The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Nearly 39 million have lost jobs in US since virus took hold
Balcerowicz - PO trojan horse in Ukrainian government
Teaching English in Zakopane, is it safe?  2
What do Poles think about drinking raw milk? In America, unpasteurized milk is PROHIBITED.  2
49 - It would be funny to see you trying to milk them....

USA, CanadaTlum - 1 May 2011pawian - 23 Jun 2020
Poles drinking more than ever, as incomes rise.
How to pay a drinking fine in Poland?
Fortune Tellers/ Astrologers in Warsaw
Why could some Czechs dislike Poles/Poland?
Time limitations to selling a flat in Poland (bought a year ago)
How is red hair viewed in Poland  2
37 - Most of whom are dyed. But red ones are mostly dyed, too. :)...

Lifephileas - 15 Apr 2011pawian - 22 Jun 2020
Does Polish guy hide his divorce usually?
Where did Poles spend summer vacations in the PRL era?
Buying a Polish vehicle in the UK
Medicine study - good Polish University for international students; study in English?  2
Origin and meaning of Polish city names?
How to meet polish women and people?? (I live in Phoenix, AZ)
What to do for my PL girlfriend on her name day?
Hands-on agricultural jobs in Poland?
Wrocław to increase police patrols on public transport
Student dormitories vs private rooms in Poland. What's the best option?
Buying land in Warsaw, Poland and the following
Last names are Wasiewski and Waleryszak
Import a car from US to Poland
Polish Company Sp. z o.o. (Deposit sum and local check from the authorities)
Working in Poland while being self employed in the UK and paying tax and in there
Is it safe and legal to use torrents / downloads in Poland?
What is the best platform to sell items in Poland?
Seeking a copy of Na Rubieży, issue 11, 1995
3 - Thanks much. I'll contact them....

GenealogyTurbowicz - 12 Jun 2020Turbowicz - 12 Jun 2020
Business Partner / Fixer required in Poland
5 - Thank you for the info Peter, I will message you....

ClassifiedsStoreship - 8 Jun 2020Storeship - 11 Jun 2020
Can Americans Travel To Poland After JUN 16, 2020?