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What is Poland's view on obesity? How healthy, fit are Poles?

johnny reb  46 | 7516
22 May 2018   #91
There's literally a food for almost every condition imaginable.

You are absolutely right on.
The bad part is our government has filled them full of GMO's and Pesticides.

because companies that lobby the fda have a business interest

Big Pharmaceutical, The Medical Industry, The Health Insurance Companies......HUGE MONEY !
They don't want people knowing about natural cures or they would go broke selling you their poison pills to prolong your ills.
Medical Doctors hate Homeopathic Doctors.
My medical Doctor wanted to give me some steroid pills for some minor arthritis and I told him no thanks.
I went to my Homeopathic Doctor and she gave me a list of foods that caused inflammation and a list that help fight inflammation.
Within two weeks no more inflammation that caused the arthritis and it hasn't been back since.
It was a much better option then pumping my body full of poison steroids......geesh !
cms neuf  1 | 1721
22 May 2018   #92
Well i need to try that - im in London later this week so sure they will have that !

I had horse milk in an Uzbek restaurant once
johnny reb  46 | 7516
22 May 2018   #93
Camel's milk really builds up your immune system fast as it has a lot more nutrition's than cow's milk.
The cows milk in the U.S.A. is so full of GMO's and antibiotics that it is horrible for you.
I haven't drank milk in years from the U.S.
23 May 2018   #94
Well I am so glad I have come across these forums. Hello everyone. I'm so happy to be here. I am in the USA born in Germany but I am American citizen. My father army.

I have met and fell deeply in love with a polish man. As he has me. We have both married before to bad matches. Both have lost parents so really he has no family nor do I. He is comming here to be with me in the us. I'm very nervous but excited and I do not want to fail. I have been reading up on a lot of these forums and the website so I can get to know how to be with him. Its important to me that all goes well. Now on the topic of obsiety. It isn't always a matter of eating badly or to much. In fact I come from a family of generations where obsiety is part of life and runs in the family. I was always very thin and tiny until about 10 years or so ago and I just got bigger. Now I weigh in at 180

I am 5 ft 3 in. I hardly eat at all. I do eat a lot of fruit but snacks very seldom but once in awhile I will. I just have to this going to be a problem for me???
johnny reb  46 | 7516
23 May 2018   #95
I do not pretend to have all the answer and only share what I have observed and learned in my old age.

I hardly eat at all.

It isn't always eating habits that cause weight gain Lind.
The first thing (in my opinion) if you are being truthful by saying you don't eat much and are still gaining weight is to have your thyroid checked.

Your thyroid can really throw your metabolism off.
I have found the same with sleep.
If you are not getting the right kind of sleep it can cause weight gain.
Did you start taking a prescription drug that could have triggered your gain ?
Did you start a job where you don't get any exercise like you use to ?
There are so many variables and medical doctors just don't have the time to deal with overweight people because they really have not been trained in nutrition.

My advice if you are serious about correcting this problem is to find yourself a good Homeopathic doctor that can help you figure out why you have had this weight gain.

I was always very thin and tiny until about 10 years

Then obviously there has been a major change that has occurred in your metabolism that was not your fault for eating to much or the wrong foods.

Remember though as we get older our metabolism slows down so we don't need as much food.
Cardio is another contributing factor.
The first ten minutes of the day do an exercise that gets your heart just pounding.
This puts all your organs into burn calories mode for the day.
Very simple but people are just to lazy to do it.
Remember that it took you ten years to put it on so don't expect to take it all off in ten weeks. ;-)
The most important though is DON'T GIVE UP !
Never quit trying trying.
kaprys  3 | 2076
23 May 2018   #96
180 kg or pounds?
Keep track of everything you eat - write it down. People often think they don't eat much but 2000 calories (or actually less for a woman your height-calculate your BMR) is not than much.

Have proper healthy and regular meals rather than snacks.
Don't eat fast food or ready meals. Cook.
Don't drink soda drinks.
Walk, cycle, be active.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 May 2018   #97

I wouldn't worry too much. Most guys who are divorced, don't have families just want someone they can love and be friends with, not a trophy wife. Nonetheless, I would recommend losing some weight for health reasons alone. Start slow, go for walks, replace fruits/snacks with veggies that you like (fruits have a lot of sugar in them in the form of fructose) then gradually start jogging, doing cardio and eventually lifting. There's also medical procedures like lipo and various supplements you can take to give you more energy. The gym I go to, X Sport, has fairly cheap personal trainers than can help you make a plan and help you reach yours goals and they're not too expensive. Good luck!
10iwonka10  - | 359
23 May 2018   #98

I assume you mean 180 pounds so its about 90kg- it is quite much for 5ft 3 in. I am hardly convinced that you hardly eat and still keep this weight. I am aware there are weight problems with some thyroid ( or any others) conditions. I suggest doing some tests to check it.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
23 May 2018   #99
Have proper regular meals

I only eat when I am hungry and find that six very small meals a day is less then sitting down to three regular meals a day just because of what time it is.

Some days I only require two small meals as it varies on what I am doing.
I have been awake for eight hours today and have only eaten a mango, a hard boiled egg and some almonds and I am just starting to get hungry for my salad. (greens).

(fruits have a lot of sugar in them in the form of fructose)

True greens have more nutrition then fruits yet the fructose in fruits is usually metabolized by the liver.
I even do a table spoon of apple vinegar cider ever day to help my liver metabolize sugars.
It's the "high fructose" that is what stores fat, causes cancer and makes your liver and kidneys work overtime.
High fructose corn syrup is a sweetener made by processing corn syrup to increase the level of fructose, usually to between 40% to 55% of the total sugar.

The #1 thing you should cut completely out of your diet. IMO
kaprys  3 | 2076
23 May 2018   #100
People need to eat regularly. Otherwise their bodies will 'learn' to store energy and slow the metabolism.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
24 May 2018   #101
To his credit, Obama made the US restaurants show calories. When I see those numbers I lose a desire to eat at all. A slice of pizza at Costco - 800. That's like 4 hours of power walking. I didn't touch pizza since. Another rule I am trying to follow: never eat after 3 pm.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
24 May 2018   #102
I didn't touch pizza since

GMO's in the crust and cheese not to mention the sugars.
Belly bloat and bulge food.
I have a piece once a month for a treat.
kaprys  3 | 2076
24 May 2018   #103
And breakfasts!
It's the most important meal of the day.
Luckily most Polish people still don't go to McDonald's to have it. I don't know anyone who does.
Probably the reason we're slimmer than Americans.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
24 May 2018   #104
And breakfasts!It's the most important meal of the day.

That is a myth kaprys but maybe we should save that for debate on another day.

Probably the reason we're slimmer than Americans.

Just the men.
10iwonka10  - | 359
24 May 2018   #105
Probably the reason we're slimmer than Americans.

We are still slimmer but for the last few times when I visited Poland I noticed that people are getting fatter. I don't think its breakfast in McDonald :-) but I think its less exercise ( everyone drives) more processed food.

@johnny reb

Just the men

?????- I don't think so. You still struggle to find many 'obese' women in Poland in USA there are thousands of them.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
24 May 2018   #106
more processed food.

You nailed it.
Just look at the additives in processed food that you can't even pronounce the name of and then put into your body. (Cancer causers)

But they are quick, easy and convenient to fix with added "taste enhancers" to make you eat twice what you need.

in USA there are thousands of them.

Try multi millions of them in the U.S.
In America all our grains are grown with GMO's which in return turn end up in glutens.
The GMO's even end up in our cows milk, which is horrible for you, because the cows are fed these toxic grains too.
A gluten free diet is a diet that strictly excludes gluten, a mixture of proteins found in wheat and related grains, including barley, rye, oat, and all their species and hybrids.

Anyone on a gluten free diet in America is generally very fit and slim.
I don't know if Poland allows GMO's to be used or not but could be the reason America has proportionately more "Mid - West Fatties" then Poland does.

It is explained in the book "Wheat Belly" very clearly just how bad grain foods in America are for you, including all breads, crackers, cereals, chips, etc.

The leading cause, after sugar, for belly bloat and thunder thighs.
10iwonka10  - | 359
24 May 2018   #107
I don't know if Poland allows GMO's to be used

I don't think they are .....I vaguely remember that most European countries were against them lately.

When you talk about gluten free, healthy lifestyle, gym, running.....I am afraid it is all about social class and money. I guess gluten free food is not so cheap either. So rich people are slim and healthy but poor just getting fat on cheap food.

There is also something more- I remember when I was in USA - lots food seemed to me to be very sweet...I remember yogurts -they were sweeter than in Europe. I guess people are just used to it and don't see difference.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
27 May 2018   #108
I don't think the E.U. allows GMO's but Montasanto has crossed and bastardized about ever seed in the world by destroying their genetics.

I guess gluten free food is not so cheap either.

No it is not as a loaf of gluten bread is about $2 and a loaf of gluten free bread is about $6.
I fixed the problem by just eliminating bread completely....... and the GMO's and gluten and high fructose that it is loaded with..

So rich people are slim and healthy but poor just getting fat on cheap food.

HA ha, do you see rich people eating at fast food places like Micky D's ?
Nope, it is the poor people who take their three kids there and drop $35 - $40 for dinner every day on a pile of junk food that I call artery pluggers.

That is why they are poor because they are to damn lazy to cook at home.
They drop more on prepared junk food (Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds) then thy wood if thy bought fresh vegetables and cooked them at home.

There is a lot excellent cheap foods to choose from in America if you buy and freeze them while they are in season.
It's all about self - discipline Wonka.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
28 May 2018   #109
Agreed. Even if is one is lazy or in a hurry, a 4 buck Subway sandwich will do just fine.

The question I am going to ask some fatso one day will be: when you realized that you were up fifty pounds, did you ask yourself how you got there?
johnny reb  46 | 7516
28 May 2018   #110
a 4 buck Subway sandwich will do just fine.

Bread, processed meat, processed cheese and some mayo................?
An apple and a cup off yogurt would be even better. ;-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 May 2018   #111

Yeah but that's in your mind too. A person on food stamps can use on vegetables and fruits the same as chips and chocolate.

Plus you can eat well but if you don't get exercise it does you no good. I probably eat 3k calories a day but im not fat because I work out regularly plus the stuff I do eat is low sat fat and low or no sugar. I dont even put sugar in my coffee or tea anymore. It was nasty at first but agter 3 days it didn't bother all. In fact, about week or two after that i could taste the coffee and tea and tell if its quality or some cheap processed b.s

My next step is to get off dairy and just take in the minimum but im finding it even harder than getting off sugar and red meats.

It's all just changes tho. Change things slowly but surely and dont give up

Yes polish people on average are still slimmer than many Americans (except for Florida especially Miami like every non citizen is fit there) but there's is more and more chubby and overweight poles every year. In the 2000s, 90s, and prl it wasn't like that everyone was skinny. Not anymore you see a lot of guys with beer bellies and even more girls that are chubby. Granted I think I've only ever seen 1 or 2 morbidly obese like 400 lb person before in pl while in the US its quite common
28 May 2018   #112
People are not eating like they used to whether it be in Poland, the US or the UK.
The art of cooking is dying. I cook everything from scratch and never eat junk or processed food. This used to be the norm, now people sling something in a microwave or oven and this is supposed to constitute cooking. That or order take away food. Is it any wonder people are heavier? People are basically eating unhealthy crap.

Everything in moderation. Eat sensibly. I don't believe people should cut out whole food groups, but eat normal amounts of everything. BTW, portion size appears to have increased over the years too.

In the 2000s, 90s, and prl it wasn't like that everyone was skinny

And you didn't have all the fast food restaurants you have today back then.......
I have Polish friends who haven't got a clue about how to cook basic Polish dishes, nor are they interested in doing so either. Times are changing. It's easier to order a pizza than learn how to cook gołąbki........
28 May 2018   #113
In the 2000s, 90s, and prl it wasn't like that everyone was skinny. Not anymore you see a lot of guys with beer bellies and even more girls that are chubby.

It'seems true ppl were slimmer but beer bellies were more common than now when a lot of guys start to take care of their looks. My sister was very unhappy as a kid because all daddies had bellies and hers didn't .

Also while there was less fat kids there was a lot of chubby ones thanks to that paranoia of stuffing kids with food by mothers and grandmothers.

Babies were given glucose between feeds ( you were supposed to feed them at precise time and not on demand so quite often they got hungry in between). Babies tea and even modified milk were sweaten.

We shouldn't let ourselves believe that all the eating habits were so great in the past
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 May 2018   #114
It wasn't that people necessarily ate all that better back then as polish food is hearty but they got more exercise. People walked waaay more. For one there weren't nearly as many cars per person. A person could lose weight just sitting in a car during the summer as hardly any cars had air conditioning. We had one of the most expensive cars in town - Mercedes 300td (diesel station wagon) and even that didn't have a.c.. Now people go shopping, go out to restaurants, bars clubs for fun, many guys are into motorsports. Before the social things were more playing soccer, walking around town, going to the pool, etc. Even rhe village where my grandparents live has an Olympic sized pool and every day in the summer for years and years it was packed. Yet a few years ago they closed it due to lack of interest.

I remember when the whole steroid body building craze was sweeping poland lol. It's pretty much died down though now it's more mma.

Nonetheless atleast in Poland the obesity rates diabetes cancers etc are still not as bad as us and many other countries. But theyre catching up and thats what scares me.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
28 May 2018   #115
Babies tea and even modified milk were sweaten.

My dad told me about the line that was pushed before the war: "cukier krzepi".

Which I just invented to troll and lie about my heritage.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
28 May 2018   #116
It's easier to order a pizza than learn how to cook gołąbki........

Exactly - Bread & cheese verses Cabbage & tomato's.
Oh and to be Politically Correct 'Beer Bellies' are now called Dad Bods. lol
Yes dairy products are bad because of what is in the cows feed that has changed from the "old days" when cows ate grass and non - GMO grain.

Today all the feeds that are fed to milk cows contain high amounts of growth hormones to make the cow give more milk, antibiotics to keep the cow healthy and GMO feed that is all past on to us as consumers.

Just look at the pre teen girls that are developing today many years younger then in the "old days".
(I blame it on the growth hormones that are past on in our dairy products.)
In the "old days" our parents threw us out of the house at daylight and told us to go play.
We built tree forts using our imagination with materials we could find, we rode our bicycles all day, we walked everywhere, we went swimming, and we were expected to help with the house chores like mowing the lawn, working in the garden, cleaning the house and shoveling snow off the walk way.

Today the kids are all palm talking or playing video games while sitting on their dead butts.
They associate the word 'work' with Mexicans.

thanks to that paranoia of stuffing kids with food by mothers and grandmothers.

Oh lord yes, how many time I was told by Babcia to Zamknij się i Jedz.
I cleaned up my plate stuffing myself to make her happy only to find my plate replenished with round two with her saying, save room for dessert.

We have to change with the times and educate ourselves on nutrition because of the poison foods like high fructose that is in everything.
kaprys  3 | 2076
28 May 2018   #117
@Dirk diggler
I think I'm changing my mind about Polish people. I went to a market on Saturday and I saw like lots of obese people. Not just obese but there are definitely morbidly obese people here.

There aren't too many of such people among my family, friends and colleagues (overweight yes but no one is so big) so I guess I was not aware how serious the problem is.

I used to think we're still far from Britain but it's not true.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 May 2018   #118
Im telling you its not good. And it like started skyrocketing the past 10 years. Back in the day youd never see men or women that are pushing 300 lbs plus
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
28 May 2018   #119
Today the kids are all palm talking or playing video games while sitting on their dead butts.

You are so right. It's so hard to get them off the couch and out for a walk. That is why I really dislike winters in Illinois. I just can't walk my 3 miles a day. LA Fitness bikes bore me to tears. Ten minutes max.

Back in the day youd never see men or women that are pushing 300 lbs plus

400 pound fatsos amaze me. I am 198 and 6. I work out. If somebody put 200 pound weight on me I would not be able to get up.

How do they do it?
johnny reb  46 | 7516
28 May 2018   #120
A 200 pound weight !
Let me put it into perspective for you if you are only 35 pounds overweight and it is in the gut.
A regular cement block weighs 35 pounds.
That's like walking around all day with a cement block strapped to your waste.
Your poor hips and knee's take a beating not to mention your lower back.
And then we could move on to the extra plaque build up in your veins slowing your blood flow for a potential stroke or heart attack.

And it all boils down to self discipline.

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