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Litter in Poland

mafketis  38 | 10963
1 May 2021   #1
I complained in another thread on the littering culture of Poland (hardly unique to the country but I'm in a bad mood about it).

What needs to change to stop people from just dropping their garbage wherever they happen to be? Especially in places like parks and wooded areas and around lakes/ponds?

If you Polish does the litter bother you or not? What can you do about it?

If your not, then how does litter in Poland compare to your country?

If litter isn't a big problem where you are what happened to get it under control?
pawian  219 | 24900
1 May 2021   #2
but I'm in a bad mood about it)

Yes, I can see. Today you are not in the mood in general. :)

What needs to change to stop people

Using some before people would be more reasonable and fairer. :):)

Yes, it bothers me and whenever I see an act of it, I admonish the litterer. But I see it rarely - most people are cultural and use bins.

then how does litter in Poland compare to your country?

When was the last time you visited Italy??? :):)
OP mafketis  38 | 10963
1 May 2021   #3
Using some before people would be more reasonable and fairer.

notice the headline.... no 'some' there....

When was the last time you visited Italy??? :):)

2018, surprisingly little litter (kind of an upscale area but...)

But I see it rarely

take a walk in a forest lately?

pawian  219 | 24900
1 May 2021   #4
no 'some' there..

Yes, coz it is a Polish site where they speak Polish and they use short cuts which are easily comprehended.

take a walk in a forest lately?

I talked about seeing an actual act of littering, not its results.

Yes, forested areas in the countryside can be littered - those rural morons from neighbouring villages want to save on collection costs.
Mountain forests look much better.

Ways to fight it? Simple - increase fines for littering - now they can pay around 5000 PLN. And camera traps everywhere. Tightfisted morons must be taught a lesson.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 May 2021   #5
i wrote about this topic here and no one replied for some reason including the Polish supremacists or fascists who are immigrants themselves like iron or that spike guy:

how can anyone respect such a culture and people where they dont respect themselves and act like blakc people in the US in this regard while calling indians savages (that iron guy did this in the Polish language thread).

" hardly unique to the country but I'm in a bad mood about it"

it is oretty unique in terms of a white or european country and culture about it particularly one who likes to refer to itself as central but not eastern Europe and calls native americans or blacks as savages when they act the same.

lol Polish people seem to be like the real dzikusy (irons words not mine) of Europe theyre exactly the same as these people it seems:
pawian  219 | 24900
1 May 2021   #6
2018, surprisingly little litter (kind of an upscale area but...)

Upscale doesn`t count. I can also show you photos of a historical festival here where all litter was dutifully put in bins and I saw only one bottle scattered on the ground in the area the size of a big football pitch.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 May 2021   #7
the question is what to fo about ir ot how do you guys deal with it when you see these Polish hooligand and vagabonds and street people throw trash everywhere how do you handle the situation or deal with them?
johnny reb  46 | 7709
1 May 2021   #8
If your not, then how does litter in Poland compare to your country?

Throw an empty cigarette pack out your car window going down the road = $100 fine (380 PLN)
Throw a bag of trash out along the road or in a park or rest area = $500 fine (1900PLN)
Make a mess like the above picture and it will cost you $1000 fine (3800PLN) plus clean up costs.
And if can't pay you sit in jail for 30 to 90 days or until someone pays your fine for you.
Throw your garbage in a private dumpsters like a restaurants = $500 fine even if it is a small bag.
They have free recycle bins for glass, tin cans plastic, and paper everywhere so there is no excuse.
Does Poland have free recycle bins available ?
pawian  219 | 24900
1 May 2021   #9
Littering is also fined in Poland. That is why those morons do it when nobody sees. That is why I said I rarely see such behaviour.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 May 2021   #10
maybe the Polish far right and guys like spike or iron ar behind it or reasons for the trash being thrown on/within their country?
johnny reb  46 | 7709
2 May 2021   #11
Does Poland have free recycle bins available ?

These bins are taken to a recycling center and dumped onto big conveyor belts which run the refuge under a big magnet that separates all the metal from the rest of it.

(You can google this operation)
It then continues down the belt where all the glass is automatically separated and continues down the belt where all the plastic is plucked out, cardboard and paper, and so on.

It quite an operation.
All this is recycled into reusable raw materials cutting down on pollution.
Now my question again is, "Does Poland have such recycling plants for the Polish people to take their refuge to for free ?"
This is what helped huge to stop illegal dumping's on public and private lands here in the U.S.A.
Also it is illegal to burn plastic or treated wood in the U.S. even if it is on your own land.
Serious On-Topic responses welcomed.
OP mafketis  38 | 10963
2 May 2021   #12
I rarely see such behaviour.

The situation has improved a lot in built up areas, not nearly as much as there was even just a few years ago, but wooded areas are still disaster areas....

Does Poland have free recycle bins available ?

All over the place. Where I love people are not always.... consistent with them but they're there.
Braveheart16  19 | 142
2 May 2021   #13
Pawian - I can also show you photos of a historical festival here where all litter was dutifully put in bins

I suspect that the reason for this, was down to the numbers of people present and the liklihood of being seen to throw rubbish anywhere but in a bin.... fly tippers choose their moments carefully when dumping rubbish in forests, ie with no-one around... I've seen metres of black tv cables dumped in a forest, plastic bags etc....are there any associations or local government officials responsible for clearing rubbish from forests, because it just seems to lie there for weeks and weeks.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
2 May 2021   #14
Exactly and you never see that stuff in Germany because Germans are civilized and a high level civilization with a long history as well as being westerners. They are known for their discipline and order.
Lyzko  41 | 9572
2 May 2021   #15
Ironically though, at least in Berlin, with dog poop, not as careful as with litter.
gumishu  16 | 6182
2 May 2021   #16
If you Polish does the litter bother you or not?

it does bother me a lot - litter in forests is such an eyesore
Strzelec35  19 | 830
2 May 2021   #17
lol i just saw it right now some patologia pollack kids some girl with her little group threw trash right outside a zabka store one of those bags for breads. dzikusy thats what they are and their country.
Miloslaw  21 | 5060
2 May 2021   #18
I have to say, that is one of the worst things about modern Poles.
They are terrible litter louts..... and the big dogs that they can't control.....
Novichok  4 | 7895
3 May 2021   #21
They are terrible litter louts....

There is a cure for it. It's instant and lasts a lifetime. It was invented and perfected in Singapore.
gumishu  16 | 6182
3 May 2021   #22
what was it? I'm genuinely curious
pawian  219 | 24900
3 May 2021   #23
Cane. :):)
Novichok  4 | 7895
3 May 2021   #24

He never did it again. At least not in Singapore.

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