The BEST Guide to POLAND
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William Alexander, 1850, Krunicza, Prussia, Poland
Gyms in Warsaw  2
Stasiewski Family from Nowe and Wisłą
3 - I am not a member of this forum but I just started searching for my family history via my...

Genealogypolska1234 - 24 Jun 2017Auroranautica - 10 Feb 2021
Cities/Villages - Hawastwana, Stemslaw, Hainistariew and Hainstaodie
16 - you're welcome - have a nice day :)...

GenealogyCLS - 9 Feb 2021gumishu - 9 Feb 2021
House in Poland - heritage problem
× How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women?  2  3  4  5  6
Searching for Holowiecho / Holomido / Holoweco
Am I the only person that can't sing in Polish at all?  2
Paprotnia Poland 1800-1900
10 - Hi, Wrobellan, please send me PM, if you see my post....

GenealogyWrobelIan - 15 Nov 2016Paprotnia - 4 Feb 2021
Synthesizers Manufactured in Poland?
× Poland's LBGT Seen as Dangerous Foreign Idea.  2
Is there a civil registration office in Zyrowa, Poland?
Any good sources on Kashubian history/culture?
× Is rape so common in Poland?  2  3  4
As a Foreigner, being a sole trader in Poland. Own company and working permit
Cheap calls to Poland from the UK  2  3  4  5
134 - I was charged for using 0870 218 6316 and 0870 494 0496. I can use 0870 635 8808 for...

UK, Irelandmoni - 3 Sep 2006Free caller - 31 Jan 2021
Arts & Crafts Stores in Warsaw, Poland?
Teaching Post in Zory (2600 zl per month after tax good?)
10 - Thanks Jon - would defo do it by road. Reckon it can be done in under 1 hour in...

Workshedboy66 - 21 Aug 2012JacekthePole - 31 Jan 2021
Information on Polish textbook Hurra Po Polsku  2
33 - Yes, you're right though....

LanguageSzczerbaty - 15 Aug 2014Lyzko - 31 Jan 2021
Covid vaccination for foreigners in Poland?
Relocating to Poland, but my work Visa rejected, what should I do?
Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies  2  3  4
Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines  2  3  4  5  6  7
Will U.S. Citizens Need A Visa To Visit Poland Starting In 2021
11 - No visa needed....

USA, Canadajohnny reb - 13 Mar 2019PolAmKrakow - 29 Jan 2021
Single mothers in Poland  2  3  4  5  6
Are hipster undercuts popular in Poland?
Vilamovian language - now that's something interesting
24 - Good to know. Trust Lusatian too is alive and well:-)...

HistoryMcCoy - 28 Aug 2010Lyzko - 27 Jan 2021
Praniewicz - where did my great grandfather come from?
Postcard from Wolyn.. translation if possible..
19 - Good that you got the translation, nice to see a happy ending :) Have a look at...

Languagetadoz - 22 Jan 2021Chemikiem - 26 Jan 2021