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Resistance unit (partizans) in Puszcza Kampinowska to fight opressive goverment.
7 - PiS regime, of course....

Newsgrubas - 16 Feb 2011pawian - 17 Mar 2020
Import camper-van from Germany to Poland
Stenka and stęka - on alleged non-existence of nasal vowels in spoke Polish
How to send a Mother's Day card to UK when Poczta Polska won't accept International deliveries?
3 - Thanks..that's good thinking...

LifeRob10 - 17 Mar 2020Rob10 - 17 Mar 2020
Do Polish men make good husbands?  2  3  4
Nice Polish phrases to say to men  2  3
76 - But they can`t help being addressed so if they look like that:...

Languageanglikgirl - 13 Sep 2007pawian - 16 Mar 2020
Polish Sweet Phrases About Home
10 - There are also less sweet ones: It is a bad bird which shyts in its own nest....

Languagedieseluk - 4 Mar 2016pawian - 16 Mar 2020
Funny/strange/deviant words in the Polish language  2
Good fences make good neighbors.
Civil law court case in Poland - can a witness be forced to attend?
Gdynia, Lodz, Lublin, Rzeszow for expats?
Polish lorry driver attacked by migrants in Belgium
Diminutive name of Medard?
6 - Wow, an extremely rare name. I have never met Medard....

Languagezajas - 22 Dec 2013pawian - 13 Mar 2020
Diminutive Words for Breads, Loaves, etc
Polish women are complicated. Why?  2
I am being overchanged for water consumption in Poland? Help 1000 PLN?
New poll before the autumn elections in Poland
Smoking vs. Grilling on Balconies / High Rises in Poland  2  3
UK Tax rebate cheque - any way to use it in Poland?
Sentence usage/placements of unstressed vs stressed pronouns Się/Siebie, Mi/Mię, Cię/Ci, Go/Jego, Mu/Jemu,
19 - Yep, makes sense....

LanguageForumUser - 8 Mar 2020Lyzko - 11 Mar 2020
Polish Army Scotland 1944, my father who was based at Huntly, Aberdeenshire camp, returned to Poland
I am hoping to find a woman in Warsaw but I need a little help...
16 - Nothing. :) Did I suggest anything?...

GenealogyMatt Guy - 26 Jul 2016pawian - 10 Mar 2020
Etymology of sztuka
a funny poem in Polish (not mine)
Are there any Americans teachers left in Poland?  2
Roma community feels discriminated in Poland  2
40 - This is true. There are several longstanding Roma groups here....

NewsWielkiPolak - 8 Apr 2018jon357 - 9 Mar 2020
H.F. Glade sailing from Bremmerhaven, Germany to Honolulu, HI 1897 & 1892 Galicians
The Art of Complaining by Polish people  2
Can I buy Papierówki apples in the UK?
Donald Tusk's Government of Poland Continues to Oppress Poles  2  3  4  5  6