The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Should visitors to Auschwitz pay an entrance fee?  2  3
82 - It was built by the Austrians as a barracks....

HistoryBubbaWoo - 30 Apr 2010jon357 - 31 Aug 2013
When is 'Matura Exam' in Poland this year?
WHY DO POLES USE ENGLISH WORDS IN CONVERSATION?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  ...  12  13  14
How much do Polish people actually pay in taxes?
Brown's 'Bigotgate' and the debate about Poles  2  3
Szukam / Poszukiwani
Help with family tree! Zubko, Skubisz, Torun, Tyka
Buying/Building a house in Poland/Wroclaw metro area
Import a car to Poland from EU country - how i calculate tax and extra cost?
I've never cooked or eaten any polish dish before.
I'm from Argentina, but I want to meet this Polish Girl..
British male with Polish background. Marriage in Poland.
12 - That's how I did it - I was advised to do it like this to avoid any doubts...

Lovepolski_anglik5 - 28 Apr 2010delphiandomine - 14 Apr 2011
How to rent an apartment in Wroclaw for just 1-3 months?
4 -

Real Estate1monthgirl - 28 Apr 2010Wroclaw Boy - 2 May 2010
Nuclear Power in Poland? Yes, please! Absolutely nobody disagrees!  2  3
73 - Agreed. These will change everything...

NewsVarsovian - 28 Apr 2010jon357 - 1 Jul 2022
The most popular job (and not only) advertising sites in Poland?  2
RUSSIA TO MAKE PUBLIC THE KATYN FILES...  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
274 - Dead right and the same can be said of China too. Enough is enough........

Newswildrover - 28 Apr 2010Miloslaw - 16 Apr 2020
Where to buy Polish kielbasa online in the USA?
19 - PolishDeliOnline ships nationwide and has a huge selection, good prices....

USA, Canadafabianski - 28 Apr 2010Smacznego - 12 May 2020
Moving to Portland, OR
3 - Great, thanks for the info....

USA, Canadagkasia - 28 Apr 2010gkasia - 6 May 2010
Poles coming to the U.S. by way of Brazil (late 1800's early 1900's)
Help for Poles based in Uk who want to go bankrupt
Cracow - Gdynia, what is the best way to travel between the two?
11 - IMO a train is the best way to go. If you take TLK "kuszetka" you can even sleep quite...

Travellisasummer - 27 Apr 2010TwojPrestige - 5 May 2010
NYTimes - Next stop - Wrocław, Poland
Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today  2
49 - Did she give you a toke?...

LifeDougpol2 - 27 Apr 2010joepilsudski - 15 Oct 2011
Vietnamese Busted for Selling/Growing Herb in Central Poland
× 2010 Polish Presidential Election  2
39 - You forgot gen. Jaruzelski....

NewsSeanus - 26 Apr 20101jola - 11 May 2010
Software Engineer in Wroclaw. Reasonable salary for this position?
Polish workers going back to Britain
14 - I was very lucky, in all the years in krakow I never had to deal with ZUS once....

UK, Irelandomalley - 26 Apr 2010dtaylor5632 - 26 Apr 2010
× Polish parents should warn their daughters against interracial dating!
Church of England - Catholic Marriage in Poland.
23 - Hmm....good old procedures :)...

Lovesamnslon - 25 Apr 2010Seanus - 25 Apr 2010