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Polish Networking Sites / Facebook

30 May 2007 #1
polish social network sites

hi can anyone list some popular sites in Poland, equivalent to myspace, xanga, bebo, facebook etc

MyPolonia - | 13
7 May 2008 #2
newest Polonia myspace style site:

my polonia .com

Still growing, but it looks like it has a lot of potential.
OP xkaydees 3 | 3
6 Mar 2011 #3
What are all the polish networking sites? I already know of, gadugadu,,,,,
6 Mar 2011 #4
smurf 38 | 1940
6 Mar 2011 #5
goldenline is decent too, it's like linkedin but it's got forums on it where people are way friendlier than here
jonni 16 | 2475
6 Mar 2011 #6
I like Goldenline. A bit more dynamic than linkedin.and some of the fora are quite useful.
smurf 38 | 1940
6 Mar 2011 #7
and some of the fora are quite useful.

yea I gotta agree with ya. I'm not gone on Blip though, it's a bit stupid, why would you use it when Twitter is clearly the leader.

NK is proper lame though.
21 Aug 2011 #8
Merged: Which site is Polish Facebook?

Can you please tell me which social networking site is used by polish people.
MyMom 6 | 136
21 Aug 2011 #9
Facebook IS used by Polish people.
Another one: = nasza klasa = portal which organizes people according to their class/school
Perhaps they will go out of fashion soon, just like many other social sites :) Vast amount of spam on both is an early sign of their demise.
24 Oct 2020 #10

Trying to find an old friend

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