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Best, safe Polish dating sites?

Ecoprincess - | 28
16 Aug 2008 #1
i am on one thats good try:

I'm the same name drop by for a chat.

The International forums are a bit spooky, the Australian New Zealand one are mainly focused on sex (I'm mainly on this one)

and the Irish one is a bit conservative, I drop by on this one

The Canadian one - your granny would be safe on.
Polebilly 2 | 4
16 Aug 2008 #2
Forget about any free sites. Most users won't take it seriously when the site is free. You'll just run into alot of no replies and game players. Also Nigerian scamsters use the free sites to con people out of money. I've been using They have a category for Polish people. It does'nt cost much.
tornado2007 11 | 2270
18 Aug 2008 #3
thank goodness, somebody actually asking on here for a proper dating website. Well done for not posting some idiotic advert on here. The sites pointed out should be in Bold and on the home page of PF so that if you want to go dating whatever its for, then you can find a site, THERE AND NOT HERE!!!
Del boy 20 | 254
18 Aug 2008 #4
safe, free Polish dating sites in english
when we have no chance with local ones we have to try some desperate ones
have a fun
sausage 19 | 775
18 Aug 2008 #5

I had a look at this one (purely for research!).
You can searching you can select man/woman/ladyboy...
OP lavandul 1 | 3
4 Sep 2008 #6
well i didn't find safe dating site in polish, but those in english makes me thinking about creating a profile :)

Free Dating USA

i have been thinking about "connecting singles" site. what do you think about it?
e1ite - | 1
28 Sep 2008 #7
ecoprincess were are u from are u in poland or in the uk..if your in the uk am from the same place we can be good friends
Phil33101 4 | 26
5 Oct 2008 #8

Im on there looking for a Nice Polish Girl
robert - | 4
17 Oct 2008 #9
looking to date a nice polish girl...?

i travel alot but was trying to maybe find one in poland....?

any ideas...? apart from the obvious...going there........!

any good sites...?
cambs m - | 3
8 Mar 2009 #10
would be interested to hear how people got on with those different sites and also find out what cultural groups and dating which others most. Most of the polish people I see are just with other POlish people so it seems they don't fancy us english people
flissiebell 1 | 13
10 May 2010 #11
hiya you could also try and

both got some very nice looking people (guys in my case lol)
gd luck with that one lol
Havok 10 | 902
16 Nov 2010 #12
what is safe dating website? do they have have an umbrella insurance and prenup forms included?
irishmale 1 | 5
31 Jan 2011 #13
Merged thread:
polish girls

hi all , does anyone know any polish dating websites that might be in english aswell? sorry i dont speak good polish, i travel a lot and have met girls from all over but polish girls are just the best! thanks in advance
7 Mar 2011 #14
irishmale. I'm no expert by any means. But I do love polish women and polish dating is becoming more popular. I've had had some success with and They both handle multiple languages including english. Polish Friend Finder Has the most Singles for sure but it is a little more on the adult side of dating. Polish dating us is kind of new but also global. Just my 2 cents anyway. Good Luck. Polish Girls definitely are worth pursuing.

- Ken
Vaasa 3 | 14
12 Jun 2011 #15
I'm not in Poland yet (moving there later this year for work), but I've noticed some folks from Poland on It's a free site in the US and is better than pretty much every paid site I tried in the past. However, it's English-only as far as I can tell.
24 Jan 2012 #16
Merged:Which is the most popular dating website in Poland?

what is the most popular dating website in poland?
24 Jan 2012 #17 or; or even, kinda.
24 Jan 2012 #18
must be free,i forgot to say
24 Jan 2012 #19
Starting out cheap is no way to win them Polish ladies over, man. But, I think there's probably different "levels" for all of those sites, tho I'm not sure.
watson - | 1
24 Jun 2012 #20
Merged: Which is the best online polish dating site for Poland singles?

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if there were some good dating sites used here in Poland. Where sites have a good number of poland singles and also has an english version.

Any approvals?

Betty - | 5
24 Jun 2012 #21
Sure, you may visit or

It is a good Polish dating website with lots of Poland singles. There are some cool new dating website features and an English version of the website .

Check it out, I am sure you will like it.

Good luck
InWroclaw 89 | 1910
29 Jul 2012 #22
Now that I find myself single in Poland, wondering if there's a good internet dating site for my area for 30s singles. I have searched the forum and unless I have missed a link the sites don't seem to have many singles in my age group, certainly not in Wroc. Any tips to a good site or venue to meet someone genuine and not too young?
21 Sep 2012 #23
The link to picasaweb is imprecise. This is more accurate: glesRandki#

try again
insomnia255 - | 1
29 Sep 2012 #24
Merged: Good polish dating sites

Does anyone know any good polish dating sites where you can meet polish girls ?
Rysavy 10 | 306
1 Oct 2012 #25
hiya you could also try and

Lol..though I am not in market...ya made me look!!

I couldn't find a single other person that looks even 40% like my paramor on either site at any age group 0_0 Most looked kinda generic on that first link.

*the curvy ginger is now exponentially pleased with her luck! as she couldn't find another person that fits so many personal...?criteria? fetishes? if she even tried in his home country**

15 Oct 2012 #26
Just search for portal randkowy. There are lots of free dating sites for Poland like
25 Oct 2012 #27
Try, English and Polish version :) cheers
MoOli 9 | 479
25 Oct 2012 #28
Midnight Lurker
25 Oct 2012 #29
Shouldnt this get merged with that other link that has so many dating sites? Or was that the one titled Catholic dating sites orginally?
duntu - | 2
25 Oct 2012 #30
Black purse blog

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