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Poland law and business related talk. Share and exchange your insight knowledge! (page 11)

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Street lighting and safety - what the law is in Poland?
International business trip, travel time reimbursement? How is it settled in Poland?
Polish Citizenship Confirmation - Religious Greek Marriage Certificate Problem
Open a restaurant in Poland - do I need a work permit? My karta pobytu has expired and I reapplied.
Poland's residency card fingerprints
"Sufficient funds" to register in Poland
Company in Poland, Import from China manufacture to an other EU country - VAT, duties.
3 - Easily. You get a local Spanish agent to clear the goods for you. If you want...

LawChinaRose - 11 Nov 2015 delphiandomine - 14 Nov 2015
Dual citizenship in both Poland and The United States - US passport used when married a Chinese. Visa for her?
Polish work visa refused - what should i do next?
Starting a business in Poland as a Norwegian (EU) citizen - without a work permit or Polish citizenship
American travelling to a non-Schengen country while still waiting for TEMPORARY residence card in Poland
Can I take training in Polish company without work permit?
7 - Thats very interesting, thank you for sharing this information....

LawMika92 - 21 Oct 2015 Mika92 - 21 Oct 2015
27 months of marriage with Polish wife but still UK home office not satisifed with our wedding
How many Cars can you register and then Sell in 1 year in Poland without a Dealer's license?
3 - As many as you want, as long as the tax is paid. Worth bearing in mind that...

LawOgorkiMike - 14 Oct 2015 delphiandomine - 20 Oct 2015
Do I still have to pay ZUS if I am married to a Polish citizen?
PESEL and Zameldowanie czasowe (temporary residence card) are no longer necessary in Poland?
Proving Polish roots for citizenship
2 - Where are you located? Contact your nearest Polish consulate/embassy....

Lawpolskipashporte - 29 Sep 2015 Jardinero - 29 Sep 2015
Lawyer fees for incorporation in Poland
Import car to Poland from NON-EU country (Switzerland) shipping costs and methods - what's the best
Leaving the country during Polish Karta Pobytu application
Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship?  2
Is it illegal in Poland / Schengen zone to transport refugees inside?
Can I receive Polish citizenship if my deceased father was a citizen of Poland before 1939?
Legalization Of Documents in Polish Embassy.
Did Polish citizens required to do military service after 1920 lose citizenship if they got it elsewhere?
Recommendation on a Service for Handling Documents Received from Poland
2 - I would be able to help you with this issue if you are still interested in this. I...

LawILoveMyDogs - 24 Aug 2015 Pol attorney - 24 Aug 2015
Employment forms and ZUS help (contributions as a self employed company in Poland)
Establishing LLC in Poland (register in Krakow, business in Warsaw) and work/residence permit
EU-citizens need residence to be freelancers in Poland?
How much is the fee for a divorce lawyer in Poland?
British National working in Poland -- is work visa or other legal formalities required?
I'm separated with my wife - can she apply for Polish passport without my consent?
Health Insurance Requirements for Poland Residency
Marriage Interview at Foreign Office in Poland - possible questions and chances for a negative response
Used vehicle bought in Poland - is it possible to unregister it from abroad?
Poland Travel Medical Insurance Query! Is it needed when my employer provides medical and life insurance?
Long Stay Proof of Income with an application to support myself in Poland
× No availability to apply for Poland's National Visa. Indian national married to Polish.
Purchasing used car contract in Poland
Poland's residence permit lost abroad?
Polish Business Immigration and TRP/TRC
Norwegian lad wishing to get a car driver's license in Poland but it's expensive
Certificate of no impediment to marriage in Poland -- Can't issue in my country.
Can I leave Poland with my children without my husbands written permission or not?
17 - @El-Easy: right! We did not hear the husband's point of view @Harry: why August 7?...

LawAlinka Malinka - 23 Jul 2015 InPolska - 24 Jul 2015
Do I have to register the car from USA in Poland?
Am I Polish (and eligible for Polish citizenship)?
6 - Many thanks for your help, terri...

Lawpolishkid506 - 22 Jul 2015 A-MKr - 25 Jun 2016
Radca prawny v adwokat?
What is the procedure of immigrating to Poland as a spouse of a Polish citizen? Citizenship through marriage.
11 - So you have no idea what you'll do here and no idea how to do it, but you...

Lawzev1985 - 19 Jul 2015 delphiandomine - 19 Mar 2016
Training with telescopic batons in Poland's public parks - is it legal without permits?
Inheritance and taking care of elderly parents in Poland
Weed laws in Poland
I'm on Schengen Visa - can I work in Poland? Post training.
6 - i am in same state as of above ! Can someone please help here...

Lawdiksj - 14 Jul 2015 Aquarian - 11 Sep 2017
My grandparents were born in Poland. Question about Polish Heritage and Potential Citizenship
Polish certificate exam level B1 and institution / few questions about the Polish language  2
Hot dog in hot car in Poland - illegal to break glass?
How to declare income from online services in Poland?
EU citizen - Register in Poland - Amount of a bank account
8 - Thank you all for your replies! :-D...

LawMars - 9 Jul 2015 Mars - 10 Jul 2015
Can you put a tow bar on your car in Poland?
Confirmation of Polish citizenship of my mother (born in Poland)

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