The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Retirees immigration regulations in Poland  2
Casimir the Great (Kazimierz Wielki) started anti-Semitism?  2  3  4
Vehicle insurance in Poland for a british driving license holder
"POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Could someone please explain this funny Polish picture?
9 - Alert citizen assists an officer of law...

Lifesubaru mad - 16 May 2010f stop - 17 May 2010
Etymology of samochod and other related automotive words
12 - Bryka comes from a carriage and fura from a horse cart....

Languageclifborder4fm - 16 May 2010pawian - 12 Oct 2019
Powidła - Poland's versatile plum butter
How laid-back is the small villages lifestyle in Poland?
Gaelic football Krakow
'much better' expression in Polish?
Poland gets a little bigger:)  2  3
Slovakian misrepresentation of Polish history  2
If i could write European history i would unite Europe under Polish language  2  3
Studia niestacjonarne? (in Polish universities)
8 - Oh, I'm getting a grasp of it! Thanks a lot for explaining it....

StudyLeonis - 15 May 2010Leonis - 31 May 2010
Staying in Krakow, any comfortable and good quality hotel?
Tschiediel, Jalowieski, Jansz-Stengert, Biedniakov-Bielakiewicz
Jalowiecki coat of arms and title inheritance?
Are Polish still very traditional when it comes to relationships?  2
× May 14th -- Big Day on the markets
21 - You are not up to date. Check out what happened yesterday.........

LawVarsovian - 14 May 2010Miloslaw - 12 Oct 2019
Dating a Polish guy for three years. Will he ever marry me?  2
Maria, what is the Polish form?
KFC or Mc Donalds, do you need a resident card to work here?
19 - I.M.O. ;-)...

WorkOmar - 14 May 2010ShawnH - 14 May 2010
Travel and migration in late 19th - early 20th centuries
9 - That's helpful advice. I hope my next post will meet 1Jola's standards....

Genealogymikek420 - 13 May 2010mikek420 - 13 Jun 2010
Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
Searching for Jurczynski
Anything like netflix in Poland?
27 - Ill check it out....

Lifefunk - 12 May 2010Strzelec35 - 29 Mar 2021
Quiet Place to teach English in Krakow ?
24 - Not necessarily. Many other jobs require knowledge of English....

WorkEnglishTeacher - 12 May 2010sa11y - 6 Jan 2013
Polish Visa, Work Permit, Residency for Spouse of Polish Citizen  2  3