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For all the black people living in Warsaw, where do you get your hair cut?

Louis001  6 | 14
28 Jan 2010   #1
I'm a black guy living in Poland first of all and this is a question to all the black people on this site living in Poland. Where do you get your haircut (or trim if you understand that lingo)? Reason why I ask is because I'm thinking of starting up a barber's shop because I have not come across any. What do you think? Should I or should I not?
28 Jan 2010   #2
Where do you get your haircut (or trim if you understand that lingo)? Reason why I ask is because I'm thinking of starting up a barber's shop because I have not come across any. What do you think? Should I or should I not?

There very definitely used to be a place which specialises in haircuts for black people. I can't remember where it is (and I don't know if it still exists) but as of about 18 months ago there definitely was a place in Warsaw. As to the wisdom of opening a place yourself, I'm not sure if there's enough in the way of clientele in Warsaw. I'd be thinking more of targetting the Vietnamese community here, there's several thousand of them and they mostly live in the same neighbourhood too.
OP Louis001  6 | 14
28 Jan 2010   #3
OK, I understand what you mean, cheers Harry
jonni  16 | 2475
28 Jan 2010   #4
Where do you get your haircut

As far as I know, most of the black people here get friends to cut their hair. There's a place on Noakowskiego that can do it, but I don't think they specialise.
17 Feb 2010   #5
what? it's the first time I hear that black people need different barbers. wtf?!

please elaborate!
convex  20 | 3928
17 Feb 2010   #6
Say you drive a VW, would you take it to a Fiat dealer to get work done? Probably not. Why? I'm sure the Fiat mechanics know how to work on a transmission, they probably also know how to replace a timing chain, but they probably don't do it as well as the VW guys.
Lenka  5 | 3471
17 Feb 2010   #7
what? it's the first time I hear that black people need different barbers. wtf?!please elaborate!

Take a look at some biology books.Of course they don't need diifferent barbers but they need barbers that know what they're doing.
OP Louis001  6 | 14
22 Feb 2010   #8
need barbers that know what they're doing

SteveSmith  - | 9
23 Feb 2010   #9
could a local sheep shearer not do a reasonable job?
Spaceman77  3 | 58
23 Feb 2010   #10
Have you used one before?
I think they do a reasonable job.
.... with a sheep.
For people it's better to go to a barber shop. You should try that one day.
SteveSmith  - | 9
23 Feb 2010   #11
Have you used one before?

No, I have normal hair.

Lets face it a barber will have his work cut out, pardon the pun, with a negroes hair, not an awful lot you can do with it.

A sheep shearer could do as good a job as any barber with that kind of hair.
mannybrasil  1 | 2
23 Feb 2010   #12
i want to know something: is there a lot of blacks in Warsaw? im from chicago, and im planning to go there. im black but not from the states, but that wont make a difference in poland.

this is a serious question.
thanks for all the feedback.
beelzebub  - | 444
23 Feb 2010   #13
No. The blacks you do see will be African normally. Rare to ever see a black American there unless he is passing through on business.

In any case it's not common. Poland is very, VERY white.
beelzebub  - | 444
23 Feb 2010   #15
See my answer to your asking of that question in another thread.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
23 Feb 2010   #16
is there a lot of racim there?

I wouldn't call it like that. Just really different for Polish people to see black people walking about. Though you do have a lot of knuckle draggers who will treat you like a third class cit.
OP Louis001  6 | 14
23 Feb 2010   #17
could a local sheep shearer not do a reasonable job

Stupid guy!?!
nunczka  8 | 457
23 Feb 2010   #18
You could be in real trouble if you are sporting DREAD LOCKS or CORN ROWS
OP Louis001  6 | 14
23 Feb 2010   #19

no dreads or corn rolls mate
krazy krawiec  4 | 27
2 Mar 2010   #20

I spent alot of time last year in Poland.. I saw 1 solitary black man once. But he was walking along proudly like he didn't give a crap who was staring!!

He seemed quite happy!
24 Aug 2011   #21
When I lived in Poland it was aweful....

Oh Lord I'm glad I left...

I am a Black Brazilian lady...

I was in Poland studying medicine...

I had gotten a scholarship to may my tuition for the entire duration.....

I had to leave it and go back home...I just couldn't take it....

The stares....the random skin heads you would meet while walking, the teenagers who had nothing better to do than to tease and call me names...

The unemployed people that would loitter the streets with nothing better to do than to show their intolerance to someone different...

Oh, then there was the language barrier....I could go on and on.....

So glad I left that place....

People will stare at you everywhere you go, even in big cities like Warsaw where there are more black people..

You will feel like you are in a zoo...

One time I was walkin down the street with a Polish classmate and a car drove by real fast...

The people in the car stopped it right in front of us, opened the window and took a picture....

Oh my God! I felt so invaded....

Like an alien....
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
24 Aug 2011   #23
I got stared at on the streets of Sao Paulo and Rio for being a light skinned person.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
24 Aug 2011   #24
Nah,come off it foxxalo and PP, you both got stared at because you are hotties,seemple :)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
24 Aug 2011   #26
To be serious(not that I wasnt with the hottie thing mind...) for a minute,if Id not seen it with my own eyes I would be sceptical about foxxolas experience,maybe think she was exagerating,but,about 5 years ago I was in PL with some students and frankly the gawping stares an Asian girl in the group got where ever she went got beyond a joke,if that had been my only experience of Poland i would have been left with the distinct impression that Poles out rude parisians and out bumpkin the most inbred rednecks lost up a west virginia mountainside .....Poles ,at that time atleast had not learnt the subtle art of gawping at people without actually looking like they are gawping.....seriously, a slightly darker skin tone, a deep suntan for all intents and purposes but youd think she had either dropped from outer space or was wandering around buck ass nekkid from the double takes and pointing fingers..........and this was in Krakow not some shtetl :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
24 Aug 2011   #27

Poles might not be used to outsiders because of the iron curtain, but it's not the only place. There are plenty of people like that all over the world. When you are not used to seeing an Asian or a black, you stare. Same with blacks and Asians who do not see outsiders that often. They stare and make comments about what's different, what they are not accustomed to.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
24 Aug 2011   #28
I can excuse say some tribesman in the back of beyond staring at me if I turned up in their midst,but,come on,people in a modern city with access to TV and full media,shhhheeeeetttt, I dont think Ive ever seen an eskimo in real life but Im darned sure I wouldnt block there path and turn to who I was with and start jabbering away and pointing.....nah, it was just rudeness and ignorance plain and simple.

Ive said on here before,the first Polish person I met who had moved to my village in 04 was as black as the ace of spades,i think his heritage was Angolan though all he classed himself as was Polish,so its not as though absolutly no people but pasty faced white europeans have ever set foot in Poland.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
24 Aug 2011   #29
There's people where I live who would stare and make comments and we got all kinds of people here.
24 Aug 2011   #30
I'm a black guy living in Poland first of all and this is a question to all the black people on this site living in Poland. Where do you get your haircut (or trim if you understand that lingo)? Reason why I ask is because I'm thinking of starting up a barber's shop because I have not come across any. What do you think? Should I or should I not?

UMM!would you also provide pedicure,manicure and PUBICURE services? and for PUBICURE will you use brillo pads?

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