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What is Poland's view on obesity? How healthy, fit are Poles?

Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
28 May 2018   #121
Why do people get fat? I am serious.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
28 May 2018   #122
they eat too much and don't take enough exercise.

they eat too much processed food and corn syrup.

They drink too much alcohol
10iwonka10  - | 359
29 May 2018   #123
I think I'm changing my mind about Polish people.

These changes with obesity are slow and it is hard to notice if you live in Poland. There are much more fat people in Poland now comparing to 10 years ago. I think food habits changed and people drive everywhere instead of walking or biking.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
30 May 2018   #124
they eat too much and don't take enough exercise.

Eating - especially outside - and drinking are expensive. Both shorten life. Both make you feel like crap and act like a fool.

Exercize feels great during and after. Walking is a single, greatest, no-cost pleasure that actually prolongs life and allows us to meet people and see things.

These two choices are not even close.

Is there a correlation between fat and mentally weak?
Ironside  50 | 12312
30 May 2018   #125
Well, I'm overweight, not big deal.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
30 May 2018   #126
You are young yet, just wait until catches up with you and it will.
Ironside  50 | 12312
30 May 2018   #127
No, I'm not young, neither I'm old, in between. six feet two/ 209Ibs - clearly overweight.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
30 May 2018   #128
No, you are not - at least according to common sense.

The BMI tables do not account for the composition. Start pumping and watch your muscle-to-fat ratio get better and never mind the weight.

By those crazy BMI tables, Arnold was a fatso at 285 or so.
30 May 2018   #129
No, you are not - at least according to common sense.

I think he would know if he is overweight or not, it's called looking in the mirror. If you are not a bodybuilder or naturally very muscly, then extra fat is what is being carried. It's not rocket science.

I think food habits changed and people drive everywhere instead of walking or biking.

Definitely. I mentioned lack of exercise earlier in the thread, but few agreed with me.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
30 May 2018   #130
I agreed with you.
The exercise that is most important is cardio exercise.
Get that heart pounding for fifteen to twenty minutes a day.
First thing when you awake in the morning is the best.
Jog, bicycle, sex, run in place, anything to get that heart rate up.
The ideal heart rate for those twenty minutes is 210 minus your age.
That gets your organs and metabolism working for the day.
As far as height and weight ratio remember that muscle weighs more then fat does.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
30 May 2018   #131
I know. And that is why normal and intelligent people prefer muscles.

There is more to being fat than the optics, health, and longevity. Every single fatso I saw in action at work was a problem. They could hardly get up and walk. They were disorganized. They would sweat all the time. Their breathing was scary.

And then the inevitable conclusion: if they cannot manage their lives, why would they be able to manage what they were supposed to at work?
johnny reb  46 | 7516
30 May 2018   #132
The ones that make me puke are the lazy ones that need the exercise the most and yet take the deserving hani capped people's accessories away from them.

They park in hani capped parking spaces closest to the store AND THEN take the electric carts for old people on oxygen so the lazy %$#& don't have to walk to get a bit of exercise.

They fill the basket on he cart up with soda pop, frozen pizza's, potato chips, ice cream and then pull out their welfare card to pay for it because they are to 'heavy' to have a J.O.B.

So bad I want to say, "hey fat ass, those electric carts are for very old people and the people with non self inflicting handi caps.

Do yourself a favor and walk/waddle around the store for some exercise that you obviously aren't getting.
That would be Politically InCorrect though. :-/
We are back to "Self Discipline".
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
30 May 2018   #133
so the lazy %$#& don't have to walk to get a bit of exercise.

Before she died, my MIL was in a nursing home where almost everybody was on wheelchairs. So I asked the head nurse what's up with that. She lower her voice and said: three quarters of them could but won't - for sympathy and because they quit walking. It was too much effort.

Fat people are the graffiti that eats and s****. Disgusting.
Frustrated Marta
31 May 2018   #134
My mentally ill husband is extremely over weight and just plays on the internet all day every day provoking people.
He is a walking heart attack waiting to happen.
Any suggestions how I can get him out from behind it to get him some exercise ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
31 May 2018   #135

Quit cooking and serving.

Go on the net, find a site with hunks, and get caught looking at them with a smile.

You are welcome.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
31 May 2018   #136
The concept fat people tend to reject with extreme anger is the fat math as fat math is not debatable and it is immune to all the bs about age, metabolism, genes or bad childhood.

It goes like this: every 3500 unburned calories and you ass is getting a pound heavier. Period.

The scary part: if you add 100 calories a day to your intake, all else being the same, you will gain 10 pounds in one year.

Do it 5 years in a row and you be a fatso with 50 pounds of new fat on you.

Here is a real bummer: a bag of fries is 400 calories. Do the math.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
11 Aug 2018   #137
[moved from]

Or find a cure for cancer,

There has been a cure for cancer for many years now.
What do you think would happen to the Health Care Industry or the depopulation of the world if it were introduced ?
The world can't afford to have a cure for cancer.
Just quit consuming foods with sugar is the first hint.
Cancer feeds on sugar.
Cancer can not live in an alkalized body is my understanding.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
11 Aug 2018   #138
The world can't afford to have a cure for cancer.

I used 'cure for cancer' as something profound as opposed to injecting fat in Kim's ass.

As far as sugar, you are so right. I declared war on sugar and alcohol, which is just another form, so there is nothing with sugar to nibble on or drink in the Mazur cave.

Between sugar and stress, I am not sure which one is worse.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Aug 2018   #139
Cancer can not live in an alkalized body is my understanding.

You're right about that. It has a much harder time replicating.

Between sugar and stress, I am not sure which one is worse.

Id say sugar. Stress won't give you diabetes and all sorts of other sh1t. Problem is every food and drink almost is loaded with sugar. You have to read every label if you want to avoid sugar. Out a whole aisle of drinks at any super market so far I've only found two drinks with no sugar - water and pure leaf black tea. Everything else has a **** ton of sugar. It kind of amazes me in a way though. Idk how a company manages to fit 20 leg alone 30 40 even up to 50 grams of sugar in a little can or bottle. Even fruit juices have a ton of added sugar so I just started juicing instead of buying ready made ones. It's a ***** to clean the juicer each time but whatever. Better than getting diabetes in the long run...

When a European comes to the us they can't believe how sweet/salty everything is, and many Americans can't understand why Some foods are so bland. Unfortunately that's changing now tho and Europe including Poland is acquiring many of the high sugar high salt content foods. I just hope that gmo vullsh1t doesn't get pushed on the eu...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
11 Aug 2018   #140
I remember my dad quoting an ad (slogan?) from pre-war Poland: cukier krzepi.

What is scary is that today, with all the information we have, this crap is still around and the kids are fatter than ever.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
11 Aug 2018   #141
Everything else has a **** ton of sugar.

John Q. Public have been dumbed down to it because it is a billion dollar industry.
For example: A 20 ounce bottle of Mountain Dew contains 19.25 teaspoons of sugar.
Each bottle contains 77 grams of sugar, with 4 grams being equal to 1 teaspoon.
Pepsi is close behind.
Even the "healthy" sport drinks are loaded with sugar.
Hell even most yogurts that are sold as "healthy" are loaded with sugar, just look.
And when you see 'high fructose'.....that is synthetic sugar which is even worse for you.
That is what they put in soft drinks.
Mountain Dew is a soft drink manufactured by Pepsi Company which it's lobbyists are legally killing the world with.

I just hope that gmo vullsh1t doesn't get pushed on the eu...

You haven't heard ?
Britain is now cloning meat cells and growing meat under glass much faster and cheaper then a cow grows. Yummy !
Shall we now talk about what glutens do to your body ?
I get a kick out of people that tell me how healthy they eat while they light up a cigarette in front of me. lol

You smoke cigarettes Dirk ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
11 Aug 2018   #142
The worst thing about obesity is that it looks like crap before it will make you sick and dead ahead of time.

The best thing about obesity, unlike prostate cancer, is that it is your own fault.

No, it's not a decease, and the best 12-step program is the one leading from the fridge, not to it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 Aug 2018   #143
You smoke cigarettes Dirk ?

Yeah sparingly. I tend to roll my own with natural tobacco or when at home smoke hookah with coals imported from turkey. The nicotine content in cigs like Marlboro camel etc have 1.5, 2 mgs plus all of it boosted due to the addition of thousands of chemicals. The nicotine in hookah and natural tobacco is a fraction of that because it doesn't habe all the additives.

Hell even most yogurts that are sold as "healthy" are loaded with sugar, just look.

Yeah I noticed that once I started reading labels more closely. The lowest I've found so far are oikos triple zero which have no artificial stuff, no added sugar and only 6gs of sugar ehich is a fraction compared to other ones. There's an Icelandic one that only has 9gs which is pretty good.

You Also have to be careful because a lot of the zero sugar drinks and foods have sucralose or some other synthetic ****. Stevia is okay though.

I still do a lot of things that aren't considered healthy or safe but simply just working out and eating well, reading labels has made a drastic improvement. I was on the verge of getting type 2 diabetes a few years back as I never worked out in college and then when I started working office type jobs I was getting eben less exercise. Plus i wasn't watching what I eat and consuming tons of sweets. Eventually my big toe started feeling numb and I could feel the circulation to my legs wasn't as good. That was the wake up call. I was never fat or even chubby as i always had a good metabolism but i could body wasnt healthy. I went to a few docs, one told me I already had diabetes, another told me I had pre diabetes that would turn into diabetes any day, all told me id need to take insulin and there was nothing I could do. I refused to take insulin and said id change my lifestyle - every doc told me it was impossible and I was risking getting seizures and serious problems without taking insulin. Well I started slow, walking around during lunch breaks and when I got home, cutting out sweets, reading labels, and rhen started working out more and more and really watching what I eat. The numbness went away, my circulation is good again, and my blood work comes out all in range again. When I was in high school and first year of college id work out constantly - id run 5 miles a week and work out 4 to 5 days. I'm not in the same shape I was then but I'm getting close. My goal is to get back down to 8% body fat and bench 350 plus. It'll take another year or two but I'll get there.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
13 Aug 2018   #144
Since obesity is self-inflicted in 999,999 cases out of 1,000,000, the question yet to be answered is what is going on inside the head of a person who just stepped on the scale and realized that it shows 50 pounds more than it did 5 years ago. Like, for example, where did all that blubber come from? Is there anything I am doing wrong? What is going to prevent me from collecting another 50 pounds. Notice that I didn't write gaining.

The worst about obesity is that obese parents are very likely to have obese kids. It's hard to tell a child not to pig out while a pig. In some perverted sense, obesity is hereditary.

My goal is to get back down to 8% body fat and bench 350 plus. It'll take another year or two but I'll get there.

I peaked out at 315 and it was downhill from then on. It's amazing and scary how muscles get weaker with age even if the inches stay the same.

Obesity poses another danger for women: breast cancer.
5 Apr 2019   #145
Living in America I can not believe how many morbidly obese people I see today. It is like they do not have any pride in their personnel appearance let alone concern for their health. I can not believe that in Poland or any other nation on earth that there are as many obese people as here in the United States. I can not believe that the president of the United States can go on Television and say how wonderful things are when the minimum wage here is worth about half as much since the last time it was raised and the Social Security System is a disaster. You pay 406 dollars every three months for medicare which was before free. You now pay a social security tax of 7.65 percent when it was only 3 percent in 1961. This for vastly reduced benefits. Health care here only the poor who get it free and the wealthy can afford it. I wonder what is poor here anyhow I just about live from pay check to pay check and I can not begin to afford health insurance which has more than doubled in the last few years for vastly reduced benefits. You will be filling bankruptsy before the insurance pays anything. I could go on and on but you get the idea. You have a government here that is so busy trying to dig up dirt about the sitting president that they can not pay any attention to these vexing problems. It is a truly disgusting situation.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
5 Apr 2019   #146
It is a truly disgusting situation.

I could not agree with you more except for one thing: compared to the US, the rest of the world is skinny. Even the overweight ones.

I was at the international Terminal 5 at O'Hare yesterday to meet my "loved ones" coming back from Cancun. What hit me again was (1) that so few foreigners are overweight and (2) how pretty the foreign women are.

I do admit that the people who travel may not be a representative sample, but it was still good to see them.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
5 Apr 2019   #147
Read an article in last week's >Nowy Dziennik< about how Polish immigrants to the US are putting on weight as never before.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
5 Apr 2019   #148
Living in America I can not believe how many morbidly obese people I see today

This is starting to happen in the UK too now.
Where America leads Britain follows....
There is no excuse for it except stupidity.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
5 Apr 2019   #149
in fact there are a myriad of reasons. I mean, there have always been stupid people, not obese ones.
Cheap corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, for a start.
then move on to how children are now kept indoors as mollycoddled prisoners with an X box (no exercise)

School league tables meant that PE took second place and besides that , many school playing fields were sold off for housing.

Also, there is more poverty now, and if you don't have much money to spend on food, you are not going to buy kale and lentils. No, you treat yourself with a bag of sugary doughnuts.

There are more reasons but I will leave you to think of them yourself...:):)
jon357  72 | 22778
5 Apr 2019   #150
Also, there is more poverty now,

Yes. For a lot of people, when life says a great big no, comfort food is a yes. That and unheathy food being cheaper, as you implied.

School league tables meant that PE took second place and besides that

Nowadays kids in towns seem to play at home (probably on iPads), under the watchful eye of their parents. Back in the day we roamed for miles.

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