The BEST Guide to POLAND
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× Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw  2  3  4  5  ...  25  26
To Poles: some food for thought  2
Are there any UK-based Polish forums where I can advertise jobs?
Polish head cheese  2
46 - @willo Studzienina...

Foodwillo - 1 Aug 2007dmarie - 23 Nov 2020
Wealth distribution and utilisation in Poland
Can dependent Visa holders take up employment in Poland?  2
Szercman / Kutmer - information
5 - search abram SZERCMAN as son of Chaim Dawid SZERCMAN and Chaja Blima KUSZNER...

Genealogyandersonplima - 16 Feb 2015temporary - 22 Nov 2020
Polish towns and cities with the most clear sky days in the year?
9 - Parts of Poland really had little to no clouds today afternoon though....

TravelZlatko - 28 Jun 2020Michel88 - 21 Nov 2020
Will a net monthly salary of around 3000zl be enough to live comfortably in Silesia?
9 - I wonder what the first 3 posters and other former members are doing....

Workmanseca - 21 Aug 2011Michel88 - 21 Nov 2020
Do border guards in Poland visit homes randomly?
So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%?  2  3
Do we have real Black Friday deals in Poland like in USA?
In your opinion, what do Polish men think of slightly larger women?
18 - Curvy from food or injections?...

LoveRedrobin1989 - 16 Apr 2015Novichok - 20 Nov 2020
May you confirm that Podgórze (Kraków) is a great area to live in?
High Class Cuisine in Poland: What foods are eaten by Polish upper classes at 5 star Polish restaurants etc?
Your all time favourite Polish Dishes!  2  3  4
Internship for Engineering company in Krakow, what salary to expect ?
Google: Polish women "easier" than English women - official!  2
52 - Jesus. DEEESE freds...

LoveSidliste_Chodov - 31 Oct 2011JacekthePole - 20 Nov 2020
Moving to Boston, UK soon and need some advice about renting/finding a cheap flat for us
Need an English Teacher in Poland?
3 - Do you still use Skype or other tools?...

ClassifiedsSebastian D - 30 Nov 2017pawian - 20 Nov 2020
Starting out as an English teacher in Poland - any pearls of wisdom for me?
11 - Meet and talk with other NATIVE Polish teachers who have connections....

Workdon'tpanic - 11 Feb 2011johnny reb - 20 Nov 2020
American Visiting Polish Military Base. Issues?
The best Psychiatric Hospital in Poland?
22 - I believe most of the money owed is to banks/credit card companies....

Lawpolomintz - 27 Jan 2010BritboyByd - 18 Nov 2020
New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...  2  3  4  5  ...  11  12
Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more?  2  3  4  5  ...  12  13
369 - Price of history. 3 to 4 years ago I spoke here on this forum that would in...

Historysamsungkorea - 8 Feb 2012Crow - 18 Nov 2020
11 - Hello from the US. I have ancestors from Rajgrod with the surname Dolowitz....

GenealogyANITA9 - 24 Feb 2010Jenm - 18 Nov 2020
× Large commercial office project - finding sub contractors in Poland?
When did this village existed? Drozdowo?
3 - @MaksymDrozdowsky Who did you write to? Any time frame?...

GenealogyMaksymDrozdowsky - 16 Nov 2020kaprys - 16 Nov 2020
How to get custody of my children? I am a foreigner on a Poland's karta pobytu (temporary residence card)