The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Polish girls and contraceptives  2  3
× POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption  2  3  4
Poland's new golden age : shifting from Europe's periphery to its center
Tips / Help on moving to Poland from Australia
MBA IN FINANCE. How to do my masters and work in Poland?
Doughnut [Pączki] Day... in Poland  2  3
Alimony and child support - Polish wife seeking divorce
Best Polish actor/actress ever?  2
35 - I didn't realize that, Pawian....

LifePennBoy - 4 Nov 2010Lyzko - 24 Feb 2020
Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
A young Dutch man moving to Krakow-tips for work, living etc.....  2
All-nighters / traction session / legions / levels - Synonyms needed
4 - Some people are very sensitive....

Languagepuszekokruszek - 14 Oct 2013pawian - 23 Feb 2020
How do you like your Polish OSCYPEK?
Schmaltz.. is it still used in Poland
capitulation of Warsaw Uprising
16 - German newsreel showing capitulation.

Historysofijufka - 2 Oct 2013pawian - 23 Feb 2020
Smalec in a Jar - how to make it better?
British guy refused work because of Polish workers  2
39 - At last, after Brexit, Brits can feel free in their own country....

UK, IrelandTictactoe - 4 Feb 2016pawian - 22 Feb 2020
What do Polish people miss about Ireland when they come back to Poland?
Do Polish people really love cabbage ??  2  3
Poland has no real historical grievance against USA
Blasphemy not OK in Poland!  2
Spelling / pronunciation of Polish words and phrases
Meaning of surname Wlodarski
Questions regarding Job and salary? Junior accountant position in Poland.  2
33 - @cms neuf Thank you for your reply:)...

WorkKarl_Win - 1 Jun 2012ingriduzza - 21 Feb 2020
Poland -- 23rd most innovative country
Welcome to winter in Poland! (-19C tomorrow)  2  3
Murder / Homocide rates in Poland
Living like a local in Poland - What does it even mean?
Name of this particular Polish sausage
18 - It is good but I like garlicky Wilenska. Yummy :)...

Foodmelbel - 28 May 2009Lenka - 18 Feb 2020
Mateusz Matyszkowicz, executive director of Fronda will lead TVP Kultura
I am an ethnic Pole. What is my blood type group? Need help translating.