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Is it going to be hard for me to find a part time Job in Warsaw?

27 Dec 2010   #1
I'm coming to Poland to study, right now I live in Chicago, and have for most of my life.
English is my first language but I am fluent in Polish and speak conversational Spanish.
I'm coming in March 2012, and starting college in September 2012, which means I'll have some time to work and save up money for the school year. My parents will of course be sending me money, but I don't want to be dependent on them and lower their standard of living just because they're sending me money. This was pretty long but the question is, will I be able to find a job to save up some money, and how will it pay? Here $8.50 is minimum wage, and I'm hearing that people make 4 zlote an hour, which is depressing to me. I have Polish citizenship, it's just a matter of getting the documents (Zameldowac sie i dostac ID) so I can legally work in Poland.
Wroclaw Boy
27 Dec 2010   #2
I should think you'll be able to find quite a bit of bar or restaurant work, being fluent in Polish will help immensely. I dont know the hourly rates but much more than 4 PLN / hour + tips i should think. Theres others from Warsaw who will know more.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Dec 2010   #3
In a bar/restaurant, you can expect between 8-12zl an hour. Use 10zl as a benchmark.

So - you can get about $3.50 an hour or so. Bear in mind that there's a lot of competition for jobs too - and you've got the disadvantage of not being seen as "native".
sobieski  106 | 2111
27 Dec 2010   #4
mcDonalds in Warsaw pays 14 PLN per hour
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
27 Dec 2010   #5

First of all ... welcome.

Secondly - why Poland? ... ofcourse its not to discourage you, but I was just curious.

And then you can get good jobs once you arrive here and make some friends.

Take care.
OP Klaudiaaa
29 Dec 2010   #6
Because I was born in Poland and moved to the States when I was younger. Being in the States isn't as glamorous as everyone tries to portray it, and I'm frankly tired of being here.

delphiandomine, I am a native. Hahaha, I was just raised in the States, but to someone who didn't know that, they'd never be able to tell.
Essa husain  - | 1
10 Oct 2012   #7
Merged: Living in Warsaw part time job availability?

hey all myself essa from Mumbai India im planning to do masters in computer science from Warsaw university of technology m excited as well nervous considering polish language as its hard to learn though im always keen to learn new things but this seems different

just wana know about living in Warsaw part time job availability i will be in need of it and future prospect of after completing my course

plzz help friends
sandy li
24 Jul 2014   #8
Merged: What part time job opportunities are available to me as a foreign student in Warsaw?

hi,everybody.i am a foreigner girl .i am from China.i just arrived in Poland for five months.i am going to long-term learning here .I hope my holiday can find a part-time job, but I found it is very difficult things . because I can't speak polish, only can speak simple, i think enter the professional I will learn polish, but I want to know any people in Warsaw want to learn Chinese . maybe I can teach you, maybe I can use English to teach you chinese, money is not a problem, I just want to exercise, maybe I can also learn a lot of polish,Or there are other opportunities to get a temporary job.
Monitor  13 | 1810
25 Jul 2014   #9
Advertise yourself in:

Mind that you cannot work legally without work permit, except of the time of summer break.
jasmine  - | 8
29 Oct 2014   #10
Merged: Study and Work together for single foreign student ?

Hi All,

I belong to Nepal, I want to study my masters in Poland. i want to know how is the education system there , and can i plan to stay there relying on my part time job ?? how is the living expenses like rental, phone, internet, foods , etc ?? how far is the english language spoken and will it help me to find part time job ??


Merged: Part time job and working hours for foreign student in Poland??

Hi all,

Can any one please let me know how many hours a foriegn (asian) student can work "part time" and what are the average payment they do ?? what could be the probable jobs found there ?? can a single female can plan to come poland , study and work , and live by owm ??

Please help!!!!

Monitor  13 | 1810
29 Oct 2014   #11
Why to study in Poland if you belong to Nepal?

i want to know how is the education system there

here you are:

and can i plan to stay there relying on my part time job ??

No, except if you can learn Polish at least to A2/B1 level before coming to Poland and you will manage to work any free time as house cleaner. You would also need somebody to help you get these jobs. As for legal jobs they don't pay enough to cover cost of your stay and studies and they don't employ part time people without good Polish.

how is the living expenses like rental, phone, internet, foods , etc ??

It's between 800zł and 2000zł depending on city and the style of life.

how far is the english language spoken and will it help me to find part time job ??

It's spoken by younger people only and it is not enough to get part time job.
jasmine  - | 8
29 Oct 2014   #12
Many thanks,

Regarding the same ,
Once i get my national visa(of 1 year ), what are the procedures and cost to convert it into other visa to work and live there , how expensive is it??

Can i assume that later on i can live permanently in europe after my studies ? is it possible ? or absolutely not ?

Please reply ,

Monitor  13 | 1810
29 Oct 2014   #13
Regarding the question you asked me in an email I don't know if it's possible to get transferred to an university in another country. I think that it's not easy. You would have to get accepted for the 1st year and perhaps they would honor some of the subjects passed in Poland. But not necessarily, so there is no point of going to Poland if you don't want to get your bachelor here.

Once i get my national visa(of 1 year ), what are the procedures and cost to convert it into other visa to work

As a student you have right to work in Poland, I am not sure, but probably up to 20h per week. It's automatic, no costs. Bigger problem would be to get a job without knowledge of Polish.

Can i assume that later on i can live permanently in europe after my studies ? is it possible ? or absolutely not ?

It's possible only if you get bachelor diploma from Poland which will allow you to work in Poland (as a graduate you get work permit, but you have chance for a job only if you will learn Polish language while studying.). Then you have to work in Poland for 3.5 years while staying on short term Visa. Only after that you will become permanent work permit allowing you to escape from poor Poland to rich west. If you don't graduate or don't get any job fast after graduation you will have to leave Poland, as your visa will expire.
jasmine  - | 8
1 Nov 2014   #14
I dont know your good name but Many thanks,
Yes i will certainly complete my study there frst.
I am currently working in an advertising company as media executive since 5/6 years.i handle media related tasks like planning releasing budgetng,maintaining sound relation with clients, vendors,and client .i am responsible to negotiate rates and costs.and help my company to raise profit overall.i work mostly in excel and ppt.Therefore i am keen intesrestd to study advertisng there .Hopefull y i will get simlar subject over there . How far am i right to choose european study poland study ??

Awaiting ,


Do you suggest me to hav any kindof training , courses like hairdressing , cooking, cofee making, like anythng now so tht later on i can use my such skills as back up skills ??

Please suggest !!!

Monitor  13 | 1810
2 Nov 2014   #15
I think that jobs in advertising in Poland are hard to get. As a foreigner you could count best for a job in some outsourcing center which are plenty in Poland. But there knowledge of European languages is important (usually not only English). Mostly IT, accounting and call centers are outsourced. Diploma of Polish university won't make you any more attractive candidate for a job in Poland. Only advantage would be the work permit. But you would still have to be accepted by some company in order to have chance to work and stay in Poland.

As for jobs while studying don't count for them. There is plenty of unemployed Poles which cannot get minimum salary job.
jasmine  - | 8
2 Nov 2014   #16
Many thanks,
Sounds pretty bad ..
But on positive note , what can be done for work permit if i reach there once with my one year national visa?
As we dont have any polish language learning institution here, beside that which european language do you suggest ??( french, germany ??)

I am planning for febraury session , i have some couple of months left to learn .

Good day ,

Monitor  13 | 1810
2 Nov 2014   #17
As we dont have any polish language learning institution here, beside that which european language do you suggest ??( french, germany ??)

Unless you're talented language learner you won't learn good enough foreign language in 2-3 years.

According to this website salaries are according to language popularity:
Popular and less payed: German, Romance
Not popular, so payed little more than previous: Hungarian, Norwegian
The most payed: Finnish, Hebrew

Arising growing numbers Shared Services Centers in Poland provide employment to many people with higher education. In addition to a master's degree are also counted interpersonal skills and languages knowledge. The more they are niche, the candidate can earn more. Specialist familiar with Finnish language will earn even 7.5 thousand zł gross, and the manager with the Hebrew 12 thousand zł gross.

Shared Services Centers is a separate organizational unit in which the services are provided (accounting, IT, payroll, personnel, etc.) for internal clients. This brings many benefits to businesses, among others eliminates duplicated implementation of activities in many places, reduces operating costs, increases efficiency of administration and improves the specialization. For us, this means more jobs and opportunities for development in an international corporation.
jasmine  - | 8
2 Nov 2014   #18
Thank you ,

Many regards and good wishes to you.


Will CELTA (from british council nepal ) course help me to find part time job/work in poland ?
I dont want to ask help from my family after i reach poland.
what kinds of work will help me to get work permit ?
And wat kind of work will not help me to get work permit in poland ?

Monitor  13 | 1810
23 Nov 2014   #19
Celta will not help you. Polish husband could help you.
DominicB  - | 2706
24 Nov 2014   #20
Will CELTA (from british council nepal ) course help me to find part time job/work in poland ?

If you're not a native speaker of English, then no, it would be a complete waste. There are plenty enough non-native English teachers in Poland that there would be no need to hire any from outside of the EU.

what kinds of work will help me to get work permit ?

Outside of IT, precious little that does not require serious high-level qualifications and abundant experience. In short, after reading your posts, I see nothing you can offer either now or in the next few years that would be in demand on the Polish job market. Your time would be better spent exploring opportunities elsewhere, because Poland is not the place for you.
jon357  72 | 23350
24 Nov 2014   #21
Will CELTA (from british council nepal ) course help me to find part time job/work in poland ?

Possibly, however as a non-native and without experience, you'd be restricted to the bottom end of the market, where there is currently an oversupply of people all chasing the same thing.

She could be deported for that.

Yes - such a shame. I miss the buskers and colourful ads. The Warsaw Metro has such a sombre and over-serious atmosphere.

At least the second line opens next month.
5 Jan 2015   #22
Merged: How to find a weekend job / part time job in Poland?


Can anyone guide me on how i can find some weekend job or part time job to make some extra money? Like i was thinking of at a resturant or may be at events or distributing advertisement pamphlets outside malls.

How can i find such jobs? And how much would these job usually be paid on an hourly basis?
pawian  224 | 27129
21 Jul 2020   #23
Like i was thinking of at a resturant or may be at events or distributing advertisement pamphlets

Now, in pandemia conditions, low paying jobs are scarcer than before.

Most jobs on this site are for skilled professionals.;wp
22 Jul 2020   #24
Aren't there part time options in call centers?
pawian  224 | 27129
22 Jul 2020   #25
Of course there still are call center jobs. But they write: attractive wages. I was talking about low paying jobs.,oferta,1000321636

Home / Work / Is it going to be hard for me to find a part time Job in Warsaw?

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