The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Looking for Sakowski ancestors (near Kierzek??) / also Szymanski
30 - I don't know if this helps but I know a Gus Szymanski in Yonkers NY...

Genealogylcasula - 28 Dec 2006dariusz - 25 Feb 2009
Military Service and annual leave days in Poland
ERA prepaid sim card availability ?
Seeking Info for Tryniszewski/Tryniszewska Family
Looking for any Glaszcz's from Poland (Głaszcz surname)
Rollerblading / Inline skating in Wroclaw
GPS Satellite Navigation systems for driving in Poland
Polish resistance group under II World war in Denmark
Josef Surowiec from Wojkon (can't find this town) and his ancestors
24 - Curious, ever heard of Gerveczena, Poland......

GenealogyDavid - 27 Oct 2006tszafron - 9 Feb 2008
Seeking information on family name Pastuszka
2 - 4500 people in Poland......

Genealogycatiepaula - 26 Dec 2007Grzegorz_ - 26 Dec 2007
Jan Zawisza / Tyrakowski, Ciesla