The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Poland's Patyczki (meat-on-a-stick)  2
Orphanages in Poland  2  3
82 - This information is impossible to obtain. Sorry....

LifeDutch - 2 Dec 2008pawian - 31 Dec 2020
Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland  2  3  4
Any Polish in, or coming to Hawaii?
The Witcher 3 game - Poland's great success  2
What do Poles do when they need Cash urgently (small sums)?
Why Polish girls working in UK as escort more than other Eastern European girls  2  3
Burak or redneck?  2
Polsat or NC+ in England? Subtitles.
14 - Are you boasting or complaining coz I am not sure?...

UK, IrelandKevvy123 - 17 Jun 2015pawian - 23 Dec 2020
Comparing London and Warsaw? Does anyone know both cities who could help?
Kaszanka and haggis?  2
Information required on location of WW2 prisoner of war working parties ( arbeits kommandos ) in Poland
Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference'  2  3  4
Employment prospects of a Computer Science Graduate in Poland
Christmas pudding in Poland
22 - Selfridges will deliver one. Just order online (although maybe a bit late now)...

FoodSylvio - 18 Dec 2016JacekthePole - 22 Dec 2020
Black pudding & kaszanka
Do you call it kiszka or kaszanka?  2
What do Polish people do for Holy Thursday?
6 - We celebrated the last one at home due to the pandemic threat....

LifePolonius3 - 1 Apr 2010pawian - 22 Dec 2020
Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land  2  3
75 - Oh, blessed be wise Polish Pan Kralj....

HistoryFilios1 - 20 Oct 2010Crow - 22 Dec 2020
English elementary schools and education in Tricity, Poland
Polish soil - who wants to buy? Does it have any sentimental value?
11 - Nope. You need to ask sb who travels to Poland to bring you some. The guys who used...

Genealogypolishsoil - 12 Jan 2010pawian - 21 Dec 2020
What is a good monthly salary for an English teacher in Poland?  2  3  4  5
After Masters in Management, Job Opportunities in Poland ?  2
34 - Outsourcing?! That's jibs for 3rd world uneducated guys....

Workraj5151 - 2 Mar 2013Zanko - 20 Dec 2020
Looking for two cities likely in Poland 1882/1883
Anyone living in Szczecin? What's the city like?  2  3
69 - Adel does, do you know her ?...

Lifemoonlight - 23 Jun 2009johnny reb - 17 Dec 2020
How can I convert Zloty to Indian rupee / transfer money from Poland to India?
Very cheap apartments for sale in Lodz - am I missing something?
Teaching English in Poland - better opportunities for an American?
Looking for contacts in the Polish coffee sector
Charity Shops in Poland - where are they? I've got some old clothes
13 - Merged: Where can i donate stuff in Krakow Have some things i'd like to get rid of...

Lifejames_warszawa - 4 Jan 2011JacekthePole - 13 Dec 2020