The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Popular non-Poles of Polish descent
Polish Museums and Selective Forgetting
Looking for a good Masseur, preferably for a home visit
7 - To laughing. Guess, who at? hahaha...

ClassifiedsRob10 - 24 Jul 2020pawian - 27 Jul 2020
Poland adds Latin to core curriculum to help pupils understand foundation of Western civilisation
Mystical places in Poland
House owning in Poland - Questions - Which offices are involved? Rules.
26 - @Atch Yeah, you are right, this plan fails if they need to go to the post office......

Real EstateRandomname - 20 Jul 2020Randomname - 26 Jul 2020
Korean looking for a job in Poland
18 - And what exactly makes you think so??...

Classifiedskkow898 - 5 Dec 2015pawian - 25 Jul 2020
Family members in Polish
8 - Typical Polish attitude to Risings. haha...

LanguageSonorous - 1 Oct 2013pawian - 23 Jul 2020
Help needed: Proofreading Polish Song
13 - Yes, I like it, too but in my ranking it is a runner up, coz my No 1 is...

Classifiedsyush - 22 Jul 2020pawian - 23 Jul 2020
Are there any osho related places in Poland?
Traditional and lesser known foods of Poland
Is it going to be hard for me to find a part time Job in Warsaw?
Alcohol Delivery app in Poland
Surname Cybert. Is it Welsh or Polish?
Medical jobs in Poland?
Finding locations of old Photos - Lublin, Lodz, or Pabianice?
Polish traditions and customs? I'm writing a crime novel that takes place in Poland.
Poles and their listening skills
Applying as refugee in Poland - how much pocket money will government give?
Game of poker in Krakow?
15 - I don't get the appeal of Texas hold 'em.... I prefer the old draw poker... much easier to...

Classifiedstravellerjames - 7 May 2012mafketis - 21 Jul 2020
Polish cake with poppy seeds in it. Makowiec
Praga - Warszawa (Warsaw district) - 26% of flats without toilets
Possibility of jobs in Warsaw - how much pay per hour?
12 - Curently, the minimum wage is 17 zlotys per hour. About 4 euros....

WorkROLLERS88 - 7 Feb 2013pawian - 21 Jul 2020
Move to Poland or UK? (Advice needed)  2
India - review this country (as a Pole)
What can I do so that this Pole will love me? Why does he act like a hero and then breaks my heart?
Looking for a Polish (Anglo speaking) mentor in the IT industry.
Polish people in LA / California
Looking for studies in Poland - Bachelor of Technology
5 - ah...... okay...

Studyokay_04x - 19 Jul 2020okay_04x - 20 Jul 2020
Is Poland currently able to ship packages to USA?
3 - Thank you for reply! Was it a box or letter? Over or under $100?...

USA, Canadadroyal - 20 Jul 2020droyal - 20 Jul 2020