The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Are Silesians people German/Germanic?  2  3  4  5  6
What are the bike laws in Poland?
Lubuskie Region / Rąpice Cemetery
How eager are young Polish men (23-35) to date young Ukrainian women in Poland and subsequently start families
Poczta polska Coronavirus - packages from Ireland
Irish (live in London) moving to Poland  2
Penalty points on driving licences in Poland
Trying to interpret a letter from Poland
3 - Thank you very much for that info!...

LanguageNinaM - 15 May 2020NinaM - 16 May 2020
What is the cost of living per month for a single expat in Warsaw?
South African wants to move to Poland, please provide some input?  2
59 - Don't you know?...

Workjanajakkals - 12 Dec 2015Ironside - 14 May 2020
× A Third of Poland has declared itself to be an official "LGBT - Free Zone".
Do Poles watch Turkish soaps?
Where to buy Polish kielbasa online in the USA?
19 - PolishDeliOnline ships nationwide and has a huge selection, good prices....

USA, Canadafabianski - 28 Apr 2010Smacznego - 12 May 2020
Poland's Future in the EU under PIS  2
UK Polish Woman for Surrogate Mother
Mała "wpadka" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung :)
Any Polish Muslims in London?
× Goran Bregovic`s concerts banned from Poland ?
× URGENT: Chechens refugees found a Islamic State in Poland  2
Best Digital Banks in Poland (main account is in the UK)
12 - No. WordFirst is free; it has no transfer fees. I pay £9.50 if I transfer from my...

UK, IrelandRoibeard79 - 8 May 2020jon357 - 9 May 2020
Help with Polish Surnames and Variants Klepacki and Blasczyk
Renting flat/apartment with dog Gdansk?
24 - @Torq Thanks a lot....

Real EstateJars777 - 28 Oct 2011everhelpingmeet - 6 May 2020
Will corona kill my plans? Travel to Poland
Maximum alimony in Poland
Kava Kava friends in Poland?
Polish satellite TV abroad  2
Anton and Ottolie (Anna) Skierka
Hundreds Protest Against Lockdown at Polish-German Border
Coming to study at UITM Rzeszow, Poland
What is Poland going to be like in the 2050s?  2  3