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Polish cleaner claims sexual assault is OK in rural Poland

24 Jun 2013   #1
Remember how some posters tell us that growing up in traditional Poland is the best thing that can happen to a kid? It seems that that might not be true.

Polish cleaner blames 'cultural values' for spate of bottom pinching
A university cleaner who was brought up in rural Poland has claimed that his "cultural values" were behind sex assaults in which he groped three women.
Szczepan Majcherczyk was jailed for 21 months for inappropriately propositioning a female student and pinching the behinds of three strangers in public.
But after admitting his guilt his defence counsel, Warren Robinson, told the court he was experiencing difficulties and "perhaps fell back to older and inappropriate cultural values from his childhood in rural Poland."

So what do you think? Was there anything in this pervert's defence? Is it really acceptable to behave this way to women in Polska B?
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Jun 2013   #2
It isn't the first time someone has tried to get away with this one.
pawian  219 | 24592
24 Jun 2013   #3
Was there anything in this pervert's defence? Is it really acceptable to behave this way to women in Polska B?

Of course. I always pinch or touch my wife when I walk past her.
Ant63  13 | 410
24 Jun 2013   #4
It appears sexual assault is one of Polands less palatable exports

Man molests girl.

Not only is this person a truly disgusting individual, but he obviously lacks intelligence for committing the offence within a small community, where he was easily identifiable.

Quote from judge "If it were up to me I would deport you."

Its time the EU made this viable and reciprocal, and made foreign courts uphold sentences given in other countries unlike the Tomek ???/Elderly woman rape case a couple of years ago.
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Jun 2013   #5
It looks like his lawyer was bellshytting during the plea in mitigation.
OP Harry
24 Jun 2013   #6
I'm not sure about that: .
Magdalena  3 | 1827
24 Jun 2013   #7
He would get beaten up proper for doing what he did in rural Poland - by the fathers, the brothers, the boyfriends. It's an excuse, a poor one at that. I remember the same excuse being used by at least another guy a few years back, they seem to think if they act dumb and blame it on their "heritage" they will get away with it.
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Jun 2013   #8
I'd think quite a few women too would sock him one.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
24 Jun 2013   #9
Exactly. They definitely wouldn't keep quiet about it ;-)
OP Harry
24 Jun 2013   #10
In certain rural places the father/brothers might have to beat themselves up.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
24 Jun 2013   #11
That holds true for boondocks the world over. Even so, they would still "defend the virtue" of their sister / daughter if someone else tried to mess with her.
f stop  24 | 2493
24 Jun 2013   #12
I'm unclear on one thing: is groping and pinching the same thing?
In the first line, they call it "a spate of bottom pinching".
In the rest of the article they call it groping. While both are reprehensible, groping is more of a "blindly feeling about", which in my opinion is much worse.

So, was he pinching, and reporters preferred more sensationalistic word, or was he groping and the title was meant to minimize it?
OP Harry
24 Jun 2013   #13
Did you miss this bit?

he approached an 18-year-old who was in her first year at university as she was walking home and put his hand onto her bottom and inside her shorts,

f stop  24 | 2493
24 Jun 2013   #14
still.. inconsistencies..
This is what he was sentenced for:
Szczepan Majcherczyk was jailed for 21 months for inappropriately propositioning a female student and pinching the behinds of three strangers in public.
OP Harry
24 Jun 2013   #15
No, he was convicted of (and plead guilty to) three counts of sexual assault and two counts of threatening behaviour.
f stop  24 | 2493
24 Jun 2013   #16
why are they talking about pinching, then?
Pinching asses is considered sexual assault, and I think if done at the bottom edge of the shorts, it's called groping inside the shorts.
Paulina  16 | 4384
24 Jun 2013   #17
He would get beaten up proper for doing what he did in rural Poland - by the fathers, the brothers, the boyfriends.


Is it really acceptable to behave this way to women in Polska B?

No, it isn't. Magdalena is spot on.
Btw, how do you know that he comes from "Polska B"? There are villages in "Polska A" too, you know lol

It appears sexual assault is one of Polands less palatable exports

I guess you can say the same thing about British peadophiles, sex tourists and perverts.

Ironside, ask the convicted where he is from and thinks it is normal for.

He's a pervert, so it's "normal" for him.
What isn't normal for me is the line of defence in that case. Because that was the British lawyer's idea:

Mr Warren Robinson, defending, said Majcherczyk has lived in Britain for eight years and has a five-year-old child but his relationship had broken down and he was depressed and drinking too much at the time of the offences.

He said: 'During these few days he was relying on alcohol too much and perhaps fell back to older and inappropriate cultural values from his childhood in rural Poland.'



No comment...
f stop  24 | 2493
24 Jun 2013   #18
I honestly don't mean to defend the guy, but his explanation did ring true with me.
In a village in Poland where I spent a lot of time, there were few old, and I mean old old men, who considered it their God given right to pinch a girl's ass if they thought she was wiggling it at them, or was scantily dressed, or sometime if she just got close enough.

The experience provided me with a very first insight into male mind, especially when social norms are being stripped by dimentia, and taught me to be mindful of what others think, even though outwardly I pretended I didn't care.

Women, of course, angrily yelled at the old men if they saw it happen, but then they turned to the girls and admonished them, too. This is not a game, was the message.

I'm not saying this whole thing isn't warped, but I'm often reminded of these old men, especially when seeing pictures of children's beauty peagents, or even just how young girls are portrayed in commercials.
Englishman  2 | 276
24 Jun 2013   #19
@ f stop, I wonder whether the attitudes you describe have more to do with the ages of the men than the fact they live in the countryside. With local cultures being subordinated by TV and the Internet, I wonder whether there really are still major differences in views about what is acceptable within a developed country such as Poland.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
24 Jun 2013   #20
I mean old old men

Really old people often do whatever they want to do. They haven't a lot of time left, or probably shame either ;-)
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Jun 2013   #21
This rings true. It was less unacceptable in the UK a few years ago and in parts of Italy it still happens. In Egypt they watch ladies through the window and grope themselves. Disturbing too.
f stop  24 | 2493
24 Jun 2013   #22
I agree. It is an old cultural thing, quickly disappearing, but still more prevalent in villages than the cities.
Except in Italy ;)
pawian  219 | 24592
24 Jun 2013   #23
It appears sexual assault is one of Polands less palatable exports

Come on. Most women enjoy such attention. Those who blow it up are sick attention seekers.
Lenka  5 | 3471
24 Jun 2013   #24
Come on. Most women enjoy such attention

I don't know any woman that enjoys that. Husband, boyfriend- yes. Some strange, creepy guy- definitely no!!!
Paulina  16 | 4384
24 Jun 2013   #25
Come on. Most women enjoy such attention. Those who blow it up are sick attention seekers.

You must be kidding. Please, say that you are.

I don't know any woman that enjoys that. Husband, boyfriend- yes. Some strange, creepy guy- definitely no!!!

+10 000
pawian  219 | 24592
24 Jun 2013   #26
Husband, boyfriend- yes.

I see.

Some strange, creepy go- definitely no!!!


I see. How about an uncreepy one??

Lenka: I don't know any woman that enjoys that. Husband, boyfriend- yes. Some strange, creepy guy- definitely no!!!

I see. Creepy - no!

Uncreepy - yes!

Paulina  16 | 4384
25 Jun 2013   #27
The next assault happened as a 17-year-old girl was walking home and was approached from behind and groped through her leggings.

Sorry, pawian, but even if a guy was handsome it would still be creepy.
pawian  219 | 24592
25 Jun 2013   #28
Ok, I see.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Feb 2018   #29
Come on. Most women enjoy such attention.

What church do you go to that makes you think that ?

I'd think quite a few women too would sock him one.

Here in the U.S.A. quite a few woman carry small handguns in their purses these days which has really leveled the playing field on such crimes.

The "Stand Your Ground Law" gives a woman every right to defend herself with lethal force if she is being sexually assaulted by such perverts.

Times are changing and so have the laws.
BigBadKraken  - | 1
17 Feb 2018   #30
I'm not sure this is perspective.
Pinching somebody's bottom is unacceptable.
Blowing somebody's head off with a gun, for having your bottom pinched, might be out of balance?

Home / News / Polish cleaner claims sexual assault is OK in rural Poland

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