The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Question about studing Polish history and culture
Polish cities and their UK twins
Why Poles love Russia  2  3  4
Polish & US heat & eat foods?
Architecture style in Poland
Why do Polish people throw trash on the ground?
4 - Yes. If the owner joins his peeing dog, the area diameter is doubled....

LifeStrzelec35 - 23 Apr 2021Novichok - 23 Apr 2021
Automobiles vs. Pedestrians in Poland  2  3
Easter meal on a typical Polish table?
16 - Yes, they have fun making them. The most fav shape is cat....

FoodPolonius3 - 1 Apr 2012pawian - 23 Apr 2021
Polish Easter Tradition is also pagan!  2
47 - Not only people, also people and animals:...

Historypagan - 21 Apr 2014pawian - 23 Apr 2021
Easter eggs colored with onion skins
8 - yes,. it is still popular. Onion skin eggs on the right...

FoodKarinka - 8 Apr 2012pawian - 23 Apr 2021
Polish people stuck in their self imposed "cultural ghettos"
iPhones/iTunes and Apple products market in Poland  2
Kobiety odrzucają politykę kościoła  2
Sending parcels from Poland to UK - the most economical way?
Words with subtle differences in Polish language (or are they complete synonyms?)
8 - Makes sense to me too....

Languageexonie - 8 Jan 2012Lyzko - 22 Apr 2021
Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference.  2  3  4
Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
236 - Why are you threatened by him?...

PoloniaPlayer1 - 11 Aug 2015Lyzko - 21 Apr 2021
Life Insurance in Poland
Is this true about Polish pronunciation of English (that some words sound identical?)  2
In search of Mówimy po polsku audio files
6 - I have that disc but need disc3 13 - 19 ok...

Languagejohnstol - 5 Oct 2016oldmacdonald - 18 Apr 2021
"Razem" chce aby Jan Paweł II nie był już honorowym obywatelem Warszawy
Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO  2  3  4
My boyfriend [M28] in Australia all of sudden misses Poland that much and/or is feeling homesick?
Polish home remedies for cold, stomach ache, migraine?  2
Polish restaurants, clubs, in Melbourne
Ordering from
How far did Kashubia extend?
Informacje, obserwacje o Góral
Declension of diminutives in the Polish language
8 - If we had borrowed it from English, the dimunitive of ham would be hamka....

LanguageLeo 037james - 13 Apr 2021pawian - 13 Apr 2021
Why Polish Diminutives/Nicknames are so popular?