 Sep 2007 #13
Hi,can anyone point me to some good blogs that are written about Poland or in Poland,but in English language?Thanks!

island1 - | 16
17 Sep 2007 #14
Does any one know of any popular polish chat and blog sites???

Funny you should ask, I've been writing a blog about my experiences of living in Poland:

I've been looking, but I haven't come across many others in English (not particularly surprising I suppose). There is also:

which is a very interesting roundup of Polish news stories translated into English.

As inkrakow has already pointed out, these are also interesting:

although they are both heavily political.

I'd love to hear about some more 'personal experience' blogs if anyone comes across them.
christoner 1 | 20
27 Sep 2007 #15
Topic attached on merging:
live chat

do you know of any live chat sites i am english but i love poland have visited krakow but want to return
30 Sep 2007 #16
I've a polish friend who's looking for a polish chat-room for over 40 and over - can anyone help?
30 Sep 2007 #17
go there, look for "Towarzyski" titel and click on "Po 40-tce"
21 Oct 2007 #18
Hunny Bunny,

I'm Irish, based in Warsaw and have an English language blog at

Best regards,
busip - | 7
26 Oct 2007 #19
LondonChick 31 | 1133
13 Jun 2008 #20
Um, there's a really cool one called :)
30 Jul 2008 #22

interesting blog ... i liked the weather shots they were amazing ... the lightening over warsaw looks frighteningly scary lol
sausage 19 | 775
26 Feb 2009 #23 - Transparent Language Polish Blog
2 Oct 2009 #27
GG :)
gadu gadu :)
MyPolonia - | 13
2 Oct 2009 #28
I have received many suggestions that you like My Polonia as a Popular Polish blog and chat site, but you want more features, so:

My Polonia is getting a facelift.

In about a month My Polonia will have a new look.
You guys can have a say on what you want the new site to have, just reply to Bartek latest blog.

So lets see if My Polonia will be Most Popular Polish blog and chat site
sausage 19 | 775
14 Jan 2010 #30
GaduGadu a messenger system like Skype/MSN that is very popular in Poland

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