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Why the hell does Poland close medical facilities until Tuesday? Holiday

Strzelec35  19 | 830
2 May 2021   #1
just because Monday is some holiday no body cares about why do medical facilities like health centers or doctors have to be closed? hell why do they even have to be closed saturday? In USA I dont think most medical places are losed on saturdays are they?
AdamPole  - | 2
26 Oct 2021   #2
@Strzelec35 In the USA, HMOs/Medical places are not closed on weekends that I am aware of, but certain offices may be closed on holidays, however, they have urgent care places and HMO hospitals, if needed on a holiday. Also, after-hour urgent care is open for some medical Plans. As for a medical place in Poland, I would have to ask my cousin about where someone can go.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Oct 2021   #3

Most doctors offices are closed and on public holidays.But like AdamPole said there are "Urgent Care"& "Doctors Office" that are open from 7 Am to 10PM.I always get my Free Covid test done there to travel.In Poland you can go to a hospital emergency.Man how is your wound healing?

Home / Life / Why the hell does Poland close medical facilities until Tuesday? Holiday
BoldItalic [quote]
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